Seized by the System

Chapter 157: Making Sure the Vile Snake Will Never Again Cheat Other Demons

Chapter 157: Making Sure the Vile Snake Will Never Again Cheat Other Demons

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After meeting up with the Truth Department, Vigilante A went into a recluse for another three days to cultivate before heading to the promised location with Sky Eagle.

Seeing the fire dragon, Sky Eagle said, “Brother Dragon, I have completed arranging for my successors. Let’s start looking for the snake…”

The fire dragon said, “Good, the past three days had been pretty restless for me.”

Sky Eagle apologized, “So sorry for delaying your ambition of ridding the world of evil. It’s mostly because I couldn’t find anyone as clever as I am among my descendants so I could only choose those who are comparatively better. However, it may be a good thing that they’re not as smart, at least, they won’t need to face their Inner Demons like me. After all, after taking care of the snake, this place would be enough for them…”

Fang Ning muttered to the System, “This guy is really vain…”

The System said, “Just like you.”

The eagle’s eyesight was much better than a certain counterfeit dragon’s eyes.

Within half a day of flying in the air, Sky Eagle managed to bring the fire dragon around the relatively tiny Land of Heritage. Soon enough, they managed to locate the trails of the king cobra on the ground.

The king cobra had been taking extra care to travel along the woods and the mountains, avoiding an extended time being in the open.

Sky Eagle pointed at a patch of woods below and said, “Shaz entered that part of the woods which housed a pretty large lizard tribe with two geniuses.”

The fire dragon said, “Alright, let’s go there.”

Sky Eagle looked at the fire dragon with a slight trepidation, “Brother Dragon, your imposing presence might alert the snake if we get closer.”

The fire dragon said, “This is easy…”

As he finished, Vigilante A turned back into his human form floating in mid-air. His draconic presence was hidden away completely.

Sky Eagle could not believe its eyes and said with admiration, “The true dragon’s body with a true transformation by will, everything that was said is true. I have always prided myself with a pair of eyes that can see through all forgeries of the world. But your transformation, every single sense that I possess tells me that this is a human with no hints of a dragon…”

“However, this face looked like it was adjusted a little. Such an unforgettable, handsome face. We must be pretty similar ourselves.”

The System said, “What is this birdbrain yapping about? Translation please, Host.”

Fang Ning said, “It meant two things. Firstly, it didn’t know the fire dragon was originally a human, and secondly, it assumed the art of disguise to be makeup and thought you were also a vainpot.”

The System said, “Hm, the first one is of course. Dragonization Ability is the perfect edition that I theorized and not something the birdbrain can comprehend. The second part, how did you arrive at that conclusion? Its truesight eyes must be quite powerful, being able to see through traces of my disguise.”

Fang Ning retorted, “Nonsense, I knew he is a vainpot as soon as I saw it being mesmerized by its own portrait.”

The System mused, “I see. It said that I am ‘unforgettable’, so it looks like I’m doing something right. Disguising as someone visually pleasing does make it easier to increase my fame.”

Fang Ning said, “I’ve always wondered why you would make Vigilante A such a handsome man since you had no sense of aesthetics, so this is why…”

By this time, Sky Eagle had already descended along with Vigilante A to the outskirts of the woods and found the trails of the king cobra.

It said, “I apologize, Brother Dragon. I’m not built to traverse through the woods from the ground, so I can only look out for you from the air.”

Vigilante A said, “No worries, I will be fine on my own.”

Fang Ning was already able to feel a sense of danger coming from the forest in front of him. It felt familiar, indicating the king cobra was inside the woods.

Fang Ning said, “What a shame. I thought we could just let Brother Eagle do some air strikes and stand at the side being safe. I didn’t think the spadehead would be so sly as to crawling in the nooks and corners. Oh, forget it. When we’re in the woods later, please use something similar to Xiaoli’s Flying Dagger 1 and let my darling game book have a-hundred percent accuracy. Don’t miss at all, not only would that make Vigilante A lose face, it would be hazardous to my precious game book.”

The System said, “I don’t have anything like Xiaoli’s Flying Dagger, but I’m pretty sure I can master Vigilante’s Flying Book if I use it often enough.”

Fang Ning heard that and thought, ‘We can feign badassery with this!’

An idea popped into his mind as he said, “If you do master it, please teach me. Say, do you think I can hide inside the System Space, use the System View to locate the enemies, and throw the book directly at their heads from the System Space since items can go in and out of the space?”

The System was interested. “Host, your imagination is running wild again. However, I have to say that is very possible to achieve, I just need to open the portal to it. How did you not think about this earlier?”

Fang Ning said, “Didn’t I have to refill the Aggro Bar for you before?”

The System said, “Oh no, refilling the Aggro Bar doesn’t stop you from making a move. I think it’s just you being lazy, and you seem to be able to do more…”

Fang Ning said, “I regret everything I said…”

Sky Eagle was circling in mid-air as that little banter happened and Vigilante A snuck his way into the woods.

At that moment, Vigilante A’s mark, the king cobra, had been watching a showdown in amusement.

It was a rocky valley in the depth of the woods through which a stream penetrated. An intense quarrel had been happening.

Shaz the king cobra was coiled up on a boulder, not making a sound.

With a pair of stern eyes, it stared at both sides of the quarrel — two strong lizard demons.

One of them had skin colored like a boulder with gray and white spots all over. It exuded an air of steadiness and composure.

The other lizard demon was as green as leaves and looked livelier than the other one.

