Sanguine Paradise

Chapter 38: [Day 11] – “The Blood Moon Tribe”

Chapter 38: [Day 11] – “The Blood Moon Tribe”

Day 11

Since this time I was going to be working with a glyph that originated from blood magic, I had already ordered a hobgoblin to gather the corpse of the previous chief and put him into the hut. Allowing him to stink over in the corner, I simply ignore it. Luckily I've gotten somewhat used to the smell of death, although it's still quite disgusting.

Picturing a glyph in my mind's eye first, I choose a random glyph. Beginning to form the basic glyph I instantly realize the difficulty of forming this one is many times harder than the foundation glyph. Although you could barely even distinguish the vague form of the blood glyph I've formed, I could easily feel the palpable power radiating off it.

Unfortunately, the glyph seemed to like dispersing anytime I lost focus, which made had me redoing it many times over. On my 8th attempt, I noticed a slight oddity. This time the glyph was much more distinct, and the feeling was even more powerful. But the thing that had caught my attention, was that the blood from the body of the dead hobgoblin chief was doing something unnatural, to say the least.

While it was almost imperceptible, I could see some of the blood that had yet to coagulate or crust over, was ever so slowly moving towards me. Keeping an eye on the blood, I disperse the glyph I had just formed. Confirming my thoughts, the blood stopped as soon as the glyph ceased to exist.

Is this the function of this glyph or is it just an effect of using glyphs related to blood magic? Very intrigued I was just about to continue as a familiar hobgoblin's voice interrupted me from outside the hut.

"Uhh.... M-master?" - ???

I could easily identify the voice as the one belonging to the one I had ordered to assemble the tribe tonight. Wondering what the hell he would need me for already, I call out.

"What you need quickly, I'm currently busy." - Me

"I-I've assembled the tribe, and we're ready for you." - ???

Huh? Why are they already assembled? Wait... how long have I been practicing my magic for?

Looking around, I notice that night had already fallen from the lack of light inside the hut and the light from bonfires and torches outside. Although the process of doing magic is exhausting and mentally taxing, it's actually quite fun. So it would seem I've spent an entire day without realizing it... huh.

Getting up, I move towards the entrance of the hut. Moving aside the cloth cover, I was greeted with a similar scene from the feast yesterday. All the greenskins were sitting in silence looking very confused as to why they were gathered, and Bob had already taken his seat while chomping down merrily on a roasted beetle.

I walk straight out into the middle of the feasting grounds. I was surrounded by crowds of goblins and hobgoblins, who were all looking vehemently at me. Before I could start speaking, I noticed multiple hushed voices in the crowds of greenskins. It wasn't hard to guess that my rule was still questioned, as I've yet to present my actual position of power before them all.

With that in mind, I slowly let my killing intent loose. In long and overwhelming waves, my menacing aura of killing intent pulses out. It doesn't take long before the crowds take an instinctive step backward, as some goblins stare in horror with pale faces and stiffened bodies. Over by the hobgoblin leaders, the big hobgoblin had a scowl plastered on his face, while the hobgoblin who gathered the tribe had somewhat of an unreadable expression.

For Bob, he was simply grinning happily at my display of dominance. But most interesting was Mia who was actually blushing trying to look away and hide it but failing miserably. Done quelling any foreseeable problems regarding my strength, I speak up so all can hear.

"I've gathered you all here tonight for two reasons. First reason, who am I?" - Me

Looking towards Bob I smile.

"I do not have a name... yet. But Bob, your new chief is my serva- no, he is my right hand. That means you all are under my command, so you will address me as master, and nothing else." - Me

"The second reason is to grant all of you the gift of my blood." - Me

Hearing my statement murmurs began all around. They were clearly confused as to why that was a gift. Not missing a beat, I point out two goblins from the crowd. Side by side before me now was two nervous goblins. Quickly picking one, I punctured a small wound in my wrist which allowed my blood to slowly appear. Grabbing one of the goblins by its jaw, I squeezed it open and allowed five drops to drip into its now open mouth.

[LVL: 9 Goblin has been afflicted with the Blood Plague!]

