Stranger Danger

Chapter 299: Paranirmitavaavartin Heavenly Demon Sutra

Chapter 299: Paranirmitavaavartin Heavenly Demon Sutra

“Please give me a moment. I have a suggestion to make.”

Everyone was gearing up for conflict when suddenly, Chen Xiaojiao let out a giggle.

“The phenomenon this man is giving off is so obvious that it is only a matter of time before more people show up. If one of them is a Spirit Master or something, then we won’t even be able to enjoy the scraps!”

“What do you propose?” Blind asked. Everyone else was also waiting for her to continue.

Chen Xiaojiao beamed. “In my opinion, we should move him somewhere safer than here before forcing him to divulge the inheritance. We can negotiate how we should share it then. What do you say?”

A moment later, everyone nodded in agreement. “Very well.”

Although Chen Xiaojiao’s solution only treated the symptom but not the cause, it did prevent more people from sharing the pie or worse, a true powerhouse who could claim it all for themselves. For now, it was the best solution to their problem.

As for whether they would duke it out or resolve their conundrum peacefully after reaching a safe place, that was for future them to worry about!

“In that case, may I make another suggestion? I would like the Three Lunatics of Mo Bei to carry that man. What do you all think?” Chen Xiaojiao suggested.

“I agree.” Mo Zheng was the first to figure out Chen Xiaojiao’s meaning.

“We agree to this arrangement as well,” Blind and Deaf voiced their agreement right after.

They all understood why Chen Xiaojiao had suggested this. The Three Lunatics of Mo Bei were the only middle-stage Astral Refiners of their group. Everyone else was a Spirit Purifier. If a Spirit Purifier were to carry Ye Qing, it would only stir up undue restlessness and suspicion.

The Three Lunatics of Mo Bei were the weakest of the three of them, and it was extremely unlikely they would be able to pull anything under the watchful eyes of four Spirit Purifiers. If they did, they would only be too happy to trim the fat.

Also, the Three Lunatics of Mo Bei were as insane as they were fearless. They were the perfect fodder to scout out any potential danger.

“We’ll do it as long as you don’t forget our share in the end.”

As expected, the trio suspected nothing. They were a moment away from reaching Ye Qing when suddenly, the young man opened his eyes to reveal a pair of pitch black pupils. They were pure, ruthless, and bottomless.

A pair of black lotuses swayed gently in the night black pupils. They were exceedingly profound and beyond description.

As Ye Qing’s lips curled into a devilish smile, he tapped the space in front of him with a finger. There was no shockwave of energy or even changes to his aura, but the three Astral Refiners abruptly shuddered as if they were struck by something. Their scarlet pupils slowly contracted into pins and turned glassy. they collapsed like puppets whose strings were cut.

“Not good! Run!”

Chen Xiaojiao, Mu Zheng, Blind and Deaf immediately realized that they were in trouble. They didn’t hesitate to turn around and make a run for it.

Unfortunately for them, they couldn’t possibly be faster than Ye Qing. He tapped the space in front of him a second time, and they experienced the exact same thing as the Three Lunatics of Mo Bei. Their pupils contracted into pins, their eyes turned glassy, and they all collapsed to the ground, dead.

“The ‘Paranirmitava?avartin[1] Heavenly Demon Sutra... the Demon Lord of Freedom...”

The black lotuses slowly faded, and Ye Qing’s eyes slowly returned to normal after he took out the seven warriors. He was currently basking in the shock of his newfound power.

The black lotus that appeared in his head earlier was none other than the inheritance of the Demon Lord of Freedom, Xiao Feng. It was a cultivation art that would take him all the way to the Grandmaster stage, the “Paranirmitava?avartin Heavenly Demon Sutra”.

At the very beginning of time, there existed a Heavenly Demon known as the Paranirmitava?avartin Heavenly Demon. He was the supreme ruler of the Paranirmitava?avartin, and he disliked living beings who could enter and leave the Three Realms[2] as they pleased, namely warriors, which was why he enjoyed nothing more than harassing warriors and disturbing their cultivation.

As an expert in manipulating one’s senses and perceiving one’s weaknesses, he could attack the heart and lead one astray while being completely undetectable. He was formless, shapeless, infinite and chaotic. He comes and goes as he pleases, and there is no one he wouldn’t toy with should they catch his attention.

The “Paranirmitava?avartin Heavenly Demon Sutra” was a supreme art that the Paranirmitava?avartin Heavenly Demon himself had bestowed upon humanity; a cultivation art that could take a practitioner all the way to the Sage[3] stage. If he cultivated a Demonic Heart, refined a Demonic Body, and identified a Demonic Will, he would reach the adept level and be able to create a Paranirmitava?avartin Heavenly Demon dharmakāya. He would be able to take any form he wished, roam the world with a single thought, and create countless mental tribulations that could wear down even the toughest hearts.

