Stealing Spree

Chapter 137: Club Activity

Chapter 137: Club Activity

The classes ended soon. With Satsuki and Sakuma going to their respective clubs, Aya and I went to the Club Building together.

Dropping her off to the Book Club, I greeted Haruko first before going up to the Literature Club. Ah. Himeko and Mina were with her so I also greeted them.

I told Himeko about Itou and how I will accompany her here to meet her. After hearing that, Himeko was so happy that she even threw herself towards me.

That's really an unusual reaction for sisters who lived under the same roof. What's the real story behind them?

Though Mina was still baffled at Himeko's sudden change of heart to allow herself to be stolen by me, her hostility towards me lessened when I stopped actively chasing after her. Once I have more free time, I also want to know about her, she might be as interesting as Himeko.

About the other three, I guess I'll leave it to chance. If I encounter them somewhere, I'll use that chance to get to know them. Haruko wanted them to stay with her but I guess once the two third years graduated, they would also drift apart from her.

When I entered the Literature Club, Kana who was silently writing something immediately noticed me. Her face brightened as a smile bloomed on her lips. Though we displayed our affection last Friday, it will be rude to do it again during club hours, Kana also knew that so she only reached for my hand as she dragged me to sit next to her, Ishida-senpai nodded at me while Otsuka-senpai was curiously looking at us.

Fujii was as always, absorbing herself to reading. Coincidentally, I sat next to her. But when I greeted her, she was at first surprised before she scolded me not to disturb her when she's taking in new knowledge.

"Mirae-chan is always like that, Ruki. But she's a good girl."

Kana giggled as she watched how I was scolded by Fujii.

Hearing that, Fujii turned red from her seat.

"I know. I actually got to know her last week and found how interesting she is."

Kana will eventually know how I had made a weekly appointment with her so saying it here now won't make a difference.

"I see. Is she also?"

Though she didn't finish her question, I know what she wanted to ask.

I shook my head as an answer before clarifying it with her.

"Not yet, but she'll help me by teaching me knowledge she knew and I'll help her on trying not to base everything on her knowledge."

"Right, she relies too much on her knowledge. Ruki, you're helping another girl again, you wouldn't do that if you didn't like her, right?"

Though her voice was low when in a silent place like this, there's no way the Otsuka-senpai and Ishida-senpai didn't hear it.

But yeah, Otsuka-senpai was already too curious about me and I still haven't talked to her alone yet, she still owed me three questions while Ishida-senpai, though she's the most normal here, what happened on that Sunday couldn't seem to leave her mind.

"Err… Now that you mention it, I do like her."

"You playboy…"

Kana pouted and bloated her cheeks with air. She's not really upset but she's acting like it. Did she want me to pamper her?

Poking her cheeks with my finger, I whispered to her ears.

"I won't be able to restrain myself if you acted cutely like this, Kana."

"Then don't. Hug me, Ruki."

She looked up at me as she pulled on my arm while saying that. This show of affection from her, it's really pleasant.

"They will feel uncomfortable, you see. I'll hug you all you want after our club activity."


"Un, I promise. I'll also walk you to the bus station again."

"Good. I'm satisfied."

Kana then giggled again as she leaned her head on me, letting herself be comfortable.

"To see Kana-senpai like this… You're amazing Onoda-kun."

Otsuka-senpai finally couldn't contain herself. What did she mean though? Kana never acted this cutely with Kenji?

"Ah. Right. Goto didn't quit the club but he said he won't attend for a while."

Ishida-senpai then interjected as she relays information about Kenji.

"I really thought he would quit, after what happened to them."

Otsuka-senpai's gaze then traveled to us.

"Uhm. I didn't mean for him to quit, he treated me quite well when we're still together. However, as you can see, I couldn't lie anymore, I like Ruki, no, I love him."

Kana stood up and declared in front of them, even the busy Fujii was surprised at her declaration. Otsuka-senpai was tongue-tied while Ishida-senpai had her mouth opened as she couldn't find the words she could say.

This girl. She confessed her feelings for me this way…

"I love you too, Kana."

Hearing that from her, I stopped restraining myself. I pulled her back down to her seat and hugged her tight in front of them.

They all turned their gazes away. Ah no, Otsuka-senpai kept looking as we basically became all over each other.

Kana looked up at me and smiled cutely before silently mouthing the words she just said. After clearing up the thing with Kenji, Kana became like this with me. Since she already declared her love for me, I wouldn't disappoint her. Dropping my lips on hers, we kissed in front of them once again.

We stopped eventually though and apologized to Ishida-senpai and others.

After that, the club activity resumed. Ishida-senpai drew from the same bowl full of folded papers back when I was trying out the club. Reading what's on the paper, the activity was decided to be writing a two-sentence story which could deliver a necessary impact.

Fujii presented hers first it reads as, "Living my life in pursuit of knowledge, I thought it was perfect. But then came him telling me to think for myself which made it brighten."

That's about us. This girl, she really started thinking after that day. I'm glad seeing this change in her, though her habit of taking in more knowledge is still there, seeing her make progress like this is satisfying.

Then Otsuka-senpai presented hers, "There she was, curious as a cat. However, when she witnessed something she didn't expect, she ran as fast as a mouse running from a cat."

It sounds like it's about her at first but she changed the second sentence to someone giving up on her curiosity. Unlike her who was bested by her curiosity as she watched on in earnest. Even now, she's still curious about me.

