Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 74 - 64: Borrowing General

Chapter 74: Chapter 64: Borrowing General

"What a peerless appearance of Little Commander Star..."

Guo Huijun was so angry at Liu Suiyun's ignoring that her hands holding the silver spear were shaking non-stop. At any moment, she wanted to overturn Liu Suiyun with a single spear. She even had a hard time controlling her warhorse. After a long time, she finally calmed down and said, "Commander Star, I will escort you to see Zhaori!"

She said a harsh remark, "Oh, after me, no one can take advantage of Zhaori!"

As she spoke, she had already urged her horse to closely follow behind Liu Suiyun's carriage. She held the silver spear tightly, ready to stab at any time. And several old people of the Gu family were also resolute. As soon as Xia Jingjue made a gesture, two of Liu Suiyun's old subordinates also held long spears and guarded Guo Huijun. As for the rest of the horse thieves, they were now at a loss and didn't know who to listen to.

On the surface, Guo Huijun showed no reaction to their actions, but deep inside, she didn't know how many huge waves had been stirred up.

She had heard the name Star Ruyü many times. Those old people from Tianji who had experienced countless fierce battles would repeatedly mention this name countless times. Her ears were almost worn out by it. But before this, this was just a name on paper.

But now Guo Huijun has regarded Liu Suiyun as one of her greatest enemies in her life. This Star Ruyü has just shown up, and this group of old people from Tianji have without exception completely sided with Star Ruyü. They even directly pointed their guns at her who was still extremely noble and loyally followed in their hearts just half an hour ago.

This is too exaggerated. Until now, Guo Huijun still doesn't understand where she has failed!

You should know that these old people already had a deep relationship with Xu Zhaori when they were in Tianji County. After the entire army came to Tianma Plain, Xu Zhaori and herself did not treat these old people unfairly. They even regarded them as the core force of the entire group of horse thieves to manage. Before today, Guo Huijun thought that each of them was absolutely trustworthy.

But today's facts gave Guo Huijun the most ruthless blow. Liu Suiyun just showed his face, and these old people of the Gu family all defected collectively without exception, without even a trace of hesitation. The most infuriating thing is Xia Jingjue. He was actually the first to point his gun at her. It was a pity that she had just proposed to Xu Zhaori to promote Xia Jingjue's position.

Although there were thousands of waves in her heart, Guo Huijun still remained calm. She closely followed Liu Suiyun's carriage, preventing Liu Suiyun from having further contact with her old subordinates. After a little thought, she sent a trustworthy horse thief to quickly ride a horse to inform Xu Zhaori.

Liu Suiyun only lifted half of the carriage curtain and casually looked at the grassland scenery of Tianma Plain outside the window. Seeing Guo Huijun's cold but occasionally revealing a trace of intellectual beauty, he couldn't help but smile faintly. Then he heard Guo Huijun say again in a sarcastic tone, "Little Commander Star has a peerless appearance. As expected, his reputation is well-deserved..."

Speaking of which, Liu Suiyun's image is now very different from when he met Gu Yinghua. Although he is not as charming as Gu Shanhe's face that can captivate a city at a glance, he can still be described as having sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, extremely handsome. But between the handsomeness, there is always a hint of cunning.

Liu Suiyun didn't care at all about the proverb that Gu Yinghua used to satirize him back then. Instead, he asked casually like chatting about family affairs, "After many years apart, I wonder if Lao Xu has established his Foundation now?"

When Liu Suiyun returned to Yunzhong County back then, Xu Zhaori was already at the eleventh level of Qi Refining. But he was originally an extremely rare talent in cultivating immortality. Coupled with the many gains after killing Pang Tianming, his real combat power was even stronger than some newly established Foundation Establishment cultivators. After three years apart, he must have made extraordinary progress.

Guo Huijun finally raised her gun higher and said with a spontaneously elegant demeanor, "Zhaori is now at the fourteenth level of Qi Refining. I wonder how is Little Commander Star's old injury recovering?"

The fourteenth level of Qi Refining!

Liu Suiyun almost fell off the carriage. He knew that Xu Zhaori was an extremely rare talent in cultivating immortality. In terms of talent, he was even above himself. But in less than three years since they parted, he had actually advanced to the fourteenth level of Qi Refining. This was too demoralizing.

No, the fourteenth level of Qi Refining!

Liu Suiyun thought of this point at the first moment.

For most Qi Refining cultivators, the twelfth level of Qi Refining is the limit. At this realm, they are already called having achieved great success in Qi Refining. Everyone is thinking about how to obtain one or more Foundation Establishment Pills.

Wanting to continue to progress after achieving great success in Qi Refining is no less difficult than establishing the Foundation. Moreover, even if one can make a breakthrough in the Qi Refining stage again, after establishing the Foundation, there is only a negligible difference. Therefore, only a very few will try to continue to explore on the path of the Qi Refining stage.

The thirteenth level of Qi Refining is called "quasi-Foundation Establishment". The Wang Qinian that Liu Suiyun met in Jiazhou market is one. But the status of the thirteenth level of Qi Refining is very awkward. Most of the time, Wang Qinian can only sit in the position of the twelfth level of Qi Refining.

Cultivators of many sect disciples also face the same situation. They repeatedly write to the sect asking to enjoy the treatment of the Foundation Establishment stage instead of having all the good positions preemptively occupied by a group of cultivators at the twelfth level of Qi Refining, leaving them, these quasi-Foundation Establishment cultivators, on the bench.

