Single Stat System

Chapter 79: Follow-up Attack

Chapter 79: Follow-up Attack


It was at this moment when Agila pulled the trigger of his sniper gun. After which, a bullet then shot forward rushing towards Sakim excitedly. As it was in the midair, just like before, its size became slightly bigger that it could be compared to half of the fist of an average adult human.

It didn't take long for the bullet to arrived on the target. And upon colliding on Sakim's chest, it immediately exploded as Sakim was blown away from the strong impact. He even rolled to the ground quite a distance before stopping with his bloodied body lying his back on the ground and with his limbs spread apart. Although his body had stood the attack somehow, his clothes couldn't keep up as it was now somewhat tattered.

"Damn, it's really a bit painful. What an experience..." Sakim muttered as he finally realized what it felt like to be blown away by something no different than a cannon. And the experience was just too... He couldn't explain it at all.

"Master, are you okay?" Shortly after, Izel and Kristina rushed towards Sakim to see how was their master. But seeing his bloodied state, they couldn't help but worry.

"I think, I am fine..." Sakim wanted to cry. With his current state, these two were actually asking if he was fine? Of course, he was not! He was even having a hard time moving a muscle. And he even felt that he had triggered the burn status effect on his chest, a status effect that could decrease the maximum defense of anyone who was affected by it.

"That's good to hear," The two of them heaved a sigh of relief learning that their master was fine. Sakim might not notice it but Kristina and Izel could see that his blood was returning to him and was being absorbed by his skin.

"Ugh..." Sakim wanted to slap his forehead. These two really believe that he was fine? How caring of them!

But since he already suffered enough, Sakim didn't pursue the matter any longer as he used some healing items to refill his HP. It appeared that he really received attack damage that erased about 70 percent of his HP. But now that he thought about it, he felt that his stats were going down whenever his HP dropped. Was he just imagining things?

Shortly after he healed himself completely, Sakim got up from the ground.

However, as soon as he sat on the ground, he finally noticed the warning given by his Blood Servant. And from the looks of it, his Blood Servant was warning him for quite some time already. But since he was too absorbed in what he had just experienced, he didn't notice it right away. And it was already too late to notice it just now.

That being said, shortly after he sat on the ground, the follow-up attack of Agila had immediately greeted him, hugging him with its explosion. He was then again blown away as he rolled furiously on the ground before coming to a halt after a good distance.

Both Kristina and Izel who were standing on each side were taken by shock as they covered their faces to protect them from the sudden explosion. But after a few moments, their gazes had immediately followed Sakim who had just sent rolling.

"Master!" The two of them could only rush at him in worry. Who would have thought that Agila would resort to such an action and gave a follow-up attack? With his cocky attitude, he should be jumping in joy now that he finally hit his target. To think that he would send another bullet after hitting his target. Was he that frustrated to their master that he wanted to turn him into dust that much? Or could it be that...

Izel and Kristina turned serious. Could it be that Agila also knew about their master's healing items as he wanted to make sure that he wouldn't be able to stand anymore? No, it was not likely for him to know it. Not unless...

However, before they could even think more of it, Izel suddenly felt a chill on her back. She reacted quickly as she turned around and crossed her arms to her chest. After which, a fast object, a bullet to be precise, collided with her crossed-arms as she was sent away with her feet sliding on the ground. Thankfully, whenever she would receive a sneak attack, or her life was in danger, her instinct was always there to warn her.

But Kristina didn't have the leisure to have strong senses like her. Although she was fast enough, she failed to react quickly just like how Izel did as the bullet hit her back before she could even turn around. She was then blown away but unlike Izel who remained standing, she lost her balance and rolled on the ground for quite a few rounds. After a good distance, her rolling came to a halt with her belly on the ground.

"Kristina!" Izel shouted in worry. Agila actually attacked them as well? That guy was surely daring!

But before Izel could even rush to check the condition of her friend, she felt another incoming bullet. She immediately chased away all her worries as her eyes suddenly flashed with a cold glint.

Right after that, a dagger appeared in her hand. With a crisp sound of the wind, and from bottom to top, she quickly slashed her dagger vertically in the midair successfully hitting the bullet. The bullet then was cut into half as each part went past her both sides, exploding again upon reaching the ground.

After which, she stared in the direction of Agila unleashing a terrifying killing intent.

"Oh? She really is as fierce as ever..." Agila from afar, who was watching Izel with his sniper scope, smiled seeing how Izel managed his bullet. She really was hot every time he saw that coldness of her.

But he didn't shoot again this time. He knew that no matter how many times he shot Izel, as long as she was aware of it, he wouldn't be able to land a hit. Even with a hundred percent Hit chance, if the other party could block it or parry it just like what she just did, then it could only be useless as he wouldn't be able to bring any damage at all. That said, a good opportunity to deliver a sneak attack was needed for him to hit the other party successfully and bring a certain amount of damage.

With that in mind, Agila ignored Izel as he instead shifted his sniper scope towards Sakim. But his eyes had immediately widened in shock upon seeing the other party. Because he was now standing again as if he didn't receive any damage at all.

This guy was healed again? He really was so damn rich! Surely, you cannot judge the book by its cover. Even though this guy wore beginner's equipment instead of expensive costumes that meant only for the rich players, he had just too much wealth in his pocket as he could heal himself fully whenever he pleased.

Agila just couldn't help but smile upon thinking how much would they gain if they ever happen to catch this guy and strip him naked.

"Should I shoot him again?" Agila asked himself. But upon seeing the other party's sharp eyes, he could tell that he was quite prepared this time. As such, he decided, "Maybe not, I will only waste my mana if I attack him again. I should just wait for the others to arrive there and then find an opportunity to catch him off guard."

With that in mind, Agila drunk another mana potion. This might not give him any additional mana recovery percentage to hasten the recovery of his mana, but it could add more time for the effect of the mana potion to last.

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