Scandal Supermodel

Chapter 2361: Electric current stimulation!

Chapter 2361: Electric current stimulation!

The numbers began to fluctuate up and down in an extremely unstable manner!

One second it was very high, and the next it was low.

although the blue team wasn’t very professional in this, when they looked at the watch, their eyes turned red and they suddenly jumped up. i have to stop!”

The Three Doctors quickly nodded and immediately slowed down the flow of the current.

However, the data was still jumbling up.

The four of them watched anxiously until the electric current was reduced to zero according to the required speed. Their expressions were extremely serious.

Fortunately, after the electric current stopped, the master Doctor’s Data finally stabilized.

she had fainted.

And in between, he actually went into shock for a few seconds.

It’s too terrifying, Tao Wu.

with lingering fear, the four of them hurriedly began to check on the master doctor’s physical condition.

There was nothing unusual in the indicators, but her expression was not good. She seemed to be exhausted.

they didn’t have any other way at this time. they could only give her some nutrient infusion bottles, then take her blood for testing, and then put her in an absolutely comfortable environment to let her rest well.

The head doctor had rested for seven days.

She had slept for a full seven days.

therefore, during this period, all the communication with an xiaowan and the rest were blocked by the others and they gave positive replies. Of course, this was also what the master doctor had told him in advance.

When she woke up, she only felt that her entire body was extremely weak.

His mind was in a mess.

she seemed to have recalled something, but it was more of a mess and blurry. something seemed to have surfaced, but she didn’t have the strength to clean it up.

“master doctor! you’re awake?” when lan fang came in to change the humidifier in the room, he immediately saw the master doctor leaning against the head of the bed, her eyes dazed and listless.

her face was as white as a sheet of paper, and she had lost a lot of weight.

“Master doctor, are you alright? how do you feel?” lan fang hurriedly went over and looked at the master doctor. his face was filled with nervousness and anxiety, but there was also surprise and happiness.

These seven days had been torturous for everyone.

If it weren’t for the fact that the master doctor’s test results and the data report showed that she didn’t have any problems, they would have taken other measures long ago.

The head doctor remained silent.

“how long have i been sleeping?” he finally asked after a long while.

“Seven days,”

“look at my stats.”

lan fang was startled, and hurriedly printed out the latest copy, and showed the master doctor every day’s records.

After half an hour of reading, the master doctor suddenly raised her head and said, ” tomorrow, we’ll continue the second time.

” what??? ” lan fang turned pale with fright, ” master doctor! don’t be so ridiculous! Your body won’t be able to withstand such continuous torture!”

the head doctor’s eyes were firm, ” i must know my past. I feel like I’m just a little bit away from it. ”

“master healer huanhuan”

The second time, the effect was stronger, but the master doctor didn’t sleep for that long.

she had just woken up when an xiaowan’s plan began.

that night, after the call ended, she fell into a deep sleep.

After that, they discussed the plan together and started today’s operation.

no one noticed the change in her heart. after all, she was no different from usual.

however, when he saw an xiaowan in danger, he suddenly had a different impulse.

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