SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

Chapter 293: Return of the Sword Emperor (1)

Chapter 293: Return of the Sword Emperor (1)


He was overwhelmingly dominant, too much to be considered a hunter like themselves.

-Hey, losers? Sometimes you need to get some air to stay alive.

-Staying cooped up in a room all day like you lot isnt good for anyone.

He was too repulsive to even be considered a fellow human.

-Here, take this as a favor! Ill remodel for you today, for free! Haha.

The elder of the Mage Tower clenched her teeth. She had many subordinates under her. So far, six constellations had knelt before them, and six worlds had submitted to their rule. The 50th floor had long been their territory.

But why.

-Why cant you catch that one gorilla!

-Because Im a damn strong gorilla.

The elder was furious. A curse involuntarily slipped from her lips.

If he had been a warrior of some decency, she might have been able to accept defeat. Even if not respected, had he been decent enough to be worthy of respect, she would have willingly handed over the throne of the 50th floor to him.

-I wont give it up!

But she couldnt admit defeat to such a brute.

-No, I wont! Sword Emperor, you bastard! Rather kill us!

-Okay. Lets do this. From now on, for every time you call me a bastard, one of your towers will fall. Deal?

-What? What kind of nonsense

The Sword Emperor swung his sword carelessly. All the hunters fighting on the 50th floor realized something. Even if the Sword Emperor was a bastard, what came out of his mouth wasnt just nonsense.

A spire that had stood proudly for over a thousand years was cleanly sliced off.


The elder went insane.

-No! Stop it! My research! My experimental materials! No, ah, the constellations! At least stop the one sealed underground! And that bastard

-Are you okay? If you call me a bastard one more time, another tower goes, you know?

-Bird Bird! Damn, bird!!

-Oh. Right. The universe is vast, so somewhere there might be a species of bird called a damn bird. Ill acknowledge that.

The elder felt like she was going to lose her mind. In fact, she had already lost it. If only she could punch that smug face, she would have been willing to lose all the research she had invested in for the past 200 years.

An ancient tree, a monster, a demon. Despite the many nicknames she had, at this moment, she was nothing more than an ordinary lunatic. The Sword Emperor had the knack of turning those who confronted him into lunatics.

-Ill kill him!

The elder swore.

-Ill definitely kill him! Ill leave the towers you destroyed as eternal evidence! And on the day you return to the 50th floor, damn bird! Ill capture you and imprison you in the ruins of that fallen tower! Forever! Ill stake your heart!

-Thats why you guys never succeed.

The Sword Emperor clicked his tongue and slung his sword over his shoulder.

-You should be thinking about chasing after me, not waiting for my return.


-I am the Sword Emperor. The number one in the world of myriad swords. And, the first righteous warrior to conquer the 100th floor in all creation!

Then, something astonishing happened.

The hunters on the 50th floor, who were watching the showdown, felt something from the Sword Emperors declaration.

Perhaps they were too complacent in reality? Werent hunters meant to climb the tower? Hunting beginners who had just arrived on the 50th floor, conquering the worlds of the beginners, and comfortably sucking the honey of life wasnt that wrong?

Yes. There was a profound reason why the Sword Emperor demolished the spire of the Mage Tower. The power dominating the 50th floor isnt an eternal victor! Anyone can become a traitor. The Sword Emperor took up his sword to teach us, the common people, his noble intentions. Oh, praise him. From now on, we are the followers of the Sword Emperor, disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect. Let us all follow him

Excuse me, bird.

-Huh? What? Its just getting to the climax.

Cut the crap and guide me.

It was all a story from Bae Hu-ryeongs past.


As I listened to Bae Hu-ryeongs stories about the Mage Tower, more precisely, his own useless tales of bravado, I made my way deep into the interior of the Mage Tower.

Once I successfully infiltrated, the conquest turned out to be less difficult than I thought.

-Thats because the external surveillance is excessively thorough.

Bae Hu-ryeong, seemingly in a good mood for being in a place related to his past, readily answered questions I hadnt even asked.

-There have been few cases of successful infiltration up to this point. Since there are hardly any intruders, theres rarely a chance to revisit internal security. Plus, right now, youre being guided by an insider.

