Stealing Spree

Chapter 123: First Date(2)

Chapter 123: First Date(2)

By the time that Mascot show ended, Minoru was already hungry. Akane, like a mother, chided him as we went through waves of people to the food court.

Akane was also hungry so I guess we'll have an early lunch. Besides, it's already near 12 o'clock. We have just arrived and haven't ridden any amusement rides yet.

I thought she would soon be annoyed by Minoru but Akane was all smiles as she took care of him. There's a huge possibility that he's my son but without confirmation with Miwa-nee, I won't go there yet. Maybe she's seeing our likeness hence she could be patient with him and it's not like she's faking it.

I really like seeing her smile like that, even if this date didn't turn out that romantic for us, just seeing her enjoy the day was enough.

After eating our lunch, Minoru got his energy back as he led us. Yes, he's the one leading us on where he wanted to go. Since we couldn't just leave him alone, Akane and I followed him and rode the rides he wanted to.

Of course, only those rides which allowed children. Sometimes Akane or I will ride with him but oftentimes we will just watch him enjoy it with the other children in the park. Like a married couple watching their child enjoy our visit to this park, we took pictures that will serve as our memory for this day.

"Husband, thank you."

Akane suddenly muttered at my side.

I was holding her hand as we both watched Minoru play with the other kids, this time it's not a ride but an area where they could play, there were all sorts of different kinds of recreational equipment that were designed for children.

"Hmm? Why? I should be sorry, this is our date but we're both stuck looking out for Minoru."

Yeah, it's supposed to be romantic but this isn't that bad. That boy was already stuck in our house for a few days after coming here. A change of pace to unwind like this is good for him, and also for his mother.

"Don't say that, I really enjoy it, being here with you and looking out for him. When we have our own child in the future, I want us to be like this as well. Take him to places like this and watch him grow up."

There's a sparkle in Akane's eyes as she starts talking about our future child. She's genuinely wishing for it. Not with anyone else, but with me.

"Right. We'll do that. And we can go back here next time, just the two of us. I wanted to ride on some with you, you know?"

Especially those rides where she will surely cling to me. Even if she always does that whenever we're together, the experience of enjoying things together is different. We couldn't just fill our daily lives with erotic situations.

"I've always wanted to ride the Ferris Wheel with you, husband. With only the two of us."

Akane then looked towards the direction where the Ferris Wheel is. Looking over the city from up there, with only the two of us, of course, it's bound to be romantic. There were even some who will be taken by the situation and do something erotic inside it but that's something dangerous, you know? I wouldn't risk it if ever. Just enjoying the view with her and a little romantic moment will be enough.

"Huh? Shimizu-chan?"

Suddenly a man's voice called out to Akane, we both turned to the direction of the voice. There lies a guy not far from our age. He looks handsome with his attire and the way he carries himself. Like those cool guys often depicted in anime or movies. And by the looks he's giving Akane, I immediately determined that he's one of those guys aiming for her.

He's not alone though. There's a girl beside him and I think I saw her back in middle school, a senior. She's a looker but also a loner back then. But she's not considered an introvert, she just didn't want to associate herself to others, an antisocial, I guess?

Did she change?

"Hayami-senpai, Matsumoto-senpai."

Hayami-senpai referred to the girl and this guy is Matsumoto-senpai.

Well, his eyes were only focused on Akane and it seems he's treating it like I'm not here with Akane.

"What are you doing here?"

Matsumoto asked.

This guy, isn't it obvious? I know he purposely said that to irritate me but yeah, he doesn't know Akane that well.

"Senpai. Are you just blind or what? Can't you see this?"

Akane with an annoyed tone raised our hands that were clasped together.

I could see his eyebrows twitch as he finally decided to stop ignoring my presence.

"O-of course I could see that. Who is he?"

Not having a choice but to acknowledge it, eh? Well, let's see what this guy will do. To walk in like this. And what about Hayami-senpai who's with him? Is she okay with this?

