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Chapter 101: Take And Give

Chapter 101: Take And Give

Sakim shifted his gaze in the direction of the many players from afar. But it seemed like they had already noticed his location as they were now furiously rushing towards him.

"Are they really in a hurry of dying?" Sakim muttered. He felt a bit annoyed though. Just because they had such a card under their sleeves, they treated him as if a prey who was desperately trying to escape? It seemed like their arrogance had really gotten ahead of themselves. This was really annoying.

With that in mind, Sakim clicked his tongue once as he rushed back towards the other party in just a blink of an eye. But this time, he appeared at the very center of them all.

As soon as he arrived there, Sakim caused another chaos as he stole the HP and the other things of the unlucky ones among the other party. And those unlucky ones who were been robbed had naturally ended up dying.

"WTF?! Catch him!"

"Die you greedy bastard!"

"How dare you try to steal everything from us!"


Almost everyone who was still alive and kicking bellowed accompanied by innumerable furious cursing. They all threw out the Anti-Greed Nets they prepared solely for Sakim.

Knowing that Sakim was extremely fast and could dodge the Anti-Greed Nets if they threw them directly at him, all of them threw the Anti-Greed Nets onto the sky. The countless Anti-Greed Nets thrown by the many players then formed countless dots in the sky as later on, it spat out countless black nets that formed a huge dome of Anti-Greed Nets, leaving no room for Sakim to escape. They really hoped that this time, Sakim would be caught by them.

Sakim, on the other hand, only stared at the nets trying to trap and catch him. However, as he stared at them, a wide smile couldn't help appearing.

"Don't say that I am greedy." With a tone of voice filled with malice, Sakim muttered. He snapped his right finger as countless stolen skills appeared in the midair and then surrounded him. There were balls of fire, wind, lightning, and other elements. There were giant and small swords, spears, axes, and other kinds of weapons. There were also blade slashes, arrows, bullets, and many other different kinds of things. All of these were the skills he had stolen from these countless players before him. It surrounded him, ready to be fired at any moment.

The many players in there were all taken aback by the sudden occurrence. Weren't these the skills that were stolen from them? It couldn't be that the vessel was planning to...

The many players in the area were still thinking about what Sakim was about to do when suddenly, they heard him speaking again with a wide grin, "Here, take them back."


The many attack skills surrounding him were then sent away in all directions. But the Anti-Greed Nets were powerless against these stolen skills made by many Middle Rankers and few S-ranks as these nets were either blown away or were destroyed the moment they collided against the stolen skills sent by Sakim.

What the h... The many players couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva seeing the terrifying sight. But when they thought that they would finally be frightened, they suddenly smiled widely without knowing the reason as they felt again the excitement running through their veins. Were they really going to die happy? They really wanted to cry now but they ended up laughing. Just what the hell was going on with them?

In the sky above, the butterflyman was now sweating profusely seeing that it was getting harder and harder to manipulate the emotions of the many players below. The vessel was really good at causing terror. If this went on, he might really fail his task as those players below might be put in a state of panic.

With that in mind, the butterflyman ground his teeth as he muttered, "Blessing Of The Proud Butterfly!"

He flapped his wing one time as countless beautiful and sparkling wing scales were spread out and be swept by the wind. But since the many players below were already under his control, he didn't need so much time anymore just to wait and put them under his skill. So in almost an instant, those players had immediately gained the courage to face what was ahead of them.

As such, knowing that they would surely suffer if they just let the countless incoming skills come at them, a wide grin formed on their lips as they too used a skill to counter the incoming attack. With the lots of them in there, they were confident that they could survive this current predicament they were facing.

With that being said, most of them, especially the mages, warriors, and the marksmen cast skills to counter and defend from the incoming attack.

On the other hand, the support-class players gave buffs to their allies while on the other hand, the tank, assassin, and hunter-class players stood on guard, overseeing things with a wide grin of excitement. They really thought that what Sakim had done was pointless against them since there were a lot of them while he was just by himself.


The many players finally sent their skills to greet the incoming attack made by Sakim. And only one thought was floating on their mind at that time, "Let's see who is stronger!"


However, something they didn't expect to happen, happened right before their eyes. Just what the hell was this?! How could the world be so unreasonable...

Just after the countless skills they created flew away a little distance from them, all of these skills had suddenly disappeared without a trace. The many players in there had their eyes widely opened as all of them were taken by extreme shock. They were all bewildered at first, but a moment later, they finally realized what had just happened. The Vessel of the Greed sin must have stolen all of their cast skills! Yes, that must be the case! That was the only plausible thing they could think of as of now.

So to confirm, all of them reflexively shifted their gazes at Sakim as what they only saw was his wide grin while he was still using the Greed Manifestation on his both arms. At that moment, they were more than certain of it. Sakim must have stolen the cast skills they prepared to defend against him. Just what the hell was this? All of them found their tears streaming down to their cheeks. Were they really going to die just like that?

The butterflyman in the sky couldn't take it anymore as he finally spurted a mouthful of blood. He couldn't control the many players below anymore as their emotions were overwhelming and were too much for him to handle. Just how could the vessel pull such a trick against them? Even he didn't expect that something like that would happen. This would definitely take down the many players below. The more he thought about it, the more he felt lightheaded.

So seeing the many skills coming in their direction, and as the butterflyman wasn't manipulating their feelings and emotions anymore, the many players who were about to suffer their doom finally felt the fear they were waiting for. They found themselves shivering as they couldn't even think of running away.

But of course, it was not just the incoming skills alone that made them terrified. Because at that time, they finally felt the terrifying presence of Sakim. When they gazed at him, they couldn't see him as a human anymore as what they saw was a giant monster grinning at them.

Booooom! Boom! Kaboooom!

The countless skills then finally collided against them causing huge and many explosions in the area. most of them were blown away as some of the weaker ones had even turned into cinders. Although some of them were lucky enough to trigger the dodge chance or block chance, and then remained standing from where they were even after what had just happened, the fear in their heart was just too great as they found their strength leaving their knees. They couldn't help but fall on their knees as their eyes had lost their shine.

Sakim on the other hand started to chuckle seeing the spectacular sight. Although he triggered the reflect chance a few times, it didn't deal any damage to him since he had stolen all the incoming reflect attack. And this was just also good to feel.

Not long after, Sakim started to laugh louder and louder as he finally laughed like a madman. It was as if mocking the other party for their incompetence. The feeling of toying with these ants was just too great. Sakim could only admit it.

"You all called me greedy for taking things from you?" After satisfying himself with his laugh, Sakim spoke coldly. After a moment of pause, he added with a wide grin, "Very well, I will give back what I have stolen from you all. So accept it, alright? This is called take and give."

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