Uuuuuh If the big spiders find out, theyll kill me

As Bae Hu-ryeong said, the insider of the Mage Tower was faithfully guiding me.

Was his name Charumu?

The young magician trembled as he walked ahead, his long bangs obscuring his expression, but he seemed to be very fearful by nature.

Ive betrayed the Mage Tower If I get caught, no, Ill definitely get caught and have my belly skin peeled off while still alive. The big spiders will say they want to see how beautiful my mana is, chop off my duodenum, marinate it in a potion, and then grill it on a torture hotplate Im scared! Theyll definitely record my pitiful screams in harmony and play it back as an acapella song while torturing me! Scared, scared, scared


Is this boy cooperating with me after imagining all that in such detail?

Rather than being fearful, doesnt he have the courage of a fearless warrior whos lost his sense of fear?

Ah please, stop for a moment

Just as I was slightly nauseated by my companions unusual behavior, the young magician, hugging his staff, abruptly stopped.

There are guards up ahead

Struggling with the weight of a staff taller than himself, the boy shivered.

If we go further, theyll notice us

There are guards?

Yes, yes

The young magician shrunk at my questioning. He nervously fiddled with a strand of his bangs.

Theyre not very strong, but theyre responsible for imprisoning and monitoring the followers of Hamustra A spider with sensitive senses has been chosen as the jailer. And, and, you cant just recklessly kill the jailer. If they lose their life, it will automatically trigger an alarm throughout the entire Mage Tower

Hm. Really. Thats somewhat tricky.

I touched my chin, pondering. The straightforward approach would be to approach and knock them out before they notice, but I wanted to avoid risky methods if possible.

Seeing my contemplation, the young magician Charumu hesitated.

Theres, theres a way


Ill go and distract the jailer You must be a great master, right? While the jailer is busy with me, you can certainly finish the job


Thats unexpectedly proactive for an insider who just latched onto me begging for his life.

I tilted my head.

If you really do that, it would make things much easier for me. Are you sure?

Its not okay Not okay at all Huhuhu. But now, my life is linked to yours If you succeed, I live; if you fail, I, I die too.


Even if hes just a lowly magician, he still is a magician, isnt he?

He surrendered just a few minutes ago, but as soon as his fate was decided, he was quick to strategize.

Pleased with my companions proactivity, I continued to listen as the young magician kept muttering.

If you fail, my intestines will be skewered and crisped over a fire fueled by dog feces that the Cerberuses have excreted Sob. My duodenum will be skewered with yours In a way, you and I are already bound by the intestines


What kind of connection is that?

Its extremely unpleasant

Besides, this boy is definitely not normal.

Honestly, its a bit scary.

Then Ill go ahead first

The young magician walked, dragging his cloak behind him.

[The Lone Seeker of Truth watches your infiltration with interest.]

[The Eye Living in the Labyrinth predicts that your companion will betray you.]

[The Incarnation of Love and Lust gives generous points to the boy with the bangs.]

After a few steps, the young magician turned a corner. Splash. Splash. For a while, the sound of the boys bare feet stepping into puddles echoed from beyond the corner.

A little later.

Hey! Stop! Whats that?

A strangers voice addressed the boy.

Get any closer and Ill shoot

I-Im sorry! Please dont kill me!

What? Its just a bug.

I pressed myself against the corridor wall, eavesdropping on their conversation. The owner of the voice seemed to relax their guard upon recognizing the young magician, displaying an unmistakably condescending attitude.

Whats a bug doing here, huh?

I-I was cleaning the sewers and lost my mop. I just um, maybe, do you have a spare rag I could borrow?

A rag, you say? Haha.

The voice chuckled.

Theres a rag right there.


You. Youre the rag. Look at your cloak. Just roll on the floor and wipe it. Youre born to be a rag. If something like you loses something, why come all the way here to borrow it?


A sound of a short beating echoed.


Rag bug, bug rag. Fits you perfectly. Quite poetic for a bug. Hey, its lucky for me. I was bored guarding the prisoners. I couldnt hit anyone. The big spiders strictly forbid any personal torture of prisoners. They enjoy it themselves while forbidding us!

Thump, thump. Familiar sounds of beating continued from beyond the corner.

Yikes, ugh. Sob!