"It was supposed to be the perfect day. But then he came in and shattered everything I believed in."

Err... Why do their sentences somehow point to me? This one's from Kana and it perfectly explained what happened to us. Me catching them on that day and her belief of genuinely liking Kenji was shattered.

When it's my turn to present mine, all eyes were on me, I didn't have any experience in this so I only wrote what first popped out inside my mind. "Though my desire was what led me to you. Falling for you was genuine and true."

Upon hearing that, Kana blushed profusely as she silently pinched my hand under the table. Though it sounded cheesy and cringe, the other three didn't comment on it.

It might have applied to Kana but it could also be applied to all my girls who I really fell in love with. And maybe to Fujii as well if what we had between us evolved to that. But since only Kana was the one I could call mine here, it naturally got directed to her.

Wrapping up the club activity like that, Ishida-senpai collected the paper we wrote from and stored it somewhere. I thought she? also presented what she wrote but I guess she exempted herself from the activity today.

After that, we were now free to do whatever we wanted. I talked to Kana about her novel and also I mentioned about the book enthusiast who was helping me. She asked who it was even though she already had a guess that it might be one of my girls, she expressed her desire to meet her.

Half an hour later, we stood up and told them we're leaving. Since I still have somewhere I have to go to, I told her that I might leave the club early. Though reluctant, she agreed for her to go home early if I will spend some time with her, alone.

Leaving the three girls there, Fujii told me to check my Messenger later. She has already decided the schedule for our meet-up.

Kana held my hand as we went down the stairs. I planned to bring her to one of the empty clubrooms where we could spend our time together and what I chose was where the President brought me earlier. That room has a sofa we could relax and maybe do more than relaxing.

Of course, I made sure no one saw us entering it, with the SC President lurking somewhere. I told Kana that we should take caution when in public like this.

After entering that room, Kana immediately clung to me. Her well-developed breasts pressing onto my body immediately triggered a reaction from me.

"I missed being this close to you, Ruki."

She whispered as she looked up at me longingly.

"You confessed like that, does that mean my Kana will stay by my side?"

I caressed her face and traced her lips with my finger.

Though I'm asking for the obvious, I just wanted to hear it from her directly.

"Un. I'm truly yours now, Ruki. Kenji, he told me he wanted to start over earlier but I rejected him again. That's probably why he chose not to go to the club."

Ah. He still hasn't given up. At least he didn't do something drastic.

"If he did something, don't hesitate to tell me, okay? I'll always be here for you. I won't let him bother you or even put you in danger. I stole you from him and he will surely not take that lightly."

I've already prepared for that. If he did something to my Kana, who knows what I can do to him. As long as he behaves himself and accepts his loss, we could still stay civilized in the club. We will surely meet soon so the next time he sees me, it won't be me acting like a timid junior like before.

"Un. I'll keep that in mind. I also expected him to do something. What I did might be cruel but this is for the better. Rumi. I know she really likes him but she was restraining herself for us. I told her if she still feels the same then she should confess to him now before we graduated. I know it might be just my selfish wish for him to be occupied by other thoughts but I also want Rumi to find her happiness."

But Ishida-senpai couldn't take me out of her mind as well. Err... it might just be her being concerned about Kana. She knew I already had Yae. Maybe soon, she will also ask to talk to me about this.

"I see. So that's probably why she followed him to that hotel before."

No girl in their right mind will follow someone to a love hotel if they're not interested, right?

"Now that you mentioned it, who were you with when you saw them?"

Kana as if a light bulb was suddenly lit inside her head, asked the thing that I haven't told her yet.

"Err… promise you won't get angry?"

"As long as you take me on a date, I don't mind sharing you. But Ruki, I also want to feel special."

With her pout and bloated cheeks again, Kana hugged me tighter. She's not restraining herself now, openly showing me all this affection, I really love this.

"My Kana is already special. When do you want to go?"

As long as they ask, I'll do it for them. Well, if I also feel like it, I'll ask them out, not just for Kana but for all the girls I have.

"When you're free. I'll wait for it, okay? So, who is it?"

Knowing I was a bit busy, she didn't give a definite date and let me decide it for us. I nodded at her as I started thinking when will be the best time to take her out on a date.

"It's a girl who I stole from middle school. She's from another school."

At one point, if they continue staying with me then they'll all meet each other. Err, I wonder what will happen if I gather all of them in one place? Will it be a paradise or… Ah. Let's not think negatively. I want them all to get along to each other but yeah, there's bound to be competition no matter what I do.

"I see. She's lucky she met you first."

Kana said in a low voice, lamenting the fact that she met me too late.

"Don't be like that, I found you on my first day here and I guess I'm the one who got lucky this time. I got my adorable Kana."

Pinching both of her cheeks, I tried to ease her up. There's nothing we can do about that. If I met her during middle school, I wouldn't really notice her since she'll just be a cute and shy girl at that time when my desire ran rampant.

"Muu… stop teasing me."

Pouting again, Kana tried reaching for my cheeks but I dodged it by moving my head back.

"I'm not teasing you, I'm really lucky to have found you."

After saying that, I let go of her cheeks and circled my arms around her back. Pulling her closer to me, I lifted her like that in which she immediately held onto my shoulders while her legs circled to cling onto me.

She's so light so lifting her up like this seems so easy. Taking her lips again, I walked us from the door to the sofa that was waiting for us. For the time we had left, I'll make her feel more special.

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