Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 918: Doing it personally

Chapter 918: Doing it personally

The way that he said this seemed like he wasn't surprised to see the second prince doing this. The way that he said this made it seem like the second prince was laying a trap for us.

So I couldn't help clenching the Staff of Earth in my hand and the royal guards couldn't help clenching their weapons.

But that wasn't what the king meant by this.

The king continued by saying, "You're initiating a coup at a time like this? Do you know how much turmoil this will put our citizens in? Do you know how many people will suffer as a result of your actions?"

This didn't seem like the king was working with the second prince to lay a trap for us.

It just seemed like the king had expected the second prince to lead a coup because he expected the second prince to try to seize power from him.

Though we still didn't let our guards down for even a second.

"Ha!" The second prince suddenly gave a loud laugh before saying, "When have you ever cared about the people of our kingdom? The only thing that you and your cronies have ever cared about were your own benefits."

I could see that the royal guards of the Midra Kingdom all clenched their fists when they heard this.

It was as if the second prince's words deeply resonated with them.

It seemed that the situation of the Midra Kingdom was even worse than I thought it was...

But I still waited to see what would happen next.

The king's face twisted a bit when he heard this, but he still said, "Nonsense! Everything that we do is for the benefit of our great Midra Kingdom! I am the king, what I say is naturally law!"

His words made him seem like a tyrant that only cared about his authority, though that wasn't a bad description of the Midra Kingdom's king since that was what I had seen this whole time.

The second prince seemed like he was too lazy to respond to the king as he swept his gaze upon the nobles that had also been detained.

The nobles had been silent as the king said all of this, but they had at least looked up as if they were showing their support for him.

Though the moment that the second prince's gaze fell on them, most of them suddenly looked down or looked away. It was as if they couldn't endure the second prince's gaze on them.

Then the second prince suddenly said, "Even though I've given you all chances to change yourselves, you've chosen to remain the way that you are. You can't blame me for the choices that you've made."

All of them trembled when they heard this.

It was as if the second prince had already offered them a chance to switch sides, but they never took that chance.

Though it didn't really seem like the second prince cared what their responses were. He reached his hand out to one of the royal guards who presented a large axe to him. This was the kind of axe that was used in executions to cut people's heads off.

As the axe was being brought out, the royal guards made the king stand up and brought him over to stand in front of the second prince. Once he was there, they pushed him down so that he was on his knees in front of the second prince.

They even pushed his head down so that it was right on the ground.

During all of this, the king was screaming at the royal guards.

"What do you think you're doing to me? Let me go this instant!"

His voice was filled with more and more panic as he screamed out.

It was also at this time that he finally seemed to see me.

They had been ignoring our group the entire time since the second prince had attracted all of their attention, but now that he was on the brink of death, the king was looking for any way out of this.

That meant that his attention finally turned to me...or rather to Klein since he still believed that Klein led this group.

"Sir Klein, if you save me, I swear that our Midra Kingdom will become a vassal state of your Kite Kingdom! Just save my life and I'll give you the entire Midra Kingdom!"

The way that he said this was as if he still believed that we were a neutral party.

Though to be fair, that was the only thing that he could believe since anything else would mean his death.

Klein didn't say a single thing in response, he didn't even move a single muscle as he stood there staring right back at the king.

Seeing that Klein wasn't moving, the king roared, "I knew it, you were all colluding with the second prince! What did he give you? I'll double his price, no, I'll triple it if you save me now!"

But even then, none of us made a single move.

After all, we still believed that this was a trap...

Though it really didn't seem like a trap with the way that the second prince, the king, and the other nobles were acting. It really seemed like a proper coup with how the situation was


The second prince had just been calmly standing over the king with the axe in hand, shaking his head and giving a sigh as if he was disappointed in the king.

Then all of a sudden, he raised the axe in his hand above the head of the king.

The blade was just a few inches away from the king's neck.

He held it there as he said, "Father, this is the first and final thing that you've done for your people. As your son, I'll personally send you on your way."

"No! No! I don't want to die!" The king screamed in a pitiful voice, but they fell onto deaf ears



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