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Chapter 592 592 - Team Ranking

Chapter 592 592 - Team Ranking

Sometime later,

One by one every participant begins to teleport to the battleground. Everyone present in the danger zone already stops fighting those Monsters and naturally they are just waiting for the teleportation array to take them to the battle arena.

Well you can say previously when they came to the danger zone using the teleportation array, the warrior association at this time marked each of them with a different symbol and naturally using that they could teleport everyone back to the battle arena. Previously everyone of those participants who got this qualification from the competition came back to the battle in a through that kind of process.

Naturally not everyone came to the battle arena at once and it will take some time for everyone to come back. But every time when those participants come back to the battle arena every person present in the battle arena cheering for those people. Even if those people were not able to reach the top 10 position or something like that, they still gave them a good show and an exciting match.

The Livia arena team also came back to the battle arena sometime later. Not just only them but one by one everyone already came back to the battle arena in just 1 hour. Not only that, the warrior association already prepared the resting room for all of them where they could rest and saw the final result.

Actually, yesterday they already shut down the ranking result and only today everyone will get to know about the final result. Because of this, not only just those participants but everyone present in the stadium was also very excited to know the result.

Fortunately the warrior association did not take that much time and already began to show the result on the big screen that was present in the battle arena. Not just that big screen present in the battle but everyone can see that result online or on their TV right now.

From last to first, all those participants that present in the competition are able to see their ranking. Naturally the ranking was divided into two parts where the first one was the team ranking and the second one was the individual ranking. In a competition like these naturally someone would not choose a team to go inside of the battle in so team ranking is also a big factor in this competition.

All the teams naturally looked for their own name in the ranking and even Livia, Maria and the others found their ranking. In the end they can see that they are able to reach top 25 in team ranking. On the other hand the team of the human Prince was able to reach top 5 rank.

Unfortunately they were not able to reach first place in team ranking. But the thing was that none of them get disappointed when they look at the ranking. They already expected that because to reach the first place they would need a huge amount of points and just by killing those monsters they won't be able to gather that amount of points in these 10 days.

So from the first you can say none of them aim for the 1st position. Now back to the main matter, the team of that dragonite Warrior who previously got the first position is still able to maintain his position. Not only that, just by looking at the huge amount of points that they collected you can naturally say how many teams get defeated by them.

In these 10 days you can say at least 6 teams decided to challenge them and naturally they won all those challenges and were finally able to maintain their first position. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see from the team ranking, we naturally wanted to call the top five position holders into the battle ring so that they received their reward from the warrior association.

Now everyone naturally wants to know about the individual ranking but it will take us some time to show you the individual ranking so I hope everyone patiently waits for the result."

A person that came to the battle arena at this time suddenly announced that and after that every person present in the battle arena began to clap for those top 5 position holders.

Those teams already went back to the resting room but when they get called by that person then naturally once again begin to go back to the battle arena. But this time the moment they enter the battle arena everyone begins to cheer for them and naturally that makes everyone very proud at this time.

The most surprising thing was that many people from different Kingdom were also cheering for them. So that was a really proud moment for everyone.

" Now everyone please welcome our blade king, he will be the one who will give the rewards. Also I hope those teams who were unable to get the top 5 position did not get disappointed because you can prepare yourself for the next competition and in that competition you could get the first position. 

You should not get disappointed because you can make yourself stronger and naturally by doing that you can get the first position or even enter the top 5 position."

The announcer finishes saying that while everyone once again begins to clap because at this time the blade king begins to walk toward the battle arena where those 5 teams are waiting for him. Naturally he isn't alone as many people are also coming toward that place and walking behind him. Everyone of them had some kind of thing present in their hand and naturally those are the reward for those 5 teams.

"All of your teams really put in a lot of effort to get the top 5 position. All the time I observed the performance of your team while present in the danger zone and I am really satisfied that all of you became so much powerful I really had the potential to become more powerful.

Naturally everyone of you knows that currently our planet is facing a problem with the Abyss world. They wanted to sacrifice the life of our planet to open the gate for their demon god and I should tell you one thing that you don't know about those Demons.

Those Demons became more powerful just absorbing the negative energy from living beings. Not only that from childhood they would have a strong potential and much more powerful compared to any of us. Even though all of you read about them in your history book but in the history book you did not read all the truth about those Demons.

I will not say all the truth about those Demons but you should know that it would be a complete disaster for our Terraria if those Demons were able to come back to our world. Because of this I hope after receiving all these rewards you will focus on becoming powerful as it would be really helpful for our planet to have strong warriors like all of you."

Saying all of this the blade king finishes his explanation and after that one by one he begins to give them their gifts. The good thing was that everyone from those top 5 teams got rewarded by him and naturally that also made everyone happy. 

But naturally they also become serious by hearing the word of the blade king. Everyone naturally knows that right now Terraria you're facing a very dangerous situation. If really those Demons were able to come back to their planet then it would be a complete disaster for every living being present on this planet.

Not just those participants but everyone watching the award ceremony already got serious just by hearing that. Everyone was very worried about their future as they did not know if those Demons would be able to break the gate of hell to come back or not but if they were really able to do that then it would be very dangerous. 

Compared to those people who did not know the strength of those Demons you can say everyone who knew about those Demons very clearly became more serious about these matters and all the time they were really alert about the Abyss world. Because they also know most likely something happened to that world and because of this, those abyss humans became active that much.

Back to main matter,

After the award ceremony finally over, every team already wins back to the resting room. Also the warrior association already announced that they will announce the individual ranking after 2 hours and in that time everyone should also finish their lunch.

As you know the individual ranking will be released based on the warrior grade, so naturally it will take some time for the warrior association to arrange all of these. Also every Warrior team will get time to rest and eat something. First of all you can say in these 10 days none of them get that much time to eat that much, so naturally everyone must be very tired.

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