Seized by the System

Chapter 105: We’ll Be Able To Fly For Free In The Future

Chapter 105: We’ll Be Able To Fly For Free In The Future

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Fang Ning looked at the System Notification, and took another glance at the time. He really wanted to sleep; he hadn’t had a good night sleep yesterday.

Fang Ning said, “I can finally have a good night sleep now. This is so tiring! Ah, right, you should take over the body first and fly us back home as a dragon.”

The System retorted, “Yeah, right. I’m not taking over, we’ve established that it’s your relief week already, and I will not care how you get yourself back home. I’m going to cultivate in isolation for a week now; I could finally level up and train some skills properly after we’ve collected so many Experience Points.”

Fang Ning blinked, “Ah, okay, so you’re holding a grudge huh?”

The System snorted, “Nope. I’m not like you humans who would be angered and hold grudges. It doesn’t benefit me anyways.”

Fang Ning said, “Wow, how convincing. Your eyes almost caught fire by the amount of anger you have when you stared at the Elder Ancestor of the Bai Family, okay?”

The System replied, “Well, I’ll take over and get your body home if you explain to me what the words from before meant.”

“I don’t need your help to go home; I just thought of a quicker way. The offer remains, ten million for the meaning of the conversation earlier.” Fang Ning proposed.

The System made a counter-offer, “Half a million.”

Fang Ning deadpanned, “Here, let me inform you that we humans don’t do haggling like this. You know what, forget it, half a million it is. Basically, Bodhisattva Spirit King must’ve had the same intentions with the Elder Ancestor, which is to become a Godly figure in our world. You remember that, right? We heard about this from Gui Er last time.”

The System answered, “Yeah, of course I remember. Old Bai even wanted to kill us after he became a God. You’re the one who gave me a perfect plan after I finished cultivating in isolation. After I finished cultivating, you can give me a perfect plan, and then we’ll bring Bodhisattva Spirit King along to take Old Bai out of the picture first.”

Fang Ning nodded, “Then it’ll be easy to explain. He must’ve mistakenly assumed that we’re also going for the Godly status after he heard you parading nonsense terms like heavenly justice around like nobody’s business. He probably thought that we’re thinking of becoming a high ranking Godly being. He announces his support to us early on, assuming that this would be a bigger compensation than material compensations like money or treasure as it required him to put his honor and reputation on the line.”

The System sighed, “He’s better off giving us money and treasures… As long as we continue to cultivate and level up, we’ll be able to achieve immortality, longevity, and a free and happy life anyways. Next time, you can tell him that we don’t need his support, and would much prefer treasures and scriptures as compensation for demon slaying. If he doesn’t have that, he could give us some money too…”

Fang Ning shook his head, “You’re such a useless piece of trash…”

The System defended, “What trash? Those are the things that we actually need to increase our abilities. He does have a good number of these good things, though; we somehow would manage to get something good from him whenever we meet him.”

“Alright, alright,” Fang Ning said, “I get it, I’ll let him know that you, sir, have a very distinct taste when it comes to matters like this. Of course, I would never negatively affect Vigilante A’s image.”

The System nodded, “I have no worries when it comes to your skill in handling people, Host. Okay, I need to go cultivate now, go use your body as you wish.”

“Wait, will there be any problem if I use this body for a whole week? Vigilante A’s body is so powerful, would there be problems of me losing control of my strength and destroying everything in my path?”

The System reassured, “Don’t worry, I have the surveillance thread open. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Fang Ning then asked, “Oh, then can I play around with Vigilante A’s martial arts for a few days? I promise I won’t leak my identity.”

“No. You don’t know my martial arts anyway, how do you plan to play with it? Why don’t you hold yourself back for this week and not play so you can wait for me to finish theorizing the rest of the True Bodhi Tactics? Then, you can quickly start learning it. That’s a much better way to show off than martial arts.”

Fang Ning quickly stopped that thought, “Don’t, I’ve been working overtime for 8-9 days straight already. Let me rest properly for a week, please. I’ll get the flight home to sleep.”

