Spring Winds

Chapter 52: Promise

Chapter 52: Promise

I stood in a vast green plain, dotted with morning frost patches as the buds of spring started to break through the soil.

The air was fresh and quiet as the world began to wake up from its night slumber.

Have I been here before?

This place seems nostalgic, yet I couldn't pinpoint precisely when I had come here.

Hmm, I wonder if I just saw this place in the passing. I did travel a lot for some time, so it wouldn't be surprising if I walked through here before.


Whipping my head around, I turned to the familiar call. "Father?"

"Naran, there you are," Father smiled, yet I couldn't see his face. "I've been looking all around for you.

Tsk, don't run off like that, okay?"

"Em," nodding my head frantically, it felt like my head would snap off if I went too fast.

"Oh?" Crouching down to my level, he smiled, "What do we have here?"


Looking down in my hands was a small bouquet of bell-shaped white flowers, all neatly tied with a piece of string.

"Hmm, Ling Lan[1]," Father mused. "Did you run off to pick them?"

"Eh, I did."

"Are they for this father?"

"Em," nodding, I held out the bunch of flowers to him. "They're for you!"

"Aw, my daughter is so thoughtful," he grinned as he grabbed the flowers with one hand and me with the other. Hoisting me up into the air, he placed me in the crook of his arm while the other held the flowers' bundle. "Naran, did you know that these flowers are Father's favorite?"

"No," resting my head on his shoulder, the soft fur collar of his cloak, tickled my cheek. "I just thought that they looked pretty."

After all, they were the only flowers to bloom this early, and they looked fascinating!

"Well, do you want me to tell you the meaning behind these flowers?"

"Yeah!" Father always had nuggets of information on the plants that grew around here. He said that he learned all of these during his time as a student in the central valley.

Although I haven't been there before, it seemed like an exciting place.

Greenery and animals of all colors and mountains that seemingly touched the sky!

It must be a magical place, and Father even promised me that he would take me there when I was older!

Hmph, if only time flew a bit more quickly, then I would finally get to visit this mysterious land with Father!

"Alright," Father smiled as he held up the flowers, admiring their shape. "Ling Lan, the flower means that one is incomplete without the person that receives it.

But, don't miscalculate the flower season or love a flower mistakenly.

Once you get lost, there's no way back. It might be the flower that lets you down," Father muttered as he continued to admire the hanging blossoms with a sad look in his face.

"Father?" I looked up, confused. "Why are you so sad?"

"Ah, nothing," soon the sad expression washed away from his face as a bright grin replaced it. "Now, how should I reward my sweet daughter for giving her father such a great gift?


"Uh, meat!" Meat is always a good reward! Especially a big piece!

"Alright," Father laughed, "how about a hug as well?"

Suddenly, Father squeezed me tightly as he nuzzled his face against my cheek.

"Ah, no! Haha!" Squealing and laughing, I tried to squirm away from my father's beard as rough bristles as it brushed against my skin. "Please, haha!"

"Alright, I'll spare my Naran for now," laughing, Father pulled away as we started to return to the camp. "But remember, the hug monster will come for you later!"

"Haha! Okay!"

The scene started to fade away as I was no longer in Father's protective arms, but by myself now. Stranded in a field of soft green grass, I looked around to find if anywhere were nearby.

But, there was no one.

It's alright! I'm sure that Father will come for me!

He always does!

However, as time passed, no one came.

"Whew, it's cold out here," who knew that such a warm place would have such cold nights?

Getting up, I stretched my legs before deciding to walk around a bit. I'm sure that someone on camp patrol will spot me or something.

Plus, it's already getting so late, so there must be someone looking for me, right?

Wandering around through the grassy field, the grass around me grew taller as the sky darkened, almost completely camouflaging me in its reeds. A red hazy coated the air as the sun began to set, and the chirping crickets sung their lullabies with the gentle sway of the wind.


Where are you? Naran wants to go home now "

As I traveled through the grass, I spotted a grow of a campfire in the distance.

There it is!

I must be close!

Running through the field, I pushed the brush in front of me aside as I sprinted towards the light. "Father! Father!"

However, when I came closer, I could hear the distant cries and screams as the light came nearer as the air also became harder to breathe; as with each labored breath, the taste of char and ash burned my lungs.

"Father? Cough, cough!

Father! Where are you?

Naran, cough, is coming!

Cough, Fath-


Tripping over my two left feet, I fell to the ground just before making out of the grass. "Ow," pushing myself off the ground, I could see a small opening between the reeds illuminated by the hot reheat that burned from outside from my protective covering.

Brushing myself off, I crawled towards the opening, covering my nose and mouth from the stench. Peeking on to the other side, what laid there

What laid there

what laid there


Why are you laying on the ground like that? You told me I shouldn't sleep on the ground like that," Crawling out of my hiding spot, I rushed over to his side. "Plus, if you lay down like that, then bugs will crawl into your mouth!

And dirt too!"

"Let Naran help you up," with what feeble strength I had; I lifted his upper body so that his head rested on my shoulder. "Father, you have to get up and clean yourself, or else Naran won't let Father kiss her anymore!"