As for this fourteenth level of Qi Refining that Guo Huijun mentioned, Liu Suiyun heard this term for the first time. Presumably, it is a breakthrough on the basis of the thirteenth level of cultivation. But compared to a real Foundation Establishment cultivator, this is probably only a quantitative change rather than a qualitative breakthrough. It is estimated to be even more awkward than those quasi-Foundation Establishment cultivators like Wang Qinian.

Thinking of this, while sighing at Xu Zhaori's talent, Liu Suiyun also casually answered Guo Huijun's question, "Thank you, Miss Guo, for your concern. This time, thanks to a young lady's gift of spiritual medicine, my old injury has recovered. Now I am a cultivator at the fifth level of Qi Refining!"

"Just the fifth level of Qi Refining!"

After confirming Liu Suiyun's cultivation level, Guo Huijun was a little relieved. But she also remembered that after those people finished saying "Little Commander Star has a peerless appearance", the first thing they mentioned was this Little Commander Star's extraordinary ability. Cultivating both martial arts and Taoism, his Taoist arts and martial arts have reached perfection. Now Liu Suiyun only said that he was just a small cultivator at the fifth level of Qi Refining, but he didn't say what level he had reached in martial arts.

But Guo Huijun quickly put aside such worries. Even if this Little Commander Star can break through the across the mountain realm, so what? Even if he is a Foundation Establishment cultivator, so what? As long as she wears this spiritual armor, she can break through all kinds of abilities and thousands of spells with a single spear.

Since she had made up her mind, Guo Huijun immediately decided to guard Liu Suiyun tightly and not let him obtain any definite information from Xia Jingjue and them. This would be convenient for Xu Zhaori to make a final decision later. "Oh, then I must compliment Little Commander Star! Now Tianma Plain is in need of talents. What Zhaori lacks is a talented person like Little Commander Star who is both literate and martial. Little Commander Star has come at just the right time!"

Liu Suiyun also enjoyed Guo Huijun's escort very easily. "Thank you, Miss Guo. I don't know when Miss Guo made a century-long agreement with Lao Xu. I didn't hear Lao Xu say that there was such a beautiful woman hidden at home. If I had known earlier, I would have made him invite me to the Misty Rain Tower three times!"

"I have a baby kiss with him!" Guo Huijun asked in surprise, "Zhaori didn't mention me to you!"

Liu Suiyun smiled. "Although he didn't mention it, his heart is towards you. Back then, when Lao Xia invited everyone out to drink and have fun, even I, a gentleman, went to join in. Only Lao Xu didn't come. This shows that Lao Xu has you in his heart!"

Just as Liu Suiyun finished speaking, a familiar voice came from over there. "Lao Xing, fortunately, I was upright back then. Otherwise, I would be in big trouble now!"

Liu Suiyun laughed and jumped off the carriage and saluted the person who came. "Lao Xu, I came in a hurry and didn't bring a gift for my sister-in-law. It's my fault. I just brought three carts of tea bricks for the brothers. Let the brothers share them and exchange them for some wine money!"

The person who came was a young man in his late twenties. He was also a real handsome man. Compared to Liu Suiyun, he had a few more traces of masculinity and a lot more otherworldly air. At a glance, he didn't seem like an ordinary person. He was Xu Zhaori, who ranked second among the Four Wolves of the Gu family back then.

He wore a pair of clogs and walked unhurriedly. But several strong horses behind him couldn't keep up with his speed. Just as Guo Huijun said, his Taoist arts had reached a profound level and were already at the limit of the fourteenth level of Qi Refining. He wore a distant-traveling crown, a yellow Taoist robe, and a Qiushui wild goose-feather saber at his waist. As he walked, he said, "That's not enough, not enough! Do you know that our team is very prosperous on Tianma Plain? The original three hundred or so people now have two thousand brothers. They are all brave and outstanding people from all over the world!"

As soon as he said this, Xu Zhaori was extremely proud. The masculine and strong air overshadowed a few traces of immortality. "Now there are more and more brothers day by day, and the little Maqu is running more and more happily day by day. You only brought three carts of tea bricks. That's not enough for the brothers' wine money! But it's good that you came. There is a big event now, just waiting for you, Lao Xing, to join in!"

In terms of age, Liu Suiyun is five or six years younger than Xu Zhaori, but they are extremely close. Xu Zhaori kept calling him "Lao Xing", and Liu Suiyun also found it very pleasant to hear. "There is a big event to do?"

"There is indeed a good thing, and there is also Fellow Daoist An from the Great Jin Kingdom to join in!"

As soon as the three words "Great Jin Kingdom" were uttered, Liu Suiyun couldn't help but frown. He casually said, "It must be a great good thing. But I also have a beautiful thing to ask you for help!"

Xu Zhaori immediately asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

He knew that Liu Suiyun would rather die than come to Tianma Plain back then. He would rather drag his severely injured body back to his hometown than drag down the group. But now he suddenly appears on Tianma Plain. The intention behind this is probably difficult to guess.

Liu Suiyun also directly stated his intention. "I want to do a big thing, so I want to borrow some generals!"

"Who to borrow?"

Now it was Xu Zhaori's turn to be puzzled.

Although it is said that after coming to Tianma Plain, the team has expanded nearly ten times. But among these more than two thousand brothers, the real core backbone is still the more than three hundred people brought out from Tianji. And those who have the deepest relationship with Liu Suiyun are precisely them.

Liu Suiyun said without hesitation, "As long as it is an old brother who is willing to follow me, I want to borrow them all!"

Before Xu Zhaori could speak, Guo Huijun had already said, "Oh, oh, Little Commander Star, this is probably not okay!"

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