Sanguine Paradise

Chapter 36: [Day 11] – “Crimson Eyes”

Chapter 36: [Day 11] – “Crimson Eyes”

Day 11

"First off, why the hell is your magic power attribute so high?" - Me

"I, uh... I ate something" - Mia

"You ate something?" - Me

I was very confused as to what the hell eating something could have to do with her magic power being so high. But I could sense and see that she only had a body very much attuned to magic but no actual mana source to support it. So it has to be some weird circumstance that has caused this.

"Um, when I became a hunting leader my group and I were out on our first hunt with me in charge. We had wandered out longer than usual, as I wanted to find new hunting grounds. But suddenly some of the goblins accidentally stumbled onto a large mound of loose earth which collapsed, killing them. Under the mound was a small grove" - Mia

"Crawling down into the open space inside, I discovered a patch of ground in the middle of the grove with some red-tinged water surrounding. The air and smell inside were weird, almost sweet. In the middle of the patch of ground was a red glowing gem that seemed to have red veins extending from it into the earth and water surrounding it. Even the flowers, plants, and grass on the small mound of dirt, seemed to be fed by it." - Mia

"But this red gem was a very strange object. Whenever I commanded a goblin to go pick it up, they would suddenly shrivel up and die. So we managed to get it into a wooden container, and were about to leave as there was nothing else in interest there. But just as I was about to leave, I decided to go back and collect all the red fauna that was around the gem. On our way back, I for some reason tried to eat the plants, and to my amazement, they tasted great. Finishing them all, I went to rest but when I woke up I got a new trait and my appearance had changed..." - Mia

Very much intrigued, I mull over what she had said. This must definitely be crimson core, the description fits perfectly.

"Was it this trait that gave you all this increase in magic power?" - Me

"Uh... I guess. It's called crimson eyes, but the description doesn't explain anything and as I got stronger over time, my magic power attribute just increased. I still have no idea what use the trait is or what magic power even does for me" - Mia

"Do you still have the crimson co- um, red gem? Where is it?" - Me

Hearing my question, a slightly annoyed expression flashed on her face as if remembering something rather foul.

"Urgh- our tribe is a newly-formed one, and it's currently growing quite fast. So the previous hunting leader of my group was a goblin, but I replaced him as he was too weak. Now an insignificant goblin of the group, he stole the red gem while we were returning and has ever since disappeared." - Mia

Hearing that, everything clicked into place. That goblin who stole the crimson core has to be the one I met and killed way back when I found the crimson core. So the crimson core I assimilated should be the very same one that she found -huh. Mulling over what she had just told me, I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts as she spoke.

"Now it's time you answer my questions." - Mia

Already satisfied by her answers, I decide to indulge her in her curiosity. So I simply nodded.

"What is this feeling I that is radiating out in waves from you?" - Mia

"Ah, what can I say? I'm a stud" - Me

Only seeing a very confused hobgoblin before me, I falter as my joke apparently completely whiffed over her head. Sighing, I take a deep breath.

"Nevermind... I believe that the ruby gem you once found, was the exact same one that I've assimilated with." - Me

"Wait what... Assimilated?" - Mia

"Well, yeah... that gem you described is actually a core, and I had found one fitting your exact description, in the possession of a goblin not too long ago. When I found it, I assimilated it into my body." - Me

"What is a core?" - Mia

"It's a mana-source that allows for the use of magic and mana." - Me

Hearing this, her eyes go wide.

"Really?!" - Mia

I could easily see that a million things went through her mind, so I gave her minute to think things through. Visibly calming herself down to return to her usual calm demeanor, she looks back up to me and puts out her hand palm facing up.

"Give it back" - Mia

Staring at her in bewilderment for a full second or two, I suddenly launch into a fit of laughter.

"What the hell makes you think I'd give it to you? Even if I wanted to, I can't. It has quite literally fused with my body." - Me

"Well fine then, I'll just cut out from your body" - Mia

Standing up she suddenly pulled her dagger strapped to her hilt. Seeing her lunge for me I just sigh.

It would seem that I've been too generous with her, not allowing her to know who the fuck she's actually talking with. Right before the dagger reached me, I let my killing intent radiated on in large and overwhelming pulses. Her face going pale, she could barely even could react as I slapped her blade to the side and grabbed her by the neck.

"Now... listen here -missy! I'm the master here, and I won't tolerate such behavior. I will let this one slide like I did for the big hobgoblin loaf. But the next time this happens, I won't be so nice. You need to understand, I have no intention of hurting you. But I can't help it if you force me to. Okay?" - Me

Completely subdued and unable to even breathe properly, she stared at me with something unreadable in her eyes. While I had expected the fear to be in them, something different was coloring them too, wait- is that astonishment?

Barely nodding as I was holding her by the neck, I let my graps loosen and she falls on her ass since she didn't fully control over her legs yet.

"It's about time you left." - Me

Utterly baffled, she just winched as she rubbed her now sore ass. But I was quite surprised as a distinct blush flashed on her face. And after seeing that I had noticed, she bolted and ran out the hut.

Hearing the flap of the cloth covering the entrance being pushed to the side in a haste, Bob over in the bed bolted up in with his weapon drawn looking for any danger.

Are you serious... After all that, you first wake up now?

Seeing him still trying to figure out what happened, I just chuckled as I left the hut. Outside it was a chaos of greenskins running around, seemingly confused. They weren't fussing up a storm but it seemed that the going around asking for something. I spotted one of the hobgoblin leaders, the one I had originally found.

Appearing by his side, he bolted to the side in shock.

"What is your name?" - Me

"I-I, uh I'm..." - ???

Seeing him only stammer out a reply, I give up uninterested.

"Nevermind. What is all the commotion about?" - Me

"T-they are all the goblins and hobgoblins under Shoota's command. But now that he's dead... um -they're trying to find a new group to join." - ???

"Shoota? Oh- that bow-wielding one... Well tell them all to stop, I will assign them all tonight. So for the actual reason, I came was to tell you, that all goblins and hobgoblins need to assemble tonight. I have a new "ritual" for your tribe's induction into both your new chief's care and my care. Understood?" - Me

"Y-Yes! I will m-make sure it happens." - ???

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