The System asked, “The flight? What flight…”


After some time, Relentless Swordsman Xue “The Flight” Feng landed before Vigilante A.

Vigilante A said, “I’ve exhausted myself too much after I slayed demons continuously. I had no choice but to trouble you again.”

Xue Feng nodded expressionlessly. “Please stand on top of the sword, Venerable One.”

Fang Ning commanded Vigilante A’s body to walk towards the sword and stood steadily. He was not afraid; Sir System already mentioned about the surveillance thread and had guaranteed his safety. Even if he was to fall from the sky, he would just need to transform into a dragon! With this, of course he wouldn’t have many worries.

A blinking moment later, the two men had arrived at the farm villa in the outskirts of Qi City. The flight was indeed a quick one.

Vigilante A did not immediately take his leave upon arrival. Instead, he stood there, daydreaming. Xue Feng did not urge the hero to leave either. Instead, he also stood there quietly, and the two men just stood in silence, deep in their own daydreams.

In the System Space.

Fang Ning asked, “Sir System, look at this maneuvering force that’s so much better than your dragon form. Even though you could defeat this boy with just one paw, you won’t be able to even touch the end of his hair if he were to start flying. Can’t you learn the Sword Handling Technique as well? If you don’t have the scripture, I could help you ask Xue Ba the Dog.”

The System explained, “I’m not going to bite off more than I can chew. Now, both the Dragonization Ability and the Atmospheric Morality Technique don’t even have enough EXP to level up. Besides, I can’t just simply pick up skills that don’t fit into my Martial Art System. We’ll talk about this more after I finished training in isolation.”

Fang Ning said, “Okay, the curve slag will not think about giving advice to the curve wrecker here. Oh, also, remember to give him some compensation.”

The stingy Sir System was unhappy. “Why do we still need to give him compensation? We helped the world slay a demon, right, shouldn’t they be the one rewarding us?”

Fang Ning was speechless. “If we’re working for the Truth Department, of course he’ll be free, but we’ll do our own work outside of the Truth Department too, right? If we were to tip him now, we’ll be able to call him to be our driver next time too.”

Realization hit the System hard. “Oh, you want him to be on standby whenever we need him in the future, huh? This is easy. I sensed that his power also comes from inhaling vitality and cultivating magical energy. Coincidentally, we got one Element Replenishment Sarira Pearl left after we got them from the Bodhisattva last time…”

Fang Ning immediately interrupted the System. “Good sir, I said to just tip him, there’s no need to be so generous, no? Even I felt pain when I heard that. That’s a talisman! We only have a few with us, and you’re planning of giving one out?”

The System once again did not disappoint Fang Ning. “That’s impossible! I haven’t finished my sentence yet. That pearl has a large amount of magical energy stored within. Since I haven’t learned the skill to convert magical energy to vital energy, we’ll have no use for it for now. We could give him a small amount as tip.”

Fang Ning sighed in relief, “Okay, alright. That’s why I’m confused, how would you be so generous out of the blue?”

After the two finished their discussion, Vigilante A ended his daydream.

Vigilante A said, “Thanks for your hard work, Leader Xue. It must’ve exhausted a substantial amount of your magical energy, right?”

Xue Feng answered, “It’s fine. As long as I don’t control the sword to fly in combat, it wouldn’t cost me too much magical energy. The sword has its own formation, and it would fly using Atmospheric Vitality most of the time. My magical energy would only be used to control the direction it flies to.”

Fang Ning lost his words. ‘What an honest child! Once you say this, Sir System would definitely cut down the tip it prepared for you.’

And that was exactly what Sir System did.

Vigilante A said, “I never associate myself with earthly possessions. Here, this is a little gift from me to you.”

Xue Feng remained expressionless. He just bowed his head and thanked the hero. He never cared about the compensation, but he would not complain either if the hero wanted to give it to him. If he were to reject it, they would be stuck in an endless cycle of courtesy that would be too troublesome to deal with.

To him, the hero would probably just give him some money. He’s just a rented pilot this time around; he didn’t even do much.