As I tried to sit him upright, I heard a groan of pain come from his bloodied mouth. "Father?"

Father is awake!

"Na...ran, what are you doing here," coughing up some blood, it splattered onto my shoulder. Before I would've squealed in fear, yet I couldn't find it within me to care right now.

"What do you mean, what am I doing here? I-I still didn't get my reward." Father, you still promised me meat! You promised you would take me to the valley to see birds and plants of rainbow colors; the tall and towering mountains that could touch the sky

You promised

"Naran," Father choked out, "Naran, you must leave," struggling to lift himself, he almost collapsed back down onto me before planting his hands down for support.

"L-leave? How could I leave?"

How could I leave without Father?

"Naran, please," Father begged. I didn't like the way that Father looked at me with those pleading eyes.

"No!" My lips began to tremble as my vision blurred. Hastily wiping my eyes, my eyes stung from the heat and smoke in the air.

"I'm not leaving," hugging him, I refused to let go as my fingering dug into his fur coat. Looking over his shoulder, I could see blood pouring out of Father's legs as a single large gash cut through both of them. "I don't want to go


Please don't make Naran go!

I want... sob I want to stay with Father"

I don't want to go! Where would I go without Father?

Every since I could walk, he said I followed him like a little tail.

How could one detach their tail like nothing?

My throat began to grow tight as it became harder to breathe. Whether it was the smoke or my sobs, I didn't know.

"My Naran," I felt something wet on my other shoulder, "Father's sorry. I broke my promise"

Suddenly, with a hard shove, I was plunged into darkness.


The last thing I could see was Father's face. His clear image that looked sixty percent like mine, smiling at me with tears in his eyes.

"Father is sorry, Naran."


The darkness grew hot.

Painfully hot, as hot the pits of hell.

However, it was incomparable to the pain in my chest.


Father! How could you!

You promised!"

You promised Naran!

"Zhu Na Ran!"

Suddenly sitting up in bed, my chest heaved as I took in greedy gulps of air as I couldn't help but shiver as my clothes clung tightly to my slick skin.

"It's alright," hugging me tightly; I heard Senior Sister's steady heartbeat as she held me in her arms. "It's alright, Zhu Na Ran.

You're safe now."

Quickly trying to control my breathing, I plastered on a smile as I hastily wiped my eyes with the best of my abilities. "Senior Sister, what are you doing here?"

Remember to smile three times, Naran.


Senior Sister didn't answer me as she held me close.

"Senior Sister, I'm fine now! Honestly!"


Pulling back slightly, Senior Sister scanned my face with a strange look in her eyes. Letting go of me, she held my face in her hands.

It felt rather good as she started to massage the area under my eyes. Closing my eyes, I savored the cooling and gentle sensation as I felt whatever worries that came to mind, fleeting away.

"Zhu Na Ran, it's alright. I'm here. Nothing can hurt you here."


"Tsk, I'm okay, Senior Sister. I'm serious!


"Enough," Senior Sister cut in. "You don't need to pretend around me," a weird look flashed in Senior Sister's eyes.

I don't like it.

"Geez, Senior Sister? What pretend? What are you saying? I just had a weird dream, that's all! Now can you please let me go?

I'm hungry!

Aiyah, what time is it?"

Looking at the slightly open window, I could see that it was midday!

"Midday! Oh my goodness, I have so much I need to do!

Excuse me, Senior Sister, can I get some privacy? I need to get ready!"

Where had the time gone?

And how could've I let myself sleep this long?

Usually, my natural alarm would have woken me up way past this time, even if I wanted to sleep!

Plus! What about all of the food sent my way!

Had it all gone to waste? That's at least two meals of delicious food, thrown out!

I need to go and chase after that meal maid to tell I haven't finished eating yet!

Flinging the quilt off my legs, I tried to go around Senior Sister, however before my feet could even touch the ground, I was pulled back into bed.

"Senior Sister-"

Holding me in her arms, Senior Sister pressed me tightly against her body. I could hear her heartbeat rapidly against her chest.

Or was it my own?

"It's okay, Zhu Na Ran," she muttered as she combed her fingers through my matted hair. "You don't need to tell me anything.

Just sit here and relax," humming some unknown tune, Senior Sister began to rock me gently as if I was a baby.

And yet, although I felt a rise in protest in my throat, the words seemed unable to escape.

The room grew quiet with the sound of Senior Sister's humming as I stopped trying to struggle my way out.

Cradled in her arms, I couldn't see Senior Sister's face as she combed my knotted hair gently and slowly. "It's alright, Zhu Na Ran.

Nothing of harm will come to you.

I wouldn't let them.

I'm staying by your side even if you try and kick me away."

"You promise?"

"I promise you, Zhu Na Ran."

Heh, how many times have I heard that line before?

Yet, oddly enough, I was assured by Senior Sister's words as I felt my consciousness fading away.

You promised, Senior Sister.

[1] Ling Lan - Lily of the Valley. Though it has an auspicious meaning, it's highly poisonous with a sweet smell to it.

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