Single Stat System

Chapter 76: Betrayer

Chapter 76: Betrayer

Meanwhile, at the top of a certain cliff...

"Oh? Who the hell is that guy? He actually managed to avoid my attack?" Agila, the sniper who shot Sakim from afar was surprised when he saw the other party evaded his attack. What was more was that he could tell that the other party had seen through his attack. He could even tell that the other party also knew about their current location. Just who the hell was that guy? His senses were really terrifying.

But other than that, he could see nothing special from him as he was mediocre in every aspect. His movements, the way he dodged his attack, were pretty sluggish as he could tell that he only managed to dodge that attack because of the long distance. Surely, this guy was definitely a new player that had just received the System a few weeks ago.

But... How could their leader be so careless and let himself be taken advantage of by this guy? It really was stupid no matter how he thought about it. If it was he, something like that wouldn't happen to him at all.

"Why are you praising that guy? It's surely because your skills have deteriorated that's why you didn't hit him. What a disappointment. To think that you are the Marksman of our party. Tsk! Tsk!" Gilbert, one of the three bandits behind Agila, clicked his tongue and blamed the skills of Agila for missing the target.

He was already frustrated enough when he was trapped in the Illusion Forest for a long time. Even though he tried to follow Kristina and Izel, those two bitches were just too fast for him as he ended up being lost.

As a result, he circled the Illusion Forest in frustration trying his hardest to find the way out. But yet, he was still not able to find the exit.

Thankfully, as time passes, the four of them who were still trapped inside the Illusion Forest managed to regroup. And just after that, their party leader messaged them that he utterly needed their help as soon as possible.

They were bewildered at first why would their leader, who was the strongest among them, needed their help desperately. But since they were already sicked of encircling the Illusion Forest, they didn't think much as they finally used the True Compass to get out of that Illusion Forest.

To use such an item, four persons were needed to represent the four directions. And the four of them must be in sync when giving their mana to the compass that was put in the middle of them.

This was a high-level item that was used when traveling into The Great Expanse. And using such an item costs a lot of mana. That said, they didn't want to use it in this kind of low-level place.

But since they currently didn't have any low-level compass, and they were in a hurry to get out of that place, they had no choice but to use the True Compass. It went without saying, they managed to exit the Illusion Forest quite easily.

But Gilbert was still annoyed by the experience. That said, he wanted to share his annoyance with others.

"If you are that capable, then why not you shoot him yourself?" Agila, upon hearing Gilbert, sneered coldly as he stared at him.

"I'm a Mage, not a Marksman. If that guy is just within my range, I can turn him into cinders even with my eyes being closed." Gilbert sneered coldly as well, after all, he didn't want to lose.

"Enough," Oso, the biggest among them, interrupted with a deep voice as he continued, "Just hurry up and shoot that guy. Can't you see the message of the leader?"

Agila and Gilbert immediately stopped arguing as they summoned the System and looked for the party chat. And there they saw a new message from their leader.

[Julius: Hurry up and help me here. I can't move now since I am paralyzed. Anyway, this guy here is not normal so don't underestimate him just because he is low-level. And also, don't kill him. This guy is a rich kid, we will strip everything we could get from him.]

[Julius: By the way, Kristina and Izel have betrayed us as it seems like they are obeying this guy. Let them suffer as well and teach them a lesson.]

"That guy is a walking gold mine?" Agila and Gilbert were pleasantly surprised before a wide smile surfaced on their lips. Who would have thought that they would encounter such a blessing? It was not a wonder why would those two bitches going to obey that guy as a facade. If they were in the same shoes, they might even do the same even if it meant betraying their current party for a short moment.

That said, their leader might have told them that those two had betrayed them, but in fact, if he was the first to find that walking gold mine, he might really have done the same thing and obey that guy for some time. And then, later on, kill him when he could get nothing anymore.

This was a common occurrence for a bandit like them. To avoid sharing the loots, they would rather keep it to themselves even if it meant betraying their party. As long as they didn't kill them, and give compensation later on, their organization would put a blind eye onto it.

With that in mind, Gilbert didn't hesitate any longer as he jumped from the top of the cliff leaving only a few words, "Leader, wait for me! I will come to save you!"

"Alright, Agila you stay here, we three are going there to see the situation. Remember to not kill that guy, alright?" Oso said as he shifted his gaze to the other guy and continued, "Let's go, Pael."

Pael nodded his head as he glanced at Agila with a smile. He didn't say anything as he jumped from the top of the cliff to follow Oso who had just jumped down.

"Damn it! I'm alone again. This is really annoying." Agila complained as he even blamed his job class for choosing Marksman: Sniper. If he had just chosen Marksman: Spitfire, then he would not need to put so much distance just to make use of the advantage of his job class.

"Maybe, I should just vent my anger to this walking gold mine..." Agila thought as he pointed his gun at Sakim again. He should at least blow him away to appease his annoyance.

After dodging his first attack, Agila could tell that it wasn't just a coincidence as that guy really had the capability. And it really pissed him off knowing that a Low Ranker, and new player at that, managed to dodge his attack.

That said, he was determined to shoot the other party with the same skill. Although it wouldn't kill him, it was more than enough to put him into the state of half-death once this attack hit him.

And with his Perception stat, although it wasn't that high, there was a chance that a Hit chance would be triggered. With that, he was confident that there was no way for the other party to dodge his attack.

With that in mind, Agila couldn't help smiling. As the target was now locked on, he finally pulled the gun trigger as he said, "Explosive Bullet!"


The bullet then rushed towards Sakim threatening to blow his body to smithereens. With his skill: Explosive Bullet, it could deal damage equal to 5~95 percent of the target's HP. And the further he was, the higher the HP percentage he could erase.

And since he was currently a few kilometers away from the target, he could deal at least 70 percent of the other party's HP. As such, putting him into a half-death state was very likely to happen once his bullet hit the target.

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