Stealing Spree

Chapter 211: Bet

Chapter 211: Bet

The room we went into was quite dusty, unlike the other one. This one was surely a room that wasn't used for long. However, the chairs and tables the previous occupant of this room or whoever last cleaned this room organized everything properly.

I ignored whatever it was that was happening at the room we were at and moved to one of the small tables to dust it off.

I'm here to learn after all. Making Arisa-senpai flustered earlier was just something I needed to do to intimidate her. Otherwise, she would keep that playful attitude towards me. I was just surprised that the result was more than I expected.

"What are you doing Onoda-kun? Don't you want to see what's happening there?"

Arisa-senpai who was peeking using a small slit from the door asked me. Her eyes blinking in confusion.

It's Ogawa. Nothing will surely happen except he will get flustered like many indecisive virgin harem protagonists.

"Preparing a table and chair for us, senpai. It's not fun watching others flirt."

Though my desire was already kept in check, there's a possibility that it might break out again. It's true that those who I targeted were someone I liked but it's also possible that I only started liking some of them when I found out that they're in a relationship.

If I witness something similar to that first incident with Chii, there's a possibility that I will add that girl to my list. That's how complicated my desire is. That's also possibly why it never faded even after realizing a lot of things.

It got more complicated however, it also allowed me to at least control it.

Izumi-senpai is one thing since she's already close to becoming a target but Arisa-senpai is different. I feel like she's someone that I can be playful with without developing feelings for her. Like a friend with benefits.

However, I'm also restraining myself from entertaining that thought. Right now, she's my Mentor and I'm here to learn.

Err... At least, that is what's running on my mind.

"Eh? You seem eager to learn, huh?"

"Well, I needed to learn a lot because I won't have the time in the future."

"You sound like you're in a hurry to think about your future, Onoda-kun. Why don't you enjoy your high school life first?"

If she knew what I was doing since middle school, I already enjoyed everything thoroughly and I'm still enjoying it with my girls.

"I am already enjoying it but I also want to learn something from this."

"You're no fun, Onoda-kun. Come here and let's watch them. It's the first day of this program anyway. Next Monday, I'll get serious at being your mentor during the swap. Promise."

"If you even go as far as promising like that..."

I guess it's useless to hope to learn at this program today. Then to not waste time, I'll accompany this senior on her fun.

I picked two chairs and brought them near to that door.

Upon seeing it, another bout of confusion appeared in Arisa-senpai's eyes.

"… Alright. I give it to you, you're considerate but we don't need that."

"Just in case we got tired of watching them, senpai."

Like her, I peeked at the small gap on the door to see what's happening between Ogawa and Izumi-senpai.

And as expected, my vision was met with Ogawa who had seemingly frozen on his seat when Izumi-senpai went behind his chair and leaned forward.

"That indecisive guy is at it again. No wonder you got Nanami to say yes to you. Your assertiveness is much better than that kind of indecisiveness."

Arisa-senpai clicked her tongue and bit a fingernail on her thumb as she continued watching them.

"All of you keep on comparing us, senpai. Even if he's not that indecisive, I'll still be able to win Nami's hand."

"You're really confident, Onoda-kun. What makes you say that?"

Because I did exactly that? I successfully stole her from him after he stopped being indecisive. Now there won't be a reveal that we're just acting to you and your group of friends.

As if I could answer like that.

"I might not be as good looking as him but I have my ways."

"Just like what you did earlier, huh?"

Arisa-senpai smirked as a hint of red once again appeared on her face upon reminding herself of that moment.

"Did that score some points to you, senpai?"

"It did make my heart race a bit. But you should stop doing that. You already have Nanami."

"You started it, senpai. I'm just playing along with you."

Though I did play along, I admit that I overdid it. But I wouldn't tell her that.

"Ugh. Right. It was my fault. But as a senior, shouldn't you let yourself be teased by me?"

"What kind of logic is that?"

"My kind of logic."

She answered proudly while pointing her forefinger to herself with the same playful smile on her face.

"Alright. I'll let you tease me sometimes. By the way, what does Izumi-senpai see in him? I get that he's handsome. Is that all she's looking at?"

"I also asked Izumi about that, do you know what she told me?"

"Uh. How would I know?"

My response made her giggle as if that was her expected answer and she intentionally raised that question.