They were similar in power and were, at the moment, they were not letting each other win.

The rocky lizard said, “Forest Lizard, how could you believe in this venom-spitting snake? You’ll believe it just because it said it will provide us with the Indian’s Faith? What are Indians? They’ve been so sneaky about everything since entering the land. Can you even list the tribes that were not bothered by them? They even stole our people’s descendants to send back to their country! We can’t help them!”

The green lizard snapped back, “Rock Lizard, today you, tomorrow me. If they were willing to worship me, so what if I gave them a few eggs? They would’ve hatched into some stupid talentless idiots anyway, how could they compare to us? They should be honored to sacrifice for our sake.”

Rock Lizard was livid. “Forest Lizard, I can’t believe you’re so selfish. Our cultivation is still pretty basic, it will be a while before our catastrophes arrive, we don’t have to be desperate now. We have plenty of time to cultivate our mental resilience, we can definitely overcome our Inner Demons.”

“Why would you want to raise a conflict with the Chinese who we have been getting along well? The Chinese have a really strong foundation, and they were playing fair for once. They were really courteous to us. If you suddenly turned your back on them, how would our tribe live a peaceful life in the future?”

Forest Lizard said in disgust, “What you said sounds decent, but how easy is it to polish our mental resilience? Even if there are suitable techniques, it would take us countless ordeals and endless agony before we could advance.”

“Even though there are plenty of challenges to switching over to cultivate godhood, at least our future would be guaranteed, unlike the constant worrying that we have to face now. If the Chinese don’t worship me, I will ask the Indians to do so. As for the peace of the whole tribe, it doesn’t concern me, so why do I need to care?”

Shaz hissed suddenly, “Two geniuses of the Lizard Tribe, please listen to my humble thoughts.”

Rock Lizard snapped, “Stop your nonsense. Do you think we don’t know about the immoral things you’ve done to get to where you are now? And now you wanna confound us? Without you, our tribe might still survive in this land of the free. If we listened to you, not only might we not get worshiped, our descendants will be enslaved and trapped in bloodbath forever!”

Forest Lizard crawled to Shaz’s side and rebuked it, “Hmph, Rock Lizard, I’m tired of seeing your fake morality. Sir Shaz, let’s ignore this rockhead. I’ll follow you. With my spells, the Chinese would be stumped and will definitely open a passage for you.”

The king cobra did not say anything more. Its flat head nodded a few times, spooking anyone who might be watching them.

It turned around and slithered away, followed closely by the green Forest Lizard.

Rock Lizard watched as they disappeared into the distance, its heart was heavy with fury and rage.

It yelled in their general direction, “Forest Lizard, you are being cheated! No one who has ever trusted that vile snake has ended up with a happy ending before!”

At that moment, a sound came from afar.

“My fellow cultivator, if you would cooperate with me, I will make sure the vile snake will never be able to cheat anyone else ever again!”


Rock Lizard glanced over to where the sound came. There was a man with a proud stature, straight posture, and an air of elegance who appeared silently.

It had been communicating with the Chinese for a while as the representative of its tribe, so it could tell within the first glance that the man was Chinese.

With his appearance and the way he carried himself, it would not be an exaggeration to say he looked the best among the Chinese people it had met.

Of course, when even Sky Eagle’s eyes could only see a trace of the facial adjustments done on it, it was no surprise that the Rock Lizard could not tell that the appearance was the manipulation of a certain moral-less System.

The real Fang Ning only had a face that is above average, not to mention his height was his weakness…

Due to the Truth Department’s filtering system, the Chinese people who were allowed access of the place were all bound by their military oaths. All of them had trained for many years before being given access. For that, they were particularly well-behaved, fulfilling the motto of tit-for-tat.

After modernization, the Indians had always stayed in one place and claimed to be the owner of it. They remained the same after gaining access to the Land of Heritage.

All the demons who can distinguish between the two types of people had a pretty good impression about the Chinese people.

Genius cultivators like Rock Lizard can definitely tell the difference between Chinese and Indian people, unlike some of their less intellectually-gifted brethren.

Seeing that the newcomer was Vigilante A, Rock Lizard’s tone changed to a softer one. “Ah, my friend from China. What can I help you with?”

After seeing Rock Lizard from far, Fang Ning asked the System for his body back to talk to it.

With its thick and battle-worn skin, the lizard was the perfect candidate to pill into this alliance…

Fang Ning said, “Not only is this venomous snake cunning, it is also powerful. If it were to gain the passage to India and conspired with the Indians, the whole Land of Heritage would be dragged into a war. I don’t wish to see so many lives being thrown away like that, so I wish to borrow your strength to stop the calamity.”

Rock Lizard nodded immediately. “This is what I was worried about. The snake is cunning and not to mention, full of ambition. If it managed to get in touch with the Indians, it will help the Indians take over the world, starting wars left and right to conquer the demons of this land.”

“That Forest Lizard only cared about its own comfort, ignoring the safety of others! Didn’t it know it wouldn’t have come this far if the tribe doesn’t exist?”

The two righteous individuals immediately clicked and decided to chase after the king cobra.

Fang Ning said, “This is great. Now that we have help from both land and sky, you should be able to fight the spadehead without worries.”

The System said, “Hm, Host, your ability to con people into doing your bidding has improved, it’s much stronger than the spadehead now.”

Fang Ning protested, “This is not conning! I’m an honest man, I don’t lie to people… You said this before, ‘a just cause enjoys abundant support.’ “

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