Standing there, immensely confused, was the goblin who I had just infected. But the next moment, red-tinged air seemed to start steaming off it. Muscles bulging, eyes becoming bloodshot, skin acquiring a red hue, the goblin who had just ingested five drops of the most potent strengthening variant of my blood I could produce was looking a lot more menacing.

Standing off by the side, the other goblin who had been pointed out looked terrified and scared. But it immediately blanched at hearing my next words.

"Fight" - Me

Barely able to keep itself conscious from the stress, the only thing that kept it awake was the suddenness of the infected goblin's attack. Without hesitation, the infected goblin had lunged for the horrified goblin. It didn't take a clever head to guess how the fight went. With the now partially dismembered goblin on the ground, I look to the new faces of astonishment plastered on each and every greenskin around.

"This, is the gift of my blood. Look at your new chief, he was once a small weak goblin. But after he met me, I made him strong! Look at him now. Take my gift, and become strong." - Me

While of course, Bob has exceptional potential and was naturally much inclined to become powerful. This display I had just shown, was more than enough to entirely devote the tribe to me. All around loud cheers and hoots rang out at my proclamation. If anything, greenskins respect, love, and most of all craved power.

"Tonight, only a few will be qualified to receive my gift. All the hobgoblin leaders will be receiving my boon, as well as the rest of the hobgoblins. Those hobgoblins who can prove themselves in combat tonight at this fighting arena will receive more than the standard amount of my blood and will also receive a name, personally granted by me. Every two days, we will hold this ritual. Tonight it's only for the hobgoblins but next time it's for everybody who's not weak!" - Me

Another round of loud roars of excitement rang out in the tribe. Tonight I wanted to only give the hobgoblins my blood since I didn't have enough to properly give all of the tribe in one night. The reason why I also wanted them to fight, was to see if I could find any lucky hobgoblins who has a talent or some potential like Bob. Mostly so I could raise them as soon as possible.

Moving over to the seats of honor, I stand before the first of the hobgoblins, the big loaf.

"What do you seek?" - Me

He was at first confused at my question, but soon he steeled his gaze and looked me straight in the eyes as he replied.

"I want to crush all enemies who stand before me!" - ???

Letting wound flow again, I let a slow trickle of blood drip into his mouth.

[LVL: 18 Hobgoblin has been afflicted with the Blood Plague!]

"Then I name you Grog, leader of the bashers" - Me

Moving on, I now standing before the hobgoblin who essentially led me to this tribe.

"What do you seek?" - Me

Taking a moment, he looked down in contemplation. But it didn't take him long before looking back up was resolve on his face.

"I seek to serve" - ???

I was surprised at his answer at first but I simply smiled as I poured blood into his open mouth. This time I gave even more blood than I did to Grog. And Grog definitely noticed it, as he scowled in jealousy. But I just ignored it and simply continued.

[LVL: 15 Hobgoblin has been afflicted with the Blood Plague!]

"I name you Darkan, leader of the reavers" - Me

Hearing his new name, he looked on with obvious joy.

Moving on to the last hobgoblin, I now stand before Mia.

"What do you seek?" - Me

Without missing a heartbeat and not even showing a shred of hesitation, she answered.

"I seek power" - Mia

Grinning from ear to ear, I ripped open an even larger wound and held my wrist over her open mouth. This time I didn't stop the flow. I continued until I could feel that the quality within her was at the peak. Her answer, combined with the determination I saw in her eyes, stirred something in me. She would most definitely be promising in the future.

[LVL: 18 Hobgoblin has been afflicted with the Blood Plague!]

"I name you Mia, leader of the blood daggers." - Me

While the blood I gave to the first goblin to demonstrate the power of my blood, was the strengthening blood and would wear off after a few minutes. It would just leave a normal afflicted goblin. But the blood I've been giving to Bob and the leaders was a new variant. This blood was especially focused on enhancing and fusing with the bodies of the afflicted, in hopes that the blood will have an easier giving them perks and abilities.

Looking around at the surrounding greenskins, I suddenly bellowed out towards to moonlit sky above.

"This tribe is now the Blood Moon Tribe!" - Me

Following howls of excitement and "Blood Moon" chants rang out. After letting a wave of intent from me silence them, I spoke.

"It's time that you all proved your worth to me!" - Me

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