Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc VIII Chapter 12

Arc VIII Chapter 12



Arc VIII Chapter 12


Rain haunted Amegakure once again, a common sight. The sun was a rare guest above the dark skies of Amegakure. The light never arrived, no matter how much the people of Ame craved warmth. The clouds above Ame darkened, and rain poured down on the earth without mercy. Water, water, never ending masses of water. The weather was ghastly, as usual.

Pain summoned her, and Asami found herself at the receiving end of his angry stare. Mighty Pain-sama was angry with her, and he demanded an explanation. 

“...” Asami tilted her head. Pain and the soulless stare of his Rinnegan didn't affect her. She wouldn't budge easily. She wasn't his lapdog. Because even the alleged omnipotence of a god had its limits. His power were not unlimited.

His eyes didn't betray any trace of emotion. Cold, hard, unforgiving, unfeeling, they bored into her. Pain ruled the village through fear rather than through genuine authority. He was acknowledged as the undisputed leader of the village. He was feared. He was in a certain sense respected. He was even revered, but he wasn't loved. Despite all his power, Pain's grip on Amegakure was weak. 

Pain ruled the village from the shadows, but his influence was modest, at best. He failed to assert control over Amegakure, to establish a proper administration, to access its resources.

“...” Pain's narrowed his eyes. He lectured her. “Asami, do you realise what you have done?”




Asami shook her head. “Not really.” 

“...” Pain glared, his divine patience tested. “I was informed that you not only burned down the castle, but also killed our client.” 

Asami didn't contest his charge. Her smile confirmed her guilt. “Indeed. It was a pleasure. His sweet cries when the flames devoured him. Wonderful.” 

“...” Pain refrained from commenting. “Answer me, why did you kill him? Do you realise the damage that you have done to our reputation? Akatsuki can't kill client left and right.” His anger shimmered through his voice.

“...” Asami rolled her eyes. Pain exaggerated. As if they had a reputation to begin with. The entire organisation consisted of infamous traitors with less than reputable backgrounds. “I killed him because I disliked ... his presence. Thus, I decided to shorten his life.”

Pain's frowned. Her answer displeased him. “Asami, your behaviour is ... unacceptable.”

His glare intensified.  “I warn you, I won't tolerate such blatant insubordination ever again. My orders are absolute! You are a member of Akatsuki, and you owe me your obedience.”  

Pain's expression darkened, and Asami gazed into the abyss. His luminescent eyes exuded a dangerous purple glow. His Chakra tickled her skin. Powerful, cold, relentless, his aura clashed against hers.

“...” Asami bit her lips, her usual confident smile faltering. It might be that she had underestimated Pain. This time, she had gone too far. The man was an enemy that had to be taken seriously, and took proper preparation.

Her dominance wasn't questioned for ages, but today it was. Her superiority. Shattered in a single careless moment. Pain challenged her, and she came to realise her weakness, her inferiority. Disgusting. What a shameful display. Her inadequacy annoyed her. Weakness was not acceptable. Inferiority a sin.

“...” Asami confronted Pain in silence. Neither of them spoke as Ame's eternal rain darkened the sky.

Pain didn't budge. “Do you understand?”

“...” Asami was tempted to retort, but decided against provoking Pain any further. His mood was volatile. His wrath uncontrollable.

Asami lowered her head and submitted, at least for now. She swallowed the bitter pill. She played her allocated role, the role of the obedient girl. It was necessary to recognise his authority, for the time being. “I understand, Pain-sama. I will refrain from similarly thoughtless actions in the future.”

Pain merely nodded. “I am pleased to hear so. I hope that you won't disappoint me again. You are dismissed.”

“...” Asami retreated. At least, Yuki-chan was waiting for her. 

“Yuki-chan ~? Yuki-chan ~?” Asami beamed. “Where are you ~? Don't hide from your precious Nee-san ~.”

Asami turned around the corner and met a scared, shivering Yuki hiding behind Tobi's figure.

“...” Tobi shrugged his shoulders.

Asami poked the petrified girl, but Yuki avoided her gaze, intimated by Pain's aura. “Pain is ... scary.”


“What are your thoughts about our most recent addition?” Pain faced Tobi, but it wasn't Tobi he needed. He desired to speak with someone else.

Tobi was thinking. “Tobi thinks ...”

Pain suppressed his annoyance. “You misunderstand, Tobi. I want to speak with Madara.”

“I see.” Tobi grinned behind his mask, his voice turning cold. He chuckled. “Asami ... is a peculiar girl, an interesting piece on our board I never thought possible. A capable kunoichi, far exceeding my expectations. Perhaps even stronger than you? I didn't miss your little show of force. You were trying to intimidate her, weren't you?”

“...” Pain responded with silence and schooled glare. He disapproved of his choice of words. Not that Tobi would care.


Tsunade stood on the balcony, far above the ground, overlooking the vast and prospering village of Konoha. The village was now hers to lead. It was her duty to guide Konoha through good and bad times. Tsunade clenched her fist. “Starting from today, the village is my responsibility. I am the Fifth Hokage.”

Homura, councillor and one of Konoha's elders, mused from behind, “I am honestly amazed that you were able to persuade her, Jiraiya. I didn't think such was possible.”

Jiraiya broke out in loud laughter. “Gyahahaha, obviously, such a handsome devil as myself can persuade any woman with his charms.”

“...” Koharu, fellow councillor, joined the discussion. “Matters of charm aside, we must inform the daimyo and lords abut the inauguration of a new Hokage. Genma, Aoba, you in the meanwhile announce the news to the village. A new era has begun for Konoha.”



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