Seven Sins System

Chapter 333: Overzealous

Chapter 333: Overzealous

Seven Sins System Chapter 333. Overzealous

The day trudged on, as uneventful as it could be in this endless routines. Well, almost uneventful. Among the humdrum of paperwork and the usual hustle in the academy's infirmary, Katrina had summoned me to her office. It wasn't a medical emergency or a sudden crisis; she simply extended an invitation. Dinner at her place next week.

Now, normally, an invitation from someone like Katrina would ring alarm bells, but she assured me it was just for a casual chat. I mean, I'd made it clear before that I wasn't too keen on being dinner fodder for her or her sister. She laughed it off and insisted it was just a friendly dinner, nothing more to it. So, against my better judgment, I agreed.

Dinner's dinner, right? And I don't turn down free stuff.

So, yeah, next week was dinner at Katrina's place. I would walk into it with eyes wide open and a cautious mind. No telling what might transpire or what secrets might slip out amidst the clinking of forks and the sips of wine.

Apart from that, today's training session was anything but typical. The arena was bustling with activity, and my team—along with Julia's and Puriel's teams—were sharing the same training grounds. It wasn't so much Puriel's presence that was irking me, but rather the mischievous trio who couldn't resist teasing me relentlessly about my relationship with her. It was as if they had nothing better to do than to poke fun at my personal life, and honestly, it was getting on my nerves.

So, I decided to switch into my killer mentor mode, determined to give those cheeky tormentors a taste of their own medicine. I threw everything I had at them during training, pushing them to their limits and making them sweat like never before. Evie and Claire, my succubi, were part of my team, and their stamina was exceptional, so they could handle the intensity without breaking a sweat. It was almost a cakewalk for them, and it only added to the frustration of those teasing trio.

Now, when it came to Puriel, things took an interesting turn. Her displeased look was unmistakable, her gaze drilling into me as if it could burn holes into my very core. She had caught on to the fact that Rachel was also one of my succubi, and that seemed to bother her more than it should. It was as if my choices were a personal affront to her sensibilities.

But I wasn't about to let her annoying stare affect me. Instead, I responded with a cheeky smirk and mouthed words silently to her. 'Yeah, I fucked her. What are you going to do about it?' My intention was to get under her skin, to rile her up, and it worked like a charm. Her irritation grew, etched across her face like a badge of honor, and it was strangely satisfying to watch.

In that moment, I couldn't help but relish the idea of taking things a step further, perhaps flaunting my relationship with my succubi in front of her, just to see the irritation on her face escalate. The thought of making it even more explicit, almost like a challenge, stirred a sense of mischief within me. Maybe, I'd even consider having a contract with another succubus, just to spite her even further. The idea of figuratively spitting in her face was tempting, to say the least.

Didn't stop there, Puriel's irritation seemed to know no bounds today. The moment she realized that a multitude of students, particularly women, had their eyes on me, her expression soured further. It was as if my mere presence in the training arena had turned it into some kind of impromptu peep show. They couldn't help but watch me, studying my move from a distance, and I was well aware of it.

I decided to take things up a notch, letting my mischievous side come to the forefront. I threw a few devilish smirks into the mix during our practice, not for the sake of the onlookers, but for the sheer thrill of it and to annoy Puriel even more. My reputation as the second lord of lust, thanks to Asmo, had given me plenty of tricks in my arsenal to seduce women. However, I was never one to overexert myself. I let my natural charm do the heavy lifting, usually acting aloof or distant, masking my true intentions. There was a reason I also held the title of the lord of wrath after all. It was all about striking a balance between those two aspects of my nature.

Maintaining that balance, however, wasn't always a walk in the park. Patience had never been my strong suit. In some cases, it felt as thin as a piece of tissue paper, ready to tear at any moment.

The training session wrapped up, and just as I thought I could finally escape Puriel's intense scrutiny, Fiona decided it was the perfect time to inquire about her schedule, right in front of Puriel. I could practically feel the tension thickening as Puriel's gaze turned into a clear, icy warning.

Well, that was all the motivation I needed to take matters into my own hands. I took Fiona aside and decided to give her a brief tutorial right there on the spot. It was my way of ensuring that Puriel didn't tail me like some overzealous, crazy stalker.

The sun gradually dipped below the horizon, casting shadows over the campus as everyone made their way back to their dorms. Yet, as expected, the day didn't conclude without a follow-up from Puriel. Just like a broken record, she was there, stalking into my dorm, an unwelcome guest in my personal space. I couldn't help but wonder if she had any hobbies aside from keeping an eye on me. It was almost comical how relentless she could be, trailing after me with a determination that bordered on obsession.

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