She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 109: The Fate of the Archeological Research Committee (2)

Chapter 109: The Fate of the Archeological Research Committee (2)

Meanwhile Fricca acted as usual, looking entranced at Mira acting confident. Sero had to grimace while apologizing for her constant attitude.

「By the way, where is this Graveyard of War Memorials located? I can’t find it anywhere.」

While everyone was busy talking about random things, Emera had been checking the maps they had of Roseline and neighboring areas, and then looked at Zef while her eyebrows knit together. It was clear she had still not given up the idea of an ancient magic sword.

「Ah, well… the location itself is supposed to be somewhere in northwestern Roseline, though apparently you can’t enter from the surface.」

Zef then explained that the Graveyard of War Memorials had no specific entrance, only a set of catacombs leading to it. It was a large structure buried deep underground, sealed from the outside.

The only viable way of getting there was to crawl through the tunnel the research committee had excavated, the only entrance of which was heavily guarded. According to Zef’s friends, there was no way of sneaking past them and going inside no matter how skilled at stealth one was.

「Hmm, I see. And where is that tunnel located?」

Hearing how things were there, Mira asked for the location of the tunnel.

「That’s the issue. He refused to tell me no matter how I asked.」

Saying that, Zef leaned his neck back over the chair and stared helplessly at the ceiling. He did not know the location either. Though considering Roseline was in charge of guarding over it, if she searched enough there she ought to find a lead.

「Well, I guess I have no option but to search there.」

「Well, sure I guess that works. At least you seem confident enough.」

Since Mira had no big issue with it, Arlon nodded in support of her decision. Some of their comrades had already arrived there, so if Mira regrouped with Sasori and Hebi she ought to find the tunnel without much effort.

「Alright then, I’ll depart towards Roseline this afternoon. I’ll leave the search for Chimera’s headquarters to you.」

Their new roles decided, Mira closed the conversation that way. Everyone from Écarlate Carillon nodded in approval without complaint, looking confident with their abilities.

They only discussed small details after that, and once all the food they had bought was eaten, they went out to work again.

Once everyone had dispersed through the city, Mira headed to the shop section on the fourth floor of the Union building. She wanted to buy a map of the areas between Sentopolly and Roseline.

As she walked up the stairs, hearing the place filled with the loud voices of adventurers, she was reminded of the train stations. The fourth floor was filled with shops, just like the restaurant section of the Gourmand’s Indulgence, all of which offered different products for adventurers.

(I wasn’t expecting it to look like this at all…)

She had been expecting the place to be run entirely by the Union, but once she arrived there she noticed they were all private stores renting spots up there. It almost looked like a regular mall, rather than a place dedicated for adventurers.

The bustling fourth floor left such a strong impression on Mira that she immediately forgot her actual goal and ran to the nearest shop to see what they had.

(Hmm, that brand sounds familiar.)

Mira tilted her head as she saw the sign in front of that store, which occupied almost forty percent of the floor’s area. After almost a minute she finally raised her head as she remembered an encounter from a certain day.

That time she was riding the train for the first time, and the man she met before boarding, Thedrick Dinowal. The store in front of her was named ‘Dinowal Store, Sentopolly branch’. A famous franchise of stores selling items for adventurers.

(Hohoh, so this is one of his stores. It looks quite interesting.)

The store floor was wooden and the walls were painted white. The shelves were lined neatly throughout the store, filled with all varieties of items. Seeing them Mira smiled happily and walked to the furthest one, wanting to check each and every one of them in order.

As the most successful store franchise, the Dinowal stores always had something useful for any adventurer.

They had things like alarms for camping outside, which would ring whenever a monster entered inside a given area, or specialized pans that could generate heat by themselves without needing fire. But they also sold small form factor stoves, and easy to set up smokers. There were also more common items like insect repellants and deodorants. It was easy to see just how much the life of adventurers had evolved in the last thirty years.

Once she saw that much, she grabbed a shopping basket and began actually shopping.

(Ohh, so those are Magic Batteries.)

As Mira headed to the cashier, she spotted a shelf filled with blue cylinders shaped similarly to triple A batteries. On top of the shelf there was a sign with bright colors, reading ‘Magic Batteries for 3’000 Rils’, and ‘Each with the combined power of two medium Magic Stones!’. All the magic devices sold in the store were powered by those batteries.

(3000 Rils huh, then…)

Seeing the price, Mira turned around and went back to one of the devices she had seen earlier to read its detailed functionality.

She was looking into a Magic Water Filtration Device. It could filter river, sea, lake, and pond water, or even urine in extreme cases into drinkable water, and was one of Dinowal’s most prominent products. It used Magic Batteries or Magic Stones for power, and a single battery could power it to produce up to a hundred liters of water.

(So a hundred liters for three thousand Rils, that means one liter costs thirty Rils. Hmm, I can see why it’s popular.)

No matter where the water came from, that device provided a safe and reliable way of getting drinking water. Water was a necessary supply for adventures, but due to its weight it was tricky to carry, but a filtration device solved all those issues. Such a device would obviously sell a lot, and even while Mira read the details three had been bought already by other adventurers.

(This should come in handy.)

Deciding that, she picked a green colored one and placed it in her basket. Walking towards the cashier again, she picked three Magic Batteries and put them in the basket as well.

She still added a couple of other items to the basket, including deodorant, which brought her total close to 100’000 Rils before she lined up to checkout.

「Hello, how may I help you?」

After a few minutes it was Mira’s turn. She placed her basket on the counter and waited for the total price to be calculated when she recalled something. Searching through her pouch, Mira fished out her cute wallet and looked for the piece of paper she had received together with Thedrick Dinowal’s business card.

「I have a coupon ticket, can I use it here?」

She handed the cashier the coupon ticket Thedrick had given her. 「Let me check」 she replied and turned the ticket around, and after looking at it for a bit she held it over a device.

(Maybe it won’t work…)

After a moment Mira began feeling uneasy.

「Everything looks to be in order, we’ll discount twenty percent from your total.」

Saying that, the cashier resumed counting Mira’s items. There were no issues with her coupon ticket.

Once that was done, Mira paid around 80’000 Rils, and the coupon ticket came together with her change. Mira chuckled seeing it there, the ticket could be used multiple times.

Seeing how useful that was, and everything she was able to get, she decided that any time she needed something she would go to a Dinowal store. Thedrick’s plan with her had worked perfectly, and Mira left the Union building with a wide smile.

A few minutes later Mira rushed back to the Union building and went to the bookstore in the shopping floor to buy the maps she had been looking for in the first place.

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