Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 92. Teddy Bear

Chapter 92. Teddy Bear

"Don't concern yourself with those misguided fools. They are all ignorant mortals, driven by their desires like lowly creatures despite the strength they possess. Only by finding the Land of Light and stepping into the divine kingdom of the Sun God can we—humans—attain eternal serenity and bliss," Kord asserted.

For once, Charles found himself nodding in agreement with Kord's views. Regardless of one's strength, they were all trapped on these islands that could sink at any given moment. They were only able to tolerate the darkness because they had never seen the light.

After exchanging information with Charles, Kord immediately left the tavern and ventured into the waters on his ship once more. Watching Kord's anxious mannerisms, Charles felt like he was seeing a past reflection of himself.

As his hope of returning home grew closer, his initial urgency had strangely diminished.

The next morning, Charles opened his eyes to find himself sprawled across an unknown bar once again. Two scantily-clad bunny girls were sleeping soundly in his embrace. He shook his somewhat dizzy head and staggered out of the bar.

"Don't waste Echo on places like this. Don't forget, we still need to fork out three million for our new arm," Charles said to the alter-ego in his mind.

"It wouldn't even cost a dent in our pockets to rent out this whole place. Quit nagging, I'm tired."

Charles looked around before he headed for the Bat Tavern that belonged to him. He planned to retrieve his sketchpad and continue painting to reduce his mental contamination.

Upon reaching home, he opened the door to find an unexpected visitor on the couch—Dr. Laesto Hermann.

"How did you come in? I don't remember having given you the key."

"Your mouse opened the door."

Standing on a cushion, Lily nodded vigorously with an expectant gaze, begging to be praised.

"What's the matter?"

Laesto hopped off the couch and limped toward the door. "Follow me. I've contacted the prosthetic dealers. They wish to see you."

Hearing Laesto's words, Charles immediately placed his sketchpad down. Nobody liked the idea of a missing arm, and he was no exception.

Following Laesto, the duo boarded a car and headed toward the inner island.

The Coral Archipelago was neither too vast nor too small. The car navigated through various alleys and boulevards for over an hour before finally arriving at the bustling heart of the island.

The central district was a world apart, a stark contrast to the chaotic harbor area. Here, lavish electric lamps confidently adorned the avenues. Instead of beggars, lunatics, and roaming street children, one would see polite gentlemen, ladies strolling with their dogs, and a continuous flow of personal vehicles.

Harmonious tunes emanated from the gramophones of upscale stores lining the streets. Out of the corner of his eye, Charles noticed a pair of sky-blue leather shoes showcased behind a shop's glass pane.

Sharks – Men high boots: 35,000 Echo

Dressed in tattered rags, Laesto walked on the streets with the one-armed Charles. Their discordant appearance seemed entirely out of place. Against the backdrop of the opulent surroundings, they drew attention almost instantly.

Beep—! Beep—!

Two authoritative law enforcement officers in their signature black uniforms strode forward, their whistles piercing the air.

"Hey, you two! Halt! Those with an unkempt appearance are prohibited from entering the central island district! Imagine the distress of the elites if they saw you in such a condition!"

With an alcohol flask in hand, Laesto took a step back and allowed Charles to take the lead. Charles didn't bother to utter a single word and fished out his Explorer's credentials instead.

Recognizing the anchor emblem of the Explorers Association on the badge, the disdain on the officers' faces immediately turned into apprehension with a hint of fear.

"I...I'm warning you, don't cause any trouble here. The high-ranking officials of Governor Nico's warship reside nearby."

With that, the two officers turned and left in a hurry. However, their hushed whispers didn't escape Charles' keen ears.

"Why did those madmen from the sea come here? Damn it! Why must it have to be when it's on my watch!"

"Enough. Get someone to keep an eye on them. We’re dead if they cause trouble!"

With the minor interlude behind them, Laesto continued forward with Charles in tow. After traversing the bustling streets for close to ten minutes, they eventually stopped in front of an upscale cafe in the heart of the island.

As they swung open the cafe door, the vibrant glass chimes tinkled, announcing their arrival in a brightly lit and pristine space. Ignoring the bewildered stares of the well-dressed guests in the place, Laesto headed straight for the kitchen at the back.

In the kitchen, the pastry chef was diligently decorating a set of cupcakes and didn't seem to care about the intruders.

"Why would the prosthetic dealers choose to meet here of all places?"

"Hmph, that's only one part of their operations. They're involved in much more than what meets the eye."

Beyond the humid kitchen was an apparently vacant room. In its midst stood a rocking chair, upon which an elderly lady was engrossed in a newspaper.

Dressed in a flowery gown and peering through half-framed glasses, her appearance was the gentle image of a doting grandmother.

"Hey, Wulun called us here," Laesto gruffly informed the old woman.

The old granny eyed Charles' empty sleeve and nodded in understanding before standing up from the rocking chair. She then slowly made her way to the kitchen.

"She's the one making my prosthetic?" Charles whispered.

Despite hearing Charles's question, Laesto didn't turn back. He whipped out his tin flask and took a deep swig before he answered, "No. Wulun of Duskleaf Island will be making your arm."

"Duskleaf Island? The journey from there to the Coral Archipelago will take three months. I can't wait that long."

"Impatient as ever. Calm down and just watch. If they have the capability to expand their business across the entire seascape, then they surely have their ways," Laesto said with a smirk.

At that, Charles remained silent. Curiosity clawed at him like a cat. He wondered how they would fit him with a prosthetic without even being present in person.

The kitchen door opened once more, and the old woman reentered the room with a simple cloth sling bag in hand.

"Both of you, step back," the old woman instructed with a nearly toothless smile.

After Charles and Laesto had obediently retreated to stand against the wall, the old woman gently lowered herself to the ground. Delving into her bag with her weathered right hand, she pulled out a thick, black substance.

Using it, she started drawing intricate symbols and characters on the floor. The dark, unfamiliar script was tightly packed to culminate a mystic arcane formation of a circle encompassing an upside-down triangle.

A tattered teddy bear was placed at the heart of the circle. Next, the old woman positioned several dark candles around the bear in a peculiar arrangement.

Then, a chilling, arcane chant emerged from her lips. A hair-tingling eeriness immediately enveloped the entire room.

The chant started slowly, then steadily picked up speed. With the rising pace, the elderly woman's voice grew louder and more forceful. Then, suddenly, at its peak, the incantation halted.

The wavering candlelights simultaneously snuffed out at the same moment as the teddy bear wobbly stood on its feet. Its eyes, fashioned from black seeds, swiveled and scanned every individual in the room.

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