Small upgrade system

Chapter 35 35 - Full-Day Training.

He finishes his sword practice and now he was resting on the ground. He was using his energy recovering technique to recover his mental energy faster.

He can feel his improvement in his sword technique. It would have been better if he had a teacher who can guide him in his sword practice. Sam can also feel that.

Sam has a system, but he still needs guidance from an experienced warrior. He has a C-grade sword technique, but a warrior still can defeat him with a D-grade technique, who has vast experience in battle. High-grade technique alone doesn't make you an outstanding warrior, you also need actual battle experience. An actual battle can teach you a lot where there is the possibility of losing your life.

Even Sam wants to stay low, but he still wants to learn from an experienced warrior.

After recovering his energy, he was now eating food, because he still is a human and he can't ignore his hunger. Sam misses his mother's handmade food. These days he only ate restaurant food because he didn't have time to cook. He was only busy on his training and dungeon adventure.

He was planning to cook today's dinner but after some thinking; he decided he will cook tomorrow because his sister will also come tomorrow.

Now he was watching some news. The news reporters were showing various reports from warriors about the reason behind the increasing monsters, but they still didn't able to find the actual answer. The warriors are only telling what they think. Their statement can be right or can be wrong.

Sam thinks, the sages know something, and they didn't want to tell anyone. Monster's number increase isn't a small matter, but the sages still didn't show themself and kept silent.

Sam just hopes that no danger will come to his parent. They are going to a high-grade dungeon and who can tell what will happen there? In dungeons, anything can happen. He just hopes that Alena will keep them safe.

He inhales some fresh air to make his mind clear. Worrying about them will do nothing. If now he was a high-grade warrior, then he didn't have to worry that much. Sam needs to become powerful and for this; he didn't have time to waste. He gets up from his seat and starts walking toward his training field.

" Yosh, it's time to continue my training," he said while walking toward the training field.

He once again starts his training.

[At night]

You can see a teenager meditating in a dark room. In this dark room, the only light source is the moon, and the moonlights are coming through the open window. This teenager was our Sam. Sam was now absorbing the crystals. He has already finished his training in the evening and after a fresh bath and eating some food; he comes to his room and starts absorbing the crystals.

Sam didn't turn on the room's light because he see moonlight is coming into his room through the window. This darkroom with this moonlight creates a perfectly relaxed environment to meditate. So, he didn't turn on the light and let the moonlight come to his room while he began absorbing the crystals.

[A/N: Hey guys, you have any chance you should also try this. Turn off your room's light, let the moonlights come, and just relax and fall asleep.]

Sam slowly opens his eyes. He was now feeling pretty powerful. He can feel that now he really needs to change the gravity.

'Status', he commands in his mind.



Name: Sam Kainer

Health: (300 / 300)

Strength: 14

Agility: 16

Physique: 15

Intelligent(mental power): 10

Spirit: 00

Grade: E (early )

Potential: Special

Upgrade point: 8350,


Absorb technique:

Dragon devour (grade C)

[Medium-level absorb technique. Only 45% of energy essence can absorb. It can devour a dragon.]

Combat techniques:

Balor boxing ( grade D) (+)

[Medium-level boxing technique. You can be a beginner boxer.]

Fast sword (grade C)

[Medium-level special sword technique made by the great swordmaster. It increases your speed using a sword.]

Tri sword technique (grade D) (+)

[Low-level technique of swordmaster Tri.]

Invisible shot (E-grade) (+)

[Help you learn how to shoot an invisible arrow.]

Multiple shot (E-grade) (+)

[Help you learn how to shoot multiple arrows at the same time.]

Rapid shot (E-grade) (+)

[With this technique, you will learn how to shoot arrows continuously.]

Conceal technique:

Stealth (grade C)

[You can conceal your presence. Only warriors with higher grade observed technique can notice your presence.]

Spirit concealment (grade C)

[You can conceal your grade through this technique.]

Movement technique:

Light walk (grade D) (+)

[You will feel much lighter. Your speed will be twice as high]

Spiritual techniques:

Flame control (E-grade) (+)

[This technique helps you learn how to control the flame.]

Spiritual energy control (E-grade) (+)

[With this technique, you can master controlling your spiritual energy faster.]

Noncombat techniques:

Energy recovery (E-grade) (+)

[Help you recover your spiritual energy, stamina, strength.] "

[Note: You just enter the low stage of warriors ] "

It surprised Sam to see that his health increase. His other status also increased except spirit. So Sam was planning to go to the warrior association to buy spirit crystals and some int crystals. He knows E-grade spirit crystals are very pricy, but he still wants to buy some spirit crystals.

He also needs to sell his extra loot. At first, he was planning to go today but then decide to go tomorrow, because he has been pretty fired up and wants to train all day.

He gets up from his bed and went to the bathroom, and after coming from the bathroom, he went towards the dining area. He was now feeling pretty hungry.

Sam finish his dinner and after cleaning he directly went towards his room. He is now quite tired, both physically and mentally. He needs a good night's sleep. Because of this, he didn't sit down in the hall room to watch the news. Recently, Sam makes a habit of watching the news after dinner, but today he was pretty tired and didn't have the mood to watch the news.

He comes to his room. Wasting no time, he directly lays down in his bed. He is now feeling this dark room with moonlights creates a perfect environment to fall asleep. So he falls asleep as soon as he lays down on the bed.

[A/N: Hey guys (, this is my discord link. If you have any suggestions, tell me. I will wait for you guys. And if you enjoying this novel, you give me some power stone (the shameless author is here). Good day guys.]

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