"I like your reactions, Onoda-kun. You see, she's a delinquent, right? And that's how she wanted the other students to see her. However, deep inside, she also wanted someone to disregard that and approach her without flinching from her attitude and character. Kazuo did exactly that during our middle school. Despite all the bad words, the glares and the tough acting she did, he will still greet her normally, like any other students he will come across."

"So she was taken in by his impartiality and kindness?"

If that came from Izumi-senpai's mouth then it must be the truth. That main character trait really pulled her to him.

"You could say that."

Arisa-senpai answered with a nod after some thinking.

"How about now? Look at him."

I pointed at Ogawa who's like a turtle hiding in his shell to avoid the blatant flirting Izumi-senpai is doing.

Haa... If I was him. I would've already pushed Izumi-senpai down the floor, reversing our roles. But that's Ogawa. Unless he experienced a setback that will lead to character growth, he wouldn't change.

But yeah, his setback will soon drop upon him. We'll see when that happens.

"He'll give in soon enough. Her greatest rival was already taken by you after all."

"Is that so? Should we make a bet?"

I asked her. I intentionally sounded doubtful. If it's just watching Izumi-senpai trying to break past his turtle shell, it's too boring. I'd rather leave and spend some time with my girls.

However, I can't do that. So betting to add excitement it is...

"Oh? What will we be betting on?"

Her eyebrows perked up, obviously interested in my suggestion.

"Whether Ogawa will give in or not."

"Sure. Then I will bet that he will give in."

Arisa-senpai's lips stretched into a grin as she instantly picked what I expected her to pick.

"Now, you're the confident one, senpai. I'm sure he won't give in so that's that."

"What will we use as betting chips?"

"If you win, I'll be your lackey for a day."

If I lose, it will not be that bad. I can control this girl if I want to but yeah, I will be fair of course since I suggested this bet in the first place.

"And if you win?"

"I'll think about that when I win. Deal?"

"Alright. Deal!"

Arisa-senpai excitedly shook my hand as we went back to watching him. This time, we're a bit closer to each other wherein our shoulders were touching. I noticed that and of course, she also did.

"With this, it won't be as boring to watch now."

"You better prepare yourself to be my lackey, Onoda-kun. Look, he's now looking at her."

"Looking is not giving in, senpai. See. He couldn't hold on for longer than 5 seconds."

Izumi-senpai managed to get Ogawa to look at her but he got flustered too fast.

On my side, Arisa-senpai gnashed her teeth in frustration.

"Can I slap him, Onoda-kun?"

"Go ahead."

I can even help you if you want.

That Izumi-senpai is also tough, eh. Like Nami, she created a situation wherein he would be pushed into a corner. Even if it will look like she's lowering herself to him, she still did it.

"Ugh... It's frustrating to watch."

"I guess I will win our bet, senpai."

"Don't be so sure. Izumi has more cards hidden."

Just like Arisa-senpai stated, Izumi-senpai did another move. She cupped his cheeks and forcefully made him look at her as she slowly moved her head towards him.

That girl resorted to that kind of drastic measure, eh? Forcefully kiss him?

"Hey. That's cheating."

"All is fair in love and war. Don't you know that phrase, Onoda-kun?"

With a triumphant smile on her face, Arisa-senpai proudly preached.

However, what happened next froze that smile.

"I'm sorry, Izumi-senpai!"

Ogawa grabbed Izumi-senpai's shoulders and pushed her away from him, just enough so that he could get out of his situation. After that, he stood up and bowed at her before leaving the room.

As expected from him. He never disappoints.

"Ah... He ran away."

Checking up on the two girls' reactions, Izumi-senpai was left standing there staring at the opened door while Arisa-senpai immediately emerged from the room to go to Izumi-senpai's side. The latter looked like she's in shock while the former put her in her embrace.

That girl is really a great friend, eh?

"Should I bring him back here?"

Acting concerned, I asked after I emerged out of the room.

"Let that indecisive guy be. Just close the door for us, Onoda-kun."

Arisa-senpai answered. Izumi-senpai's face was buried on her shoulder while the sounds of her sobbing started leaking out.

She's really wasted on him, eh? After all of what she did, it only resulted in him running away.

Well, her approach was also a bit forceful. She could just talk to him first and lead him on bit by bit. There's a lot of wrong on the steps that she did. But who am I to voice that out?


After I closed the door I went back and observed the two. What should I do in this situation? Should I leave the room for them or wait it out until Izumi-senpai calms down?

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