
Chapter 182: < Protect – Episode 181 – Six-Party Talks [2] >

Chapter 182: < Protect – Episode 181 – Six-Party Talks [2] >

“You tanned a lot.”

Lee Jung Hoon, who returned from the States with Logan and his underlings, was very tanned. To put it nicely, he looked manly, and to put it frankly, it was evident that he worked hard. He thought he would use his foot before his words and fist, but Lee Jung Hoon just stared at his big brother and then passed by him. Ahn Soo Ho looked at Logan’s face and the back of Lee Jung Hoon with a shocked look on his face.

“Did he just ignore me?”

“It’s understandable, Soo Ho. He had to experience the military before he even got a notice for his mandatory service.”

“That doesn’t mean he can just ignore me.”

“If he can’t win in a fight, I think it’s wiser to just ignore that person.”

“He only learned bad things.”

Ahn Soo Ho shook his head and headed toward the exit with Logan by his side.

“What about the guys?”

“They’re a lot calmer now.”

It was always sad to lose a colleague. And in the military, they were more than just business partners with monetary relations. Ahn Soo Ho did his best to perceive them as contractors, but he thought of them as more than family.

“Make the key members return to work and let the rest of them rest.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Any tackles?”

“As for the Military of National Defense, Black Fortune took care of it. He’s a very skilled man.”

The cautious acts being committed as a trend in America came to an end.

“What about Nancy?”

“Senator Brown was busy with her election.”

“You still took care of her, right?”

“Yes, Sir.”

After Senator Fitzgerald went down due to the Davis Scandal, it was Nancy Brown who rose to become the presidential candidate. As a former prosecutor, her nature and abilities were a perfect fit. Fitzgerald, who was once the star of the hearing, became a scapegoat for yet another star of a hearing, Nancy Brown.

“How’s President Olsen?”

“That incapable vice-president? He’s still just as incapable. Scott took a really bad shit this time.”

He might have been with Ahn Soo Ho now, but Logan was an American citizen. So there was no way his old habits were going to go anywhere. Henry G. Olsen was selected to serve the rest of the term as president, and ratings of the White House went down by 20% as a result. Their efforts to increase their ratings with a war backfired on them.

Americans no longer trusted the US forces who were working on attacking Nigeria, and at this rate, President Olsen was at risk of getting impeached.

“Do you know a special agent named Emily Karen, Soo Ho?”

“Of the FBI? I do. Why?”

“She resigned after getting involved in the scandal.”

“How unfortunate.”

In return for resigning, he gave a small hint regarding Huxley Group. If Emily Karen was competent, she probably took the lead and found evidence regarding the corrupt businesses being run by the British government on American soil. The problem was that it wasn’t just the British who were involved in the crimes.

“We messed with a beehive.”

“Who did it?”


“The deputy director of the FBI?”

“There are rumors that he didn’t like Special Agent Karen from the beginning.”

“Figures... He’s very small-minded.”

Deputy Director Adam Laroche of the FBI was like an old man who believed he was always right. He probably didn’t go around making it known, but he was definitely a sexist.

“Did Huxley Group act through Laroche?”

“I don’t know about that... Why don’t you ask Ms. Huxley yourself?”

“No, that’s okay.”

He had no interest in making an effort for that woman, but he felt bad. If American judicial authorities pressured the British Government, Barbara could have a wider radius of working space.

‘I should tell her later.’

Barbara wanted revenge, but it was still too early. Ahn Soo Ho arrived at the parking lot right after Lee Jung Hoon left the taxi.

“He must be really mad.”

“Mr. Lee will be all right.”

“Why do you think that?”

“To put it in a Korean way, he’s much more mature now.”

The first thing Lee Jung Hoon did in States was to visit the war veteran hospital. There, he saw sights that were unheard of in Korea, and he even saw people with no limbs whatsoever. Where did they get motivation when their future was so uncertain past rehabilitation?

“Friends and family. The only reason to live on in a horrible world is that family and friends are there with you.”

All countries were indebted to the war veterans. And in that sense, America made an effort to take societal responsibility. They were still lacking in many ways, but it was praiseworthy that they weren’t ignoring the war veterans altogether.

“Once you realize the value of your friends and family, you mature quickly.”

“Do you think he’ll resent me?”

“Are you serious, Soo Ho? Of course, he will. He will, 200%. You were the one who made him see something that he never would have wanted to see. Isn’t it obvious that he resents you? But...”

Logan sensed that Ahn Soo Ho treated Lee Jung Hoon differently compared to his other brothers. He acted more like a strict father to him.

“He’ll get through it well.”

“I hope so.”

“He’ll realize your sincerity one day.”

“I don’t care if he does or not as long as he treats his mom and sister well.”

He didn’t care how he acted with him as well as he was good to Mrs. Park Ok Nam and Lee So Hye. As soon as they approached their destination, Logan cautiously asked.

“What’s going on with Bridal Mask, Soo Ho?”

“I was just sick of how things were dragging on. I was being too timid in Korea.”

