ShangriLa Frontier ~ Shitty Games Hunter Challenges Godly Game ~

Chapter 127: Embracing the Light of Ambition Part 13 Part 1

Chapter 127: Embracing the Light of Ambition Part 13 Part 1

At the same time as the right uppercut hit the jaw of Luukan, I pierced its jaw with a crystal spike. It was a standard maneuver for me, but with the added effects right now it looked even more spectacular than usual.

The accumulated energy that was currently being released was strong and destructive enough to even tear the very fabric of night into shreds. It was close in nature to a Pile Bunker, but this time around it was only a means of applying the magical force right into Luukan’s core. Now, weakened by this attack, there was no way that it could simply be able to tank the attack that was coming its way.


There was a huge blast of energy at really close range, strong enough to blow back and raise the remnants of Luukan’s jaw up in the air. Alongside its jaw, I could feel my right fist becoming broken and full of cracks and fissures.

「Uoah, guuuaoh!?」

As I was being pushed back by the recoil, I could feel my right fist flutter all over the place against my will. I tried to support it with my other arm, but it was precisely at that moment when there was a huge shockwave that separated me from Luukan, putting some considerable distance between us.


I could feel it coming from my hand and spreading all over my body. A huge and painful sensation, similar to having your whole body struck by the blades of an electric fan going at full speed. It was enough to make me go numb all over for a brief moment and lose focus.

Unfortunately for me, I was unable to hold my ground only with my feet and as a result I was blown away like an NPC soldier after receiving a mighty blow from a playable character.


「I’m okay! Now make a minced meat out of it!」

My whole body feels surprisingly heavy right now, as if it was filled with lead. This will serve as a nice reminder that recoil is not a power to be underestimated in this game.

「To feel like that with only eighty percent capacity……」

So does that mean if I charged it to let’s say…… two hundred percent, my whole body would just evaporate?

So it means that if you miss your attack with a skill like that, not only will you not gain anything but you’ll end up sending yourself back to the inn in no time.

「But this is nothing! See!? I can still move!」

Call it experience of all the sh*tty games that I have played since the dawn of the Full Dive system, but if it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t be standing here right now. And it’s a Godsend that there weren’t any lag or stupid bugs accompanying this feeling of numbness!

I forcibly lean in the air and I try to shift my center of gravity forward. It was really hard for me to do right now, but I was doing my best at getting it done. Otherwise I would be blown all over the place like a simple rag doll.

「Long story short, regain your balance to the point that even if you fall down, you won’t die!」

Rest recovery. Throw recovery. Holding your breath recovery. Bathing recovery. Stain recovery. Suction recovery. Explosion recovery. Jump recovery. Fall recovery. Healing recovery. Regeneration recovery. Over time recovery. Avoidance recovery. Betrayal recovery. Disguise recovery. Physical adjustment recovery. Self-inflicted wounds recovery. …… Throughout my gaming career I have conducted various types of recovery under many different circumstances. For me, recovery from a blowback like that was as easy as breathing, and I could also brew some tea and eat a rice cracker in the meantime as well.

With my positioning perfectly ready, I take out a recovery potion and health potion and try to chug it down my throat…… But I wasn’t able to do that. All because I wasn’t wearing my usual bird mask, but a metal helmet instead. Oh. Oooooohhhhhhhhh. Could it be? Could I have developed a severe case of bird-brain from wearing a bird mask too much?

「Is this it? Am I…… going to die?」

I could see someone approaching me at a really fast pace. It was Akitsu Akane, but with his current status there was no way in hell he would be able to catch me in time.



I crushed right into Akitsu Akane and both of us were thrown backwards, crushing into the ground. Fortunately enough Akitsu Akane cushioned most of the impact, so I managed to live to tell the tale, avoiding a truly embarrassing death.

「Ah, thanks……」

「N, no big deal……」

It could have been a pretty romantic and heart-racing situation if this was a galge, not the middle of a fierce battleground. As I got back on my feet and thanked Akitsu Akane, we both slowly retreated, putting some safe distance between Luukan and ourselves.

Now then…… With all of the preparation done, would you like to see what the strongest attack in ShangriLa Frontier looks like?

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