Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 178 Lady Of The Night (2)

"Lily listen to me very carefully okay… we are both going to get out of here… I promise you," Mary whispered gently as she calmed down her panicked twin.

In the original Mary's memories, their roles had actually been reversed since she had suffered a massive panic attack when she realised what was going on.

At that time Lily was the one who comforted her and told her that everything was going to be okay.

"Now I am going to bite through the ropes holding your hands together and when you are free, I want you to immediately untie the rope around your ankles," Mary whispered quietly.

"But what about you?" Lily replied with a concerned look on her face.

"It is important that one of us is fully freed first… otherwise we will both be in danger…" Mary replied confidently.

She did not tell her sister the whole truth, but her assured tone helped to ease Lily's mind.

Mary shuffled forward and groaned as the van made a sudden turn and her body slammed against the wall.

She shot a quick glance at the vampire driving the vehicle and got a better look at his appearance.

He was a small slender figure with unnaturally pale skin. He wore an oversized black jacket and a pair of ill-fitting brown pants.

He must have been no taller than five foot one and his short appearance would not be perceived as threating at least at first glance.

That is until one saw his pair of deep crimson eyes that glowed with a hypnotic light that made it hard to look away.

Two large fangs jutted out from the top of his mouth, and it was clear that he was trying to resist the urge to feed.

He kept staring at the bleeding young man in the reflection of the mirror and saliva slowly dripped down the side of his mouth.

There wasn't much time left…

Mary furrowed her brows and inched forward painfully with every muscle in her body screaming out in protest.

She opened her mouth and bit down on the knot that tied the pieces of rope around her sister's arms.

Mary winced since the rope had an unpleasant taste. God knows where this rope had been before the vampires tied it around their bodies.

Still, she was determined to free her sister and kept chewing at the knot hoping desperately that she would be able to rip apart the thin rope.

Mary hissed in pain as a loose strand of the rope snapped backwards and hit her directly in the face.

Lily looked at her with concern, but Mary shook her head and motioned for her twin to be quiet no matter what happened.

She needed to save her sister.

She needed to save her sister.

She needed to save her sister.

The raw conviction in her heart kept repeating over and over again in her mind as she ignored the pain and kept gnawing at the rope.

The minutes that passed felt like hours as Mary was aware that the clock was slowly ticking down with every passing second.

She could feel her heart beating rapidly as she could not help but take an occasional glance at the driver's seat.

The vampire driving the van was now breathing heavily and a thick pool of saliva was beginning to form under his feet.

He would not last for much longer…

Finally, Mary managed to rip apart a crucial part of the knot and Lily was able to wriggle her way out of the binds.

"Nice work sister!" Lily quietly whispered.

Mary gave her a small smile and then gestured towards the rope that were binding her ankles.

Lily nodded seriously and then used her now freed hands to untie the knots. There was a clear expression of relief on her face and hope filled her heart.

Mary frowned slightly and moved her body so that it blocked what Lily was doing. The prisoners inside the van were victims but that did not mean that they were her allies.

Some of them had the mentality of crabs in a bucket.

They would rather no one escape rather than someone other than themselves.

Fortunately, their attention was solely focused on the young man who was trying desperately to stem his bleeding leg.

It did not take a genius to know what would happen if he could not stop the bleeding especially with a vampire nearby.

"Lily… pretend that you are still tied up even when you free your legs," Mary softly whispered as she adjusted the position of her body.

There was a loud braking noise and the van shuddered to a stop.

Tension filled the air, and one could only hear the sounds of heavy breathing as no one dared to move a single muscle.

"Lily… no matter what happens… focus on freeing yourself… do not look no matter what…" Mary solemnly whispered with a serious tone.

Her sister froze for a brief moment and stared into her eyes as if searching for something.

She must have realised the seriousness of the situation because she looked at the ground and just concentrated on untying the rope binding her ankles.

Mary could feel her body involuntarily begin to shiver as she watched the vampire slowly get up from his seat and walk towards the injured young man.

Goosebumps rose up along her arms and legs as she watched the monster unhinge his jaw so wide that it appeared to be unnatural.

The young man screamed in terror, but his voice was cut off as the vampire lunged forward and sank his fangs into the man's neck.

The prisoners in the van began to cry out for help and plead for mercy as they watched the horrific sight.

"Heavenly father… please…"

"Save us! Save us!"

"Not my child! Not my child!"

Mary forced herself to look as she watched the hungry vampire drain all the blood from his unwilling victim.

The young man's face got paler and paler, and the sounds of the feeding frenzy echoed through the van.

"Lily… don't you dare stop untying… don't you fucking dare…" Mary whispered seriously as she could tell that her sister had stopped moving.

She didn't mean to curse but the horror of the situation unfolding right before her eyes made the word simply slip out.

The vampire moaned in pleasure as the rush of tasting human blood brought some colour back to his unnaturally pale face.

The young man was now motionless and only the occasional rise and fall of his chest gave any indication that he was still alive.

Finally, the vampire stopped feeding and stood up from the ground with blood splattered all over his face and lower chin.

He sneered at the frightened humans in the van with his crimson eyes an even darker shade of red than before.

He glanced down at the unconscious body of the young man and for a brief moment one could see the temptation that flashed across his face.

Vampires were insatiable.

Once they got the taste or smell of blood… there was nothing that could stop them from feeding for eternity.

Very few had the self control necessary to stop themselves once they began to feed and the vampire in the van was not one of them.

Eventually the temptation won, and the vampire dove back on top of his unconscious meal and this time he did not stop.

Lily gently poked the side of Mary's back and leaned forward until her lips were mere inches away from her sister's ear.

"I'm free… what do you want me to do now? Should I free your arms?" Lily asked quietly as she refused to look at the terrible sight.

"Untie my ankles first… I don't think we have much time…" Mary replied softly as she shifted her legs until they were closer to her sister.

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