“Did Kosi incite you?”

“Yeah, sort of. But I was the one who made the decision.”

Logan didn’t hate Kosino at a human level, but he just didn’t like the negative image of how she handled her jobs.

“Secrets don’t last forever.”

“No one will disclose it as long as I’m alive.”

“I guess so.”

Logan held back from adding, “If they don’t want to die, that is.” Ahn Soo Ho dropped off his underlings at their destination and then headed over to his. The U.S. army base in Yongsan was relocated to Pyeongtaek, and they were in the process of restoration. However, it was still a civilian access zone. He headed to the command control center hidden deep within and met with his guests.

“Sorry. Am I the last one to arrive?”

As soon as Ahn Soo Ho arrived, they got up from their seats.

“No, we just got here, too.”

“Welcome, Mr. Ahn.”

The 5 men weren’t famous in the public eye.

Compared to the Six-party talks held between Korea, America, China, Russia, Japan, and North Korea, their faces were that much more unfamiliar. However, these 5 received commands from their countries to discuss the peace of North-East Asia.

Lee Yong Hee was unable to hide his stiff face. On the day he met Ahn Soo Ho in Pyeongyang, dozens of politicians including political director, Kim Taek Sun died. Lee Yong Hee had no interest in dancing on top of a sharp knife that was power.

“The chairman’s comrade said he’ll abide by your opinion no matter what.”

“I doubt Pig Kim came to his senses... Whose advise was it?”

“Defense Head Chae Myung Seon.”

Calling someone a pig was one of the worst insults. Koreans probably didn’t know this, but North Korea had a supply that depended on the world’s mercenary market. Ahn Soo Ho also acknowledged North Korea’s combat abilities. There were many workers being sent abroad to make money, and the money that they deposited into their accounts in North Korea was fairly large.

‘Chae Myung Seon.’

He had never met him before, but he had met his daughter before.

‘Chae Soo Hyang.’

Alexa chose her Korean name to be Soo Hee because of Ahn Soo Ho’s influence as well as Chae Soo Hyang. When they met her in Switzerland, her impression was so strong that it made them forget all of the stereotypes made about North Korean women.

“Is she doing well?”

“She is.”

No name was mentioned but Lee Yong Hee knew who he was talking about. Following North Korea, America, China, Russia, and Japan tried to greet each other, but the greetings ended there. Ahn Soo Ho got straight to the point.

“Six-party talks... The excuse was pretty good.”

The six-party talks reopened following North Korea’s provocation, and it put on quite the show in the Korean peninsula. In contrast to the vibrant show though, they had a different hidden intention; that was to be envoys of their own secret missions.

“What is it that you want?”

“The true intention of the complete neutrality zone.”

It was China who spoke up first. Deputy Head Soonming was put in a difficult position by Ahn Soo Ho’s sudden declaration. That was because, after the reformation, China put in the most effort in their partnership with Korea. Since Korea was America’s ally, they were naturally allies as well, but their relationship wasn’t that solid.

Since China wanted power in Asia, Japan was more their competitor, and they saw Korea as a useful feed they could use to bring North Korea to the negotiation table. So they made a lot of political, economic, and cultural efforts for the last 20 years, and it was finally time to bear the fruits.

“Oh, I think you’ve misunderstood.”

Ahn Soo Ho laughed at Soonming’s stiff face.

“I have no intention of interfering with battles between nations.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I don’t care if you take down the Korean government or swallow up the Korean organizations.”


Soonming’s face finally loosened up, and a few others sighed in relief.

“Did you put on these six-party talk show because you thought I was going to give Korea a special treatment?”

“I’m embarrassed to say this... but yes.”

“Haha. Did you think I was going to try to reunite North and South Korea? Don’t worry. I don’t want to stop any customs.”

No one could deny him.

The relationship between the north and the south wasn’t just their problem alone. There were many political tactics hiding within it, and it was an international issue with many countries involved. If he messed with that unilaterally, Ahn Soo Ho was going to be in a tough situation as well. Business was a two-sided exchange. One-sided pressuring led to failure.

“But Japan went too far. They cheated way too much this time. Don’t you agree?”

The friendly vibe went cold. Minister Maruyama looked embarrassed.

“Regarding Fidelity Association, we don’t have anything to say either, Soo Ho.”

“Is it because the old men are hard to control?”

“There are limits with new bureaucrats. In any case, the stand-in prime minister is on your side. Along with Chief Cabinet Secretary Shiba, he’s working on making Japan be born again as a new country. But there are parts that can’t be changed.”


“That’s right. Yakuzas are hard for us to control. Their influence is huge both in Tokyo and even more so in rural areas.”

Tokyo was at the center of Japan, but the decentralization of the police and governmental authority worsened toward the rural areas. The rural areas were so different that people doubted they were still in Japan, and in many cases, the law didn’t apply as they should have.

“If the old men can’t be controlled, I’ll take care of it myself.”


Maruyama groaned, but he didn’t protest. They knew as well that Fidelity Association was going to lead Japan to its doom. However, no one wanted to arm themselves and run into the battlefield, so it had been put off until now.