"My husband, Ruki."

Akane answered in a matter-of-fact way. After that, she clung to me and showed him how close we are. This guy was just acting ignorant, of course. He thought he could try to hit on Akane and appeal to her with his looks.

"Huh? What husband?"

Confused, he alternately looked at us. I'm still not inclined to butt in since Akane could handle him by herself. She's really a different person in their eyes when it concerns me.

"I'm sure you're aware of the rumors about us. Everything about it is all true, so please, can you stop acting ignorant?"

Akane glared at him and that made him flinch but he still continued, maybe to regain his dignity? I don't know, these guys were often prideful and full of ego. They wouldn't rest until they got back at the other person.

"Matsumoto, isn't that enough? Are you here with me or not?"

Hayami-senpai finally interjected. And with the same annoyed tone as Akane.

"Ah. Tomo-chan. It's not like that. I saw a junior and thought of greeting her."

Now stuck between a rock and a hard place which he put himself through, Matsumoto tried explaining to her.

"Oh please. I went here with you because of how you begged. This is enough, I'm going home."

Did he beg? Err. Okay, that one's funny. For sure they're on a date, for him to suddenly lose focus, any girl will be annoyed by that.

"Ah. Hayami-senpai, do you still remember me?"

Now choosing this time to further bury this guy under, I approached Hayami-senpai.

I first looked at Akane and surely, she understood my intention. It's not like I'm putting this girl on my target list but she's interesting enough. The Hayami-senpai I remembered was cold enough that no one dared to approach her. If there were some, they were immediately shut down.

"You're often scurrying around with Fujimura at the library, of course, I remember you."

Right, Yae and I were often discussing things at the library and that's where she always stays. Yae also has a good relationship with her but yeah, you couldn't call it a friend. That girl was too antisocial. To think that she would accept this guy's invitation, it's either she's starting to change herself or she's kind of attracted to him. Either way, I guess she already had enough of him after this kind of pathetic show he presented.

"I see. I'm glad Hayami-senpai is this easy to talk to now. Please take care of Akane as a junior."

Flattering her then asking for a favor. Well, it's unnecessary, they're of different years so their encounters will be minimal.

"Huh? You're a bit cheeky, don't you think so?"

It's not just a bit if you ask my girls. But yeah, she really changed. If this was before, she will only take a glance before she ignores you.

"Err. What do you think, Akane?"

I turned to Akane to answer for me. Matsumoto was already speechless. Now he will be left without a date because of how stupid he is.

"Yes, you are. Nice to meet you Hayami-senpai."

Akane answered before greeting Hayami-senpai again. She only knew her by name so using this opportunity to get acquainted with her, Akane greeted her politely.

"I see. Nice to meet you too. You also need to put a better leash on your man or he will bite anyone."

If only she knew I've already bitten a lot, she'll be in for a surprise.

Hayami-senpai left after that, leaving the frozen Matsumoto where he's standing.

Soon enough, Minoru finished playing and went out of the playground. Likewise, we left the still frozen Matsumoto there.

He ruined his own date. Idiot.

That little episode was soon forgotten by us since it's not even noteworthy. Trying to hit on my Akane? Let's see. I'll deal with all of them when I visit her school.

Time passed and it's almost 5 o'clock, after playing for almost the whole time we're here, Minoru was already tired as I carried him on my back.

This trip to the Amusement Park was still enjoyable at least. We all walked to the train station and found Miwa-nee waiting there. After seeing the exhausted Minoru who already fell asleep with a smile on his face, she thanked us and told us to take care. We won't be going home tonight, after all.

After sending the mother and child off, we're finally alone again. And the next stop will be the theater before going to the hotel.

Taking her hand to mine, we strolled along the streets first and at times we ate some snacks on the food stalls Akane took interest in. Our day still hasn't ended so I wanted to make her feel more special. Tomorrow, my focus will be on another girl again but this time, I'm all hers.

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