ShangriLa Frontier ~ Shitty Games Hunter Challenges Godly Game ~

Chapter 121: Embracing the Light of Ambition Part 7 Part 1

Chapter 121: Embracing the Light of Ambition Part 7 Part 1

Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to a spontaneously formed party that on the spur of the moment decided to recklessly abandon all logic and challenge one of the strongest Unique Monsters!

My name is Sanraku, a Sh*tty Game Hunter who started with paper-thin defenses, graduated to cardboard-thin defenses and right now was sitting only slightly higher! Also, I managed to hit level ninety nine Extended!

Right next to me we have Rei-san, who formed a party with me without actually knowing how bad my defenses really are, the absolute madman!

That’s all, folks!

「Typical, our bodies started to move before we even knew it……!」

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not, but Luukan’s attack came crashing down on me right at the moment when I was the most vulnerable during my approach. Its speed was simply monstrous and I wouldn’t be able to avoid it by any normal means right now. So I used my transfer to the INVENTORY, eventually bringing down the number of uses of this trump card of mine.

Seeing just how fast and merciless Luukan is, there was no way that I would be able to avoid its attacks by going into INVENTORY and right back again like that. So I just dashed towards Luukan’s front legs, glaring at him and readying my weapons to fight him with all my might.

「It feels as though I’m trying to sneak a peek!」

I then use the Secret Sword Art to nail Luukan’s aggro in place while I dove right under it. Then I rolled to its side and shouted while switching my weapons at the same time.



Rei slammed her sword against Luukan’s rear leg, covering it with a substance that looked like boiling magma.

But no matter how many times Rei hit it with her magma sword, Luukan still refused to calm down. What’s more, it seems as if it was growing even more ferocious with each consecutive blow.

It was to be expected that its counterattack would be deadly, so when I saw it directing its fangs towards Rei, I quickly changed to my gauntlet and strike it on the jaw in order to try to get the aggro back on me.

And it seems to have worked. About four to five blows later Luukan stopped for just a single moment and glared at Rei before eventually turning his attention back to me. Rei used that opportunity to attack it even more.



This is where our roles switch. This time around Rei would take care of focusing its aggro on her while I would attack it.

「I’ve got this side covered!」

I then slam my gauntlet-clad fist right into Luukan’s side, scoring a critical hit. It was possible due to the combo of my high Luck stat and Hand of Fortune, but also because of the unique ability of the right gauntlet: even more Critical Hit chance upon attack. Upon contact, the place which I slammed my fist into shone with a brilliant mixture of silver and gold.

However, it was not nearly enough. Luukan tried to counterattack, seemingly unfazed, but its fangs met only a crystal pillar that I shot out of my left gauntlet, anticipating the place which its attack would come from. Being hit with a crystal javelin like that surely must have hurt.

「That hit a little too close for comfort……」

「It’s, alright…… SWORD ART “DANCING BLADES”!」

Luukan jumps towards Rei, crushing the crystal pillar that was in its way as if it was nothing more than a toothpick that was getting in its way. This attack was not something you’d be able to dodge easily.

However, Rei didn’t use her sword to attack in a normal fashion. She took a really strange stance and thrusted her sword forward, piercing Luukan’s belly and avoiding its leap completely by rotating her body.

There was a brief moment of silence, and then Luukan turned towards us in an unfazed fashion, showing no sign of fatigue or damage.

「I honestly don’t know what to say to that……」

「Are we, even doing anything, to it……?」

That’s what I’d like to know. I would like to see its HP bar if possible…… Was that too much of a thing to ask for?

The tanker and attacker were the most optimal strategy here, because we would be able to act accordingly to any kind of situation that arises. It wasn’t the fastest plan of attack, but considering our circumstance, it was the best thing we could come up with. After all, it’s slow and steady who wins the race.

「Rei…… How about now? How much?」

「…… About, six more times, I think.」

「Is that so…… Right, I understand.」

Before we entered the fray, Rei told me about a certain “Trump Card” of hers that she could use with the help of some fairly expensive support items.

You see, Rei’s weapon, Satanael, allows her access to two of the most powerful attack skills in the entire game: “Apocalypse” and “Catastrophe”. That is, if she manages to satisfy the conditions for their activation.

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