Japan’s public opinion was divided into two.

Fidelity Association established a strong foundation in the rural areas using bribery, connections and politics while newer bureaucrats and politicians led Tokyo, and at the center of it was Chief Cabinet Secretary Shiba. Japan of the 21st century was still in a tug-of-war between democracy and feudality.

Russia didn’t have much to say.

That was because the Russian ambassador to Korea controlled Moscow, but he attended anyway just for show. The deputy head from Russia didn’t say anything after the greetings. Lastly, the one America sent was unexpected.

“I know I told you to stand behind D.C... but since when did you lick the president’s ass hole, James?”

“Haha! This is embarrassing.”

Black Fortune, also known as James Black seemed embarrassed. Ahn Soo Ho sent him to speak for him, so he didn’t know they would send him back to represent them. Were they still after him? Since this was his choice and responsibility there was no point in saying more.

“Did Nancy change her stance as well?”

“No, Soo Ho. We didn’t change our stance.”

“Then what is this?”

“We just want a win-win scenario.”

Ahn Soo Ho crossed his arms.

“I thought was generous enough to not revise SOFA.”


Korea and America’s Status of Forces Agreement weren’t just about the military. There were times when American spies caused an accident in Korea but got out of it using SOFA. When America really tried to get someone out, not even Ahn Soo Ho could stop them.

Soonming watched by hoping that the conversation would intensify. Today’s meeting was informal, but if Ahn Soo Ho said ‘Get out, US Military!” they would have had to pack up and leave. From China’s stance, if the US military left the Korean peninsula, they might as well give North Korea to Ahn Soo Ho.

“The US military won’t get into any more trouble.”

“I don’t care if I’m going to get involved in any of that... But if the CIA or the DIA butt in, it’ll be a headache. I’m having a hard enough time taking care of the people in my house.”

The number of spies that entered Hosoo Entertainment through the open audition was in the two digits, and the reason behind only sending rookies instead of the veterans was obvious.

“What are they going to do after finding my whereabouts?”

“Your worth didn’t decrease just because you retired, Soo Ho. The world is still full of problems and no one knows when another one’s going to happen. The ones at the top just want insurance. The kind of insurance that only the Guardian Angel can provide.”

.9% of the countries weren’t after information about Ahn Soo Ho because they wanted to go against him.

“I’m retired though.”

“That doesn’t matter to those who are desperate.”

“That’s true.”

Since the 5 men had different opinions, they didn’t reveal everything to each other. China was uncomfortable with America and Japan, so he reserved his words, and in the same way, America and Japan weren’t sure about China, so they reserved their words as well. On the other hand, Russia was just watching by while North Korea had no power to lead in the first place.

“When will these six-party talks end?”

Soonming answered Ahn Soo Ho’s question.

“We were going to wrap it up as soon as we resolve your case.”

“What’s the scenario?”

“An agreement proposing a peaceful resolution to the North Korean issue.”

“It’s an annual event.”

Many negotiations about North Korea and human rights took place until now, but the plans were never successfully carried out. Lee Yong Hee carefully asked.

“Is there something you want, Soo Ho?”

“No, I don’t care if North Korea makes nuclear weapons or not.”

He held back from adding, “Because I can just destroy you all.” Ahn Soo Ho had a secret pocket with unlimited space.

‘Oh! Should I get rid of their nuclear waste in return for rights? That’s not a bad idea.’

He was able to preserve nuclear waste and then send them out to space. He thought of a great business idea, but he was unable to finish. James Black was anxious to hear Ahn Soo Ho’s answer.

“Allow us to use Captain America, Soo Ho.”

This let China, Japan, Russia, and North Korea find out about Captain America’s identity, but James didn’t care if they found out.

“That was yours anyway. Why are you asking for my permission?”

“Soo Ho.”

James simply called his name in response to his shameless remark.

“Fine. Do what you want. But in return, put on the bridal mask, too.”


Bridal Mask was labeled as a terrorist by the Korean government, and in contrast to Captain America, Bridal Mask killed civilians. In that sense, Bridal Mask was very different from Captain America.

“Forget it then.”

“Okay, fine.”

James gave in and Ahn Soo Ho put away his playful face and looked at the 5 men with a serious look on his face.

“Deliver this message for me. I’m not that flexible. Just because it’s a complete neutrality zone doesn’t mean you should have your guard down. Everyone has a right to protect themselves. However, if anyone enters with a clear intention and causes an accident, I’m going to consider that hostile behavior and act accordingly.”

Letting Ahn Da Sol overkill in a bridal mask was also his way of sending them a warning. Fidelity Association and Yakuzas that entered Korea could be the triad next time as well as the red mafia of the North Korean spies.

“Since one month is too soon... Let’s go with half a year.”

The Korean mafia would probably go after that vacant seat and cause a ruckus, but that was for the Korean police to resolve.

“Get out.”

< Protect – Episode 181 – Six-Party Talks [2] > The end.

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