Just thinking about guarding prisoners and not getting to vent, huh, its a waste of my precious time. I should be focusing on my research! I can clearly see those bastards in my group getting ahead! This is troublesome, you know!

Im sorry, so sorry Sob! Im sorry


His attention isnt just drawn; its completely glued.

I immediately darted around the corner.

On my first step, I entered the corridor, and on my second, I passed the magician who seemed to be the jailer.


The magician, noticing my form, uttered a dumbfounded sound. He looked not much older than Charumu. As I had guessed, the jailer was in the process of kicking Charumu, who had fallen, and was frozen in that posture.

What the.

On the third step, I was behind the jailer. Flick. I tapped the back of his head with my finger and poured aura into it. By forcibly injecting aura into his spine, Huh!? the jailer let out a groan and passed out.


The jailer collapsed next to the young magician who had been beaten. The obstacle was resolved in an instant.

The young magician, who had been crouching like a hamster, then looked up.


Well done. Thanks to you, it was easy to subdue him.

I patted the young magicians head once. Then I searched the fallen jailers pockets. Clink. A bunch of old keys came into my hand.

From now on, I will take good care of your identity.


Of course. Its only right to take care of your own people. You betrayed the Mage Tower youve been with for life to join me, and even actively helped me like this. Its natural to ensure your safety. Ill help you settle down properly in this world.

Really? Are you serious? Can, can you swear it to the constellation you believe in? I mean, uh, of course I believe your words, but so to say

Hes been deceived all his life.

I smiled.

I dont particularly worship any constellation, but there is someone important to me Yes, I swear on the name of the Ivansia Ducal Family. Just so you know, this is a serious oath, okay?

Ah, ah, ah

The young magician covered his face with both hands and sobbed.

Thank you Thank you, invader Thank you

Its nothing.

Feeling an inexplicable warmth, I turned around.

Before me was a typical prison. The inside of the cell was dark and hard to see, but I could definitely sense the presence of prisoners.

Among them must be the [Assistant Writer] Hamustra mentioned.

Alright. Now that the jailer is unconscious, lets slowly release the followers

Thats when it happened.


A grating sound tore through the entire prison, the corridor, and possibly the entire Mage Tower. It was a noise that instinctively made one cringe. I reflexively raised my aura to protect my hearing, then looked around in confusion.

An alarm? Is this an alarm? Whats going on

And then I saw it.

The young magician was plunging a dagger into the unconscious jailer.


Huuk, huk. Haaah

The young magician was covered in blood. The already unconscious jailer was undoubtedly dead without putting up any resistance. The magician, his hands smeared with blood, wiped his sweat-drenched bangs.

I finally killed him

I was stunned.

Excuse me.

Yes? Invader?

Why did you kill the jailer?


The young magician blinked, seemingly not understanding my question.

Well, because he deserved to die?


He was 30 years younger than me, yet he was favored by the big spiders and acted so arrogantly. Ive been cleaning sewers for 131 years, 10 months, and 21 days, and hes already working as a jailer Then, sob, thats unforgivable


Oh, and he beat me up He hit me a lot. He deserved a bit of death Its just cause and effect, I suppose


I barely managed to speak.

Didnt you tell me not to kill him earlier? You said that if the jailers life was lost, an alarm would be triggered. So, be careful.

What? No?

The young magician tilted his head.

I said [you] shouldnt kill the jailer


It was necessary for me to kill him


My intuition is always spot on.

Whenever I felt like this guy is kind of crazy, he was definitely crazy.

Not once has it ever been, Hey, relax! He was actually normal! No, its always been like this, and it will continue to be so, even in this moment. Insane. Why did I trust a human being? Did I believe in a bald chimpanzee because there was nothing else to trust?

Oh, of course, the alarm did go off But think of it as a small price for realizing a bit of justice in this world. Now the chances of you and me being skewered together have increased, but isnt it a cheap cost considering

Screeeeeeech! Screeech!

The unpleasant alarm kept blaring.

Bae Hu-ryeong spoke to me, lost in my sage mode.

-I told you. Theres nothing but crazies on the 50th floor, right? Why do you ignore the words of a heavenly senior like me and treat them like crap? Keep it up and youll become crap too, zombie.

Youre the craziest of them all, you lunatic.


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