Soul Land 5: The Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 430: Blood Oath Protection

Chapter 430: Blood Oath Protection

Asura thought to himself, Well, you could marry me again or something?

Of course, he only thought about it. If he said something like that out loud, Mei Gongzi would probably fly away faster than he could say "peacock."

Seeing Asura fall silent, Mei Gongzi continued, "If possible, could you remove your mask and let me see who you are? At least let me know who's helping me. I really can't accept your things anymore. I came to see you today and have been waiting for two days to get to know you better and discover who you are."

Asura smiled wryly and said, "Why be so hung up on this? You just need to know that everything I do is for your sake. Whatever you want to do, I fully support you. Isn't that enough?"

Mei Gongzi shook her head. "No, it's not enough. If friends can't be honest with each other, how can they be friends?"

At that moment, Asura felt a strong urge to remove his mask and reveal his true identity. But he held back. The identity of Asura would make it easier to stay by Mei Gongzi's side, whether to protect her or do other things. Revealing himself as Tang San would be too shocking, and he worried that Mei Gongzi would have too many thoughts about it. After all, Tang San was only about to turn fourteen.

Fourteen years old, with such cultivation and knowledge, how could he explain that? In the future, to protect her, he would have to use his divine consciousness. It wouldn't always be like when the Sea God arrived—he couldn’t keep finding covers and excuses. And if she saw it, how could he explain it?

They were both still young. Tang San was waiting for her to grow up. He wanted to protect her well and pursue her without reservation when she was ready. Asura's identity was much more suitable for openly protecting her than that of Tang San.

Mei Gongzi, on the other hand, was of a completely different opinion. Over the past few days, she had been waiting for Asura to appear, and during this time, she had carefully considered her relationship with him.

His initial appearance was abrupt, but he would appear by her side every time she encountered difficulties. At first, she was full of vigilance toward him, cautious of this inexplicable character. But as he appeared time and time again, helping and protecting her, her defenses gradually relaxed.

Reflecting on the past two days, she was surprised to find that she seemed to be subconsciously regarding him as an important friend. Yet she had never even seen his true face.

Therefore, she decided that if he came this time, she would definitely ask to see his face.

"Everyone has their secrets, and so do I. I can't let you see my face because I have my own difficulties," Asura sighed softly, saying, "If you can't accept me as I am, then there's nothing I can do. Consider me a guardian sent by the heavens to protect you. No matter how you see me, I will always be there for you when you need me. These two items were obtained at great risk to my life, and I only hope they can help you. After all, you are still young and have a long way to go. This trial is significant for you. Have you considered what you will face if you cannot pass it? Even if you have doubts about me or other thoughts, deal with this trial first."

As he spoke, Asura flicked his wrist, and the Crystal Mirror and the Stone of Fortune flew towards Mei Gongzi.

Sensing a change in his tone, Mei Gongzi instinctively caught them. His eyes seemed to hold a touch of melancholy and sorrow. At this moment, it was as if there were countless stories and past experiences hidden in the depths of his gaze. For an instant, Mei Gongzi felt as if she was looking at someone older than time itself.

A guardian sent by the heavens?

Then she saw Asura raise his hands. He cut his left hand across the index finger of his right hand. In the next moment, a drop of blood filled with a blazing aura and strange light was squeezed out from between his fingers. It was a drop of essence blood!

For any individual, essence blood was the most important substance in their body. One could only condense a few dozen drops in their lifetime, and each drop was highly precious.

That drop of essence blood danced between Asura's fingers, emitting a strange glow. This feeling made Mei Gongzi's soul tremble, as if it contained many things she found familiar without knowing why.

"I swear by my blood. For the rest of my life, whether in good times or bad, whether strong or weak, whether young or old, no matter what the future holds, I will always protect Mei Gongzi. I will never do anything to harm her, I will always be by her side, and I will never betray her. Let heaven forsake me if I break this oath, and let thunder strike me down."

As he spoke, his hands traced strange patterns in the air, and the drop of essence blood naturally spread out in the air, condensing into a peculiar pattern.

A beam of crimson light shot up from Asura almost instantly. Although it flashed and disappeared quickly, at that moment, Asura's aura changed dramatically.

"A blood oath!" Mei Gongzi exclaimed, feeling at a loss. She never expected that when she wanted to see his true face, Asura would prove his intention to protect her in a completely different way, and such a self-harming way at that.

"You didn't need to do this. I'm sorry." Mei Gongzi was filled with regret. "Essence blood is so precious. It will take a long time for you to recover from this. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so willful. You..."

Asura shook his head with a smile as if nothing had happened. "It's fine. This way, you can be at ease. I really have good reasons for not taking off the mask now. When the day comes that I can take it off, I will do so immediately. Trust me, it's just a matter of time. Until then, I will always protect you."

Swearing a blood oath for his wife was nothing. He wouldn't hesitate even to give his life for her, just as she had sacrificed hers for him in their past life.

A blood oath was the most severe vow on the Daemon Continent. No race dared to make a blood oath lightly because in this plane, no matter the race or clan, power came from the bloodline. A backlash from one’s own bloodline meant no less than certain death.

After the blood oath, Mei Gongzi could faintly feel a connection between herself and Asura. This connection instantly removed any doubt she had about Asura's intentions in approaching her. Whatever his reasons and his background were, she knew that he was not lying to her in the slightest.

"Take them. Just consider them borrowed. You can return them to me after you pass your family trial," Asura said with a smile.

Seeing her looking a bit at a loss, his heart ached, but there was no other way to dispel her doubts. As for the consumption of this drop of essence blood, he was not terribly worried. He had ways to recover it quickly.

Mei Gongzi lowered her head and said, "Thank you."

Asura shook his head. "No need to thank me. Hey... Have you eaten? How about we go get some food together?"

He just wanted to spend more time with her.

Mei Gongzi shook her head and said, "No, my mother is waiting for me to come home for dinner. I promised her I'd eat at home."

A tinge of disappointment rose in Asura's heart, but he nodded and said, "Alright, then. You should head back early. It's getting dark."

"Okay. Thank you for coming all this way just to see me. Should I keep waiting for you here in the future?" Mei Gongzi asked.

Asura nodded and said, "Anytime. No matter where I am, I'll try to come back within three days."

Mei Gongzi looked up at him, her gaze slightly complicated. She wasn't quite sure how to handle such a situation.

"Oh, right. I’m sorry for bringing this up after all...this, but there is actually something I want to ask you for help with," Mei Gongzi said, as if suddenly remembering something.

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