She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 190: One More Possibility (2)

Chapter 190: One More Possibility (2)

Mira and Soul Howl fell silent as they tried to come up with a way to defeat Machina Guardian, a boss that had the ability to learn new strategies. That was a difficult task, so for a while the only sounds audible were those of water running and dishes being washed.

And then someone broke the silence.

『By the way, Mira. He seems to be a rather skilled spellcaster, but is there some sort of reason as to why he’s avoiding high level spells?』

The Spirit King’s voice echoed in Mira’s mind. He had been distracted by Martel earlier, so he had completely missed the reunion with Soul Howl. All he knew was what he could glean from Mira’s questions about the Brilliant Chalice and Stigmata. In other words, he knew Soul Howl was someone in a quest for the Brilliant Chalice of Divine Decree to cure a woman.

『Oh you’re right, I completely forgot to mention that part.』

Thinking back to that, Mira quickly explained the taboo spell Soul Howl used to stop the woman’s time, and the effects that had on him.

『I see, so he decided to go against the laws of nature… I’m actually surprised he got away with that with such a mild punishment. Something tells me he disguised the taboo spell in a clever way to accomplish that.』

『Oh wow, he’s really going through far lengths, all for the woman he loves!』

While the Spirit King analyzed the story with reason and care, Martel’s voice followed, sounding excited by romance stories. Mira could only grimace hearing that, as she knew what the real relationship between Soul Howl and the woman was, and decided to inform her confidants about that as well. How he was obsessed with undead girls, and the passionate members of a new religion.

『So he’s not doing that out of love or affection, but purely out of his unwavering sense of justice.』

Mira concluded her explanation, mentioning how Soul Howl had no further intentions as he was only interested in undead girls. He was merely following his beliefs as he struggled to save that woman.

『So he’s subjecting himself to all that for a lofty ideal. He’s an actual hero.』

The Spirit King seemed deeply impressed by that, admiring Soul Howl’s dedication.

『I still think it’s love. He’s just putting up a front. I’m sure of that.』

Martel seemed intent on making it a romance story. Mira could not understand why she refused to acknowledge another possibility, but a part of her also believed Soul Howl could be trying to gloss over his real emotions. All she knew for sure was that he was determined though.

Regardless of what truly was the case, both the Spirit King and Martel seemed to have gotten a good impression from Soul Howl.

That made both of them consider Mira and Soul Howl’s situation more seriously, so in the end they came up with one more possibility.

『Alright, having heard all of that, I’ll take over his burden then.』

『Mhm, I’ll help as well.』

The Spirit King and Martel said that all of a sudden. The burden the Spirit King mentioned was Soul Howl’s inability to use high level spells, which came from twisting the laws of nature to his will. The Spirit King would shoulder that load for him.

『What…you can do that..?』

If that was true, then Soul Howl would be able to use high level spells again, which would also unseal the reason behind his nickname of Great Wall. That would drastically improve their chances at speeding up the fight. Combined with the new summons Mira had gotten, they would have even more options.

But Mira could not accept right away.

『That’s a really enticing offer, but are you two going to be alright if you do that?』

Spirits were entities supposed to be upholding the order of the world. So having them shoulder the burden of going against those laws could be dangerous, or at least that was what Mira thought.

But Mira had no reason to worry about that. The Spirit King and Martel chuckled happily realizing how much Mira cared for them, but then disclosed the secret behind that trick.

The Spirit King was already confined to his palace because he had broken a taboo before. He had broken the laws of nature during the fight with demons in the past, which granted him an immense destructive power, but in return also made his regular power go out of control, forcing him to leave the human realm and seclude himself in the Spirit Palace.

He explained that saying that as he already possessed an immense amount of spiritual power, coming into contact with a different type of power threw it out of balance, making it harder to control.

All of that power had no effect inside the Spirit Palace, as it was on a different plane of existence from the human realm. There it did not matter how much spiritual power leaked out, it would just get dispersed through ley lines in the world, which would at most increase vegetation.

That also meant that even if Soul Howl’s burden was transferred to the Spirit King, it would have no effect inside the Spirit Palace.

『Also, I can’t tell unless I confirm this with your friend, but from what I can see, he was very elaborate with that taboo spell to lessen the burden on himself as much as possible. Usually a human who breaks a taboo would be punished with something far more severe than simply taking away his high level spells.』

『Yes, the power of love is truly amazing.』

After the Spirit King praised Soul Howl’s abilities, Martel’s emotive voice followed. She seemed to really enjoy talking about love and romance.

『But well, it’s not like I can leave this place anyway. I have no issue breaking a handful of laws as a favor. Not to mention that freezing someone in time is a trivial sin compared to what I did in my time.』

The Spirit King added that in a good mood, insisting he could take care of everything. Martel also was willing to do everything she could to help. It seemed like both of them had taken a liking to Soul Howl.

『Well, it’ll be my pleasure to accept your offer then.』

Mira accepted their offer then, and turned to Soul Howl and told him 「A really good opportunity has arisen for you.」

「A good opportunity? What do you mean?」

Soul Howl had spent that entire time trying to come up with new strategies, so he seemed a bit suspicious of Mira’s needlessly confident voice.

「I’m sure it’ll shock you. Because I found a way to unseal your high level spells again!」

Mira continued, acting like it was all her doing. But Soul Howl did not show a big reaction, instead replying saying 「If you’re going to suggest I undo the spell, then I refuse.」

「I know that, I know you won’t. I mean a way for you to use high level spells while keeping that one active.」

She walked to Soul Howl with a long and confident gait, smirking once she was in front of him.

「Are you sure?」

Mira’s attitude was somewhat suspicious, but that usually meant she was being serious. Soul Howl was familiar with her behavior, so decided to keep listening to her.

「I’m sure. It’s a bit hard to explain myself though, but there’s an easier way to tell you. Give me your hand.」

Mira puffed her chest with pride, then held her own hand out like she was some sort of princess.

「Whatever you say.」

Soul Howl was still confused, hardly understanding what Mira was trying to accomplish, but he did as told and held Mira’s outstretched hand. He felt a strange sensation almost instantly, like an overwhelming amount of power was flowing into him.

「What’s… happening…」

He tried focusing on that sensation, which felt like a sea spreading wide in his mind. It was a bit surprising, but he also felt two other presences inside that vast sea. Then one of them spoke.

『Hello, I’m Symbiosanctius. I’d like to help you, and I’m talking to you through Mira.』

「Wha-?! Where’s this voice coming from? And wait, isn’t that the name of the Spirit King..?」

A voice echoed inside his mind, and the voice introduced itself. Soul Howl could only look around in disbelief. But there was obviously no one else nearby, even though the voice rang clear like it was spoken from right next to him. All he could do was look at Mira’s hand and wonder what was going on.

Then another voice came.

『I’ve heard all about you, Mr. Soul Howl! I’m Martel. I’m a spirit of love that will make sure you can find your happy ever after!』

It was Martel’s enthusiastic voice, which made Mira and the Spirit King wonder exactly where she got the idea of calling herself a spirit of love.

「My story? What story? I don’t remember needing help with something like that…」

Soul Howl was still confused by the strange voices, but at least he understood they meant well. He could not help but frown trying to decipher Martel’s sentence though.

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