Stealing the Yuri Protagonist Harem

Chapter 47: Senior brother, Can You Accompany Me to Talk?

Chapter 47: Senior brother, Can You Accompany Me to Talk?

Luo Wusheng didn't pay much attention to the romantic relationships of his employees.

Should any of them have any romantic affair with the opposite sex, He only offers them his sincere blessings from behind the scenes for this pure and innocent affection.

Unfortunately, he can no longer experience such feelings himself.

As the Demon Sect's Holy Saint, who abstains from the pleasures of the flesh, he thinks like this.

At night, under Luo Wusheng's leadership, the Demon Artifact Pavilion held a celebration banquet at their new residence.

They hired a famous chef from the royal capital.

Since Old Wang's top-ranked rich woman was given a day off by Night Crow after completing yesterday's mission, Luo Wusheng decided to let her stay and have a meal as well.

During the banquet, Luo Wusheng also learned that the girl's name is Su Susu.

She is the daughter of the Su family, a prominent household in the royal capital.

He never expected such a young mistress of a giant family to go to a place like the fireworks.

It can only be said that being a spy is her work, while being a rich woman is her life.

However, this young lady is not the kind of person who doesn't care about her private life. It was her first time going to such a place when she met Old Wang.

It was originally just a way to indulge herself after encountering some displeasure at home, without thinking that she would end up getting involved in a romance with someone from the outside like Old Wang like that.

It can only be said that reality is always more outrageous than fiction.

Towards the end of the celebration banquet, the girl couldn't bear the teasing from Li Xing and the other two officers and left angrily halfway through her meal.

Hmm, Old Wang went after her too.

With a full stomach and satisfied from the feast, Luo Wusheng didn't forget his planned schedule.

When he finished using the communication sword to talk about the new events of the past few days with Little Yuli, it was already midnight.

After some thought, he decided to have a good night's sleep.

Although Golden Core cultivators like himself don't really need to take a sleep to regain their energy, Luo Wusheng actually enjoys the feeling of being in deep slumber, especially when he was certain that he would have some nice dream waiting ahead of him.

However, tonight, his room would be filled with the presence of an unexpected guest.

"Junior sister?" Luo Wusheng looked at Bai Xiaoyao who was standing in front of his door, clad in a white fur coat, feeling somewhat dazed.

Under the moonlight, the Star-Moon Jade ornament he had given her emitted a faint starlight, reflecting the exquisite beauty of the demoness's face.

After a momentary confusion, his subconscious mind began to ponder.

Why would the demoness come to his room in the middle of the night?

"Senior brother, it's a bit cold out here. Can I come in?" Bai Xiaoyao gently lifted her gaze and looked at her senior brother.

"It's alright, come in." Luo Wusheng said, although he couldn't quite make sense of it.

Would a Perfected Foundation Establishment cultivator be uncomfortable with cold temperature?

With doubts in his mind, he led Bai Xiaoyao into the room and sat beside her on the edge of the bed.

(Her aura is correct, she is indeed Bai Xiaoyao, not another person in disguise)

He also didn't believe that anyone could perfectly disguise themselves as his junior sister with such a breathtaking appearance.

"Senior brother, can you get closer to me?" Upon hearing Bai Xiaoyao's words, Luo Wusheng, who had just made a judgment, became uncertain again.

Although demonesses are known for their capriciousness, they do have their own standards when it comes to the limit of their actions. They may be adept at toying with people's hearts, but they never cross the boundaries that have been set by themselves.

In Luo Wusheng's understanding of her, this demoness wouldn't do something like entering a man's room in the middle of the night and saying such ambiguous things, even if he is her senior brother.

Could it be that she drank too much tonight?

Luo Wusheng hesitated whether to go along with his junior sister's words and get closer to her, but before he could decide, Bai Xiaoyao spoke again.

"Hmm, so senior brother won't come over It's okay, I can go there by myself."

Before he could grasp the meaning behind her words, Luo Wusheng felt a small hand gently passing through his arm and then resting on the back of his hand.

The exquisite beauty was right beside him, and a unique fragrance drifted from her body, the typical scent of a young cultivator girl full of vigor.

Luo Wusheng swallowed his saliva.

Although he jokingly called himself "Luo Wusheng who abstains from the pleasures of the flesh" in his mind every day, when he was so close to such a charming and extraordinary beauty, he couldn't help but have some fleeting thoughts.

However, he still maintained his rationality, thanks to the powerful resistance inherited in this life.

"Um Junior sister, what brings you to me tonight? Shouldn't you be cultivating at this hour?" Luo Wusheng asked in a gentlemanly and candid manner.

"Is it not okay for me to come to senior brother without any particular reason?" Bai Xiaoyao's fair little hand applied a slight force on the back of Luo Wusheng's hand, leaning almost half of her body against him, her small face close to his ear, her voice soft, "senior brother, can you accompany me and talk?"

(She's truly a demoness) Luo Wusheng sighed inwardly as he felt the touch on his arm and the warm breath blowing near his ear, causing his bones to feel a bit weak.

(Indeed, something feels off.) Luo Wusheng's gaze flickered, but his face still wore a gentle smile.

"Of course, there's no problem. I'm just curious, at this hour, what does my junior sister want to talk to me about?" He maintained a calm demeanor on his face, while his hand that was originally held by Bai Xiaoyao took the opportunity to reverse the grip, gently holding her delicate jade hand.

He secretly infused a bit of his consciousness with spiritual power.

Receiving the result of his spiritual power transmission, Luo Wusheng was slightly stunned.

No issues at all.

Not even a sign of intoxication.

However, the behavior of his junior junior sister gave him an eerie sense of unease.

Assuming that the Bai Xiaoyao in front of him was fully aware of herself and is not in anyone's control, what could be the reasohoun for her being so close to him?

He wasn't a protagonist from a harem novel where all the female characters would throw themselves at him with a single display of domineering aura.

(She wants to hear about my past)

Luo Wusheng thought of a possibility.

After all, since awakening his memories, he had to some extent paid attention to his character, but he had indeed done things that the previous Luo Wusheng would never have done.

(Could Bai Xiaoyao suspect that I have been possessed by something? and are using this exciting way to test me?)

Thinking of this possibility, he couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

If that were the case, he had no worries at all.

In a sense, he truly was the Luo Wusheng of this world. He just happened to awaken memories from his past, which had a profound influence on him.

He hadn't forgotten a single memory from this life.

"If my junior sister is interested, then of course it's possible." Luo Wusheng smiled as he held his junior junior sister's hand. "But I must warn you, my past experiences are quite boring. I hope you don't fall asleep while listening."

"How could that be? As long as I'm looking at my senior brother's face, I won't feel the slightest bit drowsy"

(HissThis girl's words tonight feel extremely ambiguous. This must be the method of a demoness!)

After sighing inwardly, Luo Wusheng began to organize his past memories.

To be honest, as a supporting character in the book, the past of the Demon Sect's Holy Saint was truly dull.

No broken engagement event, no being bullied because of poverty, just day after day of cultivation and occasional ventures into obtaining rare stones and exploring ancient ruins.

Since the protagonist hadn't appeared, his life had been relatively smooth so far, without suffering any major losses.

If it weren't for the upheaval caused by the battle between the Buddhist Sect and the Demon Sect, he would have been considered among the top tier cultivators in the entire world, second only to the protagonist, until the end of time, right?

After silently cursing the entire Buddhist Sect in his heart, Luo Wusheng began his narration.

"Well, as long as I can remember, I have always been in the Demon Sect.

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