Instead, he saw the hero extending one of his fingers towards himself, and the next thing he felt was a small gush of white air fusing into his body. Initially, he did not feel anything, but it only took a moment for shock to register on his face: The magical energy is extremely refined!

That small gust of white air had a hint of the Branding of the Spiritual Sense within, and it was neutral and peaceful. Don’t underestimate it due to its amount; once it went into its body, that white gust of air settled down and condensed into a speck of dust. It was like a seed that was not in conflict with his own magical energy.

When he sensed it, this magical energy seed was like an independent monk, void of any intentions of stubbornness and greed. It sat, pure and unadulterated, welcoming him to go and feel the meaning that came with it. This was an extremely valuable gift.

Even his teacher would not have such an uncontaminated magical energy! His teacher cannot compare to this. Immediately, Xue Feng bowed in appreciation and spoke respectfully, “Xue Feng professes his sincere gratitude to the Venerable One. Thank you for enlightening me. If there’s any need for me in the future, I’ll be willing to contribute as if I’m your disciple as long as I have to official responsibilities to handle, Venerable One.”

Xue Feng thought that the gift was intended to lead him to a way of magical energy cultivation. Of course he would need to bow respectfully and treat the hero as his teacher after receiving such a valuable gift.

The spirit of inclusivity and the act of knowledge sharing and discussion was much encouraged now, and this magical energy seed holds a high value for him as a reference point in his future cultivation.

Vigilante A nodded. “No problem. You can take your leave now.”

As he watched Xue Feng flew away with his sword in a hurry, he heard Sir System whining, displeased. “Why did I feel like he had gotten a great deal out of that tip? DId I still tipped him too much?”

Fang Ning sighed. “You gave the bare minimum… it’s just that you could level up by farming monsters and have an extremely powerful vitality in your dragon form that you no longer care about the likes of vitality and magical energy. I, on the other hand, understand that the energy comes from Bodhisattva Spirit Kinng. He’s an actual Bodhisattva that descended into our realm. Any miniscule amount of his magical energy would have been a godsend treasure for the average cultivators.”

The System replied, “Oh, so that’s what happened. I would tip him so much because I still don’t understand what’s going on with their vitality cultivation method. I’ll never make that mistake again.”

“Enough of that. Xue Feng is one of us, and we’ll benefit from whatever benefit he gains from the gift. At least we’ll be able to fly for free in the future! Think of the time, effort, and money that we would save. Your gift was not in vain, no? I’ll let Xue Ba dictate all the books it reads before this. Even if you’re worried about conflicting Martial Arts System, you could always memorize it without learning it. Then, you’ll know about everything, no?”

Fang Ning has just finished talking when he noticed a commotion at his feet. As he looked down, he realized that both the Yellow and Black Dogs have somehow made their way here, and had been lying here on the ground looking at him since God knows when.

Well then. He just mentioned the Yellow Dog during the conversation with Sir System just seconds ago, and the dog was now here already. He even got Brett the Black Dog with him! Their minds must’ve been in sync- no, wait, he’s not going to sync his mind with a bachelor dog, no!

Ah, okay, at least he could show himself off to the audience.

Fang Ning coughed a few as he recalled all the bosses he had seen during the annual recognition ceremony. Then, he started to speak to his two subordinates. He’s not using the Venerable White Dragon here, no, that’s not flashy enough…

Vigilante A said, “Hm, even though the demon slaying this time is exhausting, we still completed it perfectly. Black Dog Bret, go and let Zheng Dao make a call to that Fang restaurant and get that master chef here. We’ll host an actual Demon Slaying Dinner tonight! Yellow…”

The Black Dog immediately disappeared with a whoosh, as if it was a sprinter that could run a 100 meters in 10 seconds.

Fang Ning bit out internally. ‘D*mn, I didn’t even manage to finish my words…’

Xue Ba the Yellow Dog turned to look at the direction where the Black Dog left. Its face was filled with smugness as it thought, ‘Look at that black dude running so fast after he heard that he could eat without even contributing anything. Heh, now I don’t need to worry about you hogging all the attention…)

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