As the “Paranirmitava?avartin Heavenly Demon Sutra” was too potent and heretical, the world itself was unable to tolerate its existence. As a result, parts of the cultivation art was destroyed, and the path to sagehood was lost forever. One could only become a Yang God Trueman.

The “Paranirmitava?avartin Heavenly Demon Sutra” was split into three volumes and nine levels. The three volumes were Spirit Purification, Spirit Master and Trueman-stage cultivation arts, whereas the nine levels scrutinized the mini stages of each cultivation level i.e. the early stage of the Spirit Purification stage, middle stage of the Spirit Master stage and so on.

What this meant was that he now had a guidebook that would take him all the way to the Trueman stage and make him a Grandmaster. All he needed to do was to follow the instructions.

This wasn’t the only pleasant surprise Xiao Feng had left him. The man had unlocked his Xuanguan point and primordial points inside his forehead for him, meaning that he was now officially a Spirit Purifier.

Of course, Ye Qing didn’t really need his help. As the practitioner of the “Emperor Fuxi Visualization Method” and the owner of a powerful spirit, he was qualified to enter the Spirit Purification stage a long time ago. The reason he hadn’t was because he didn’t have a Spirit Purification stage cultivation art... until now. Xiao Feng had simply saved him the time of doing it himself.

Since his Xuanguan point was unlocked, and he had received a true martial inheritance from Xiao Feng, it took him little effort to master the first level of the Spirit Purification stage of the “Paranirmitava?avartin Heavenly Demon Sutra”. He also mastered a mental attack technique called the “Heavenly Demon Captures The Soul”.

The “Heavenly Demon Captures The Soul” gave Ye Qing the ability to capture a victim’s Three Heavenly Souls and Seven Earthly Souls[4] with a single thought. Yes, it sounded as insane as you might think it was.

Although Chen Xiaojiao, Blind, Deaf and Mu Zheng were all Spirit Purifiers, they were only early-stage Spirit Purifiers who didn’t even cultivate their mind more than was necessary. As a result, their spiritual power was so-so at best. Ye Qing too was an early-stage Spirit Purifier, but thanks to his constant use of the “Emperor Fuxi Visualization Method” and certain fortuitous experiences, his spiritual power was at least as strong as an ordinary late-stage Spirit Purifier. Naturally, he was able to capture their Three Heavenly Souls and Seven Earthly Souls with ease.

As for the Three Lunatics of Mo Bei, they weren’t even Spirit Purifiers. Naturally, killing them took less effort than snuffing out a candle.

To be honest, he only wanted to capture his enemies and assume control over them. That was the true function of the “Heavenly Demon Captures The Soul”. However, this was his first time using the technique, so he lost control and accidentally snuffed out their souls.

He didn’t mind the failure or the deaths though. They were plotting to kill him anyway.

“‘Paranirmitava?avartin Heavenly Demon Sutra’... ‘Heavenly Demon Captures The Soul’... Demon Lord of Freedom... Xiao Feng...”

Ye Qing rose to his feet and faced toward the Mountain of Demons. Then, he produced a porcelain cup, filled it with wine, held it over his head and knelt on the ground.

“You taught me your cultivation art and martial techniques. Hence, you are my master. Disciple Ye Qing humbly greets his master.”

He then poured the wine on the ground, filled the cup with more wine, and poured it on the ground again. Three times later, Ye Qing put his head on the ground and kowtowed three times.

“Worry not, master. This disciple will work hard to master your techniques and ensure that I do not sully your reputation.”

Ye Qing then drank three cups of wine himself and bowed to the Mountain of Demons one last time. It was only then he turned around and walked away.

As he slowly disappeared into the wind, he sang loudly while carrying half a jar of wine in his arm, “The way leads to joy and freedom! Why waste your time when there is pleasure to be found?”

Somewhere in the Guixu, a devilishly handsome man leaned lazily against his gravestone and sipped from his wine, eyes peering through many layers of space and landing on Ye Qing. He cracked a devilishly handsome smile and said, ‘Well said...”

After Ye Qing had left the mountain, he checked his bearings and continued toward the north.

He didn’t return to the temple to seek out Yi Pin and Li Longxiang because one, it was very, very far away. By the time he got there, he bet that the duo were long gone. Two, they were just partners of circumstances. He didn’t know them nearly well enough to head back and confirm their safety.

And three, he was sure that shrewd bastard, Yi Pin was more than capable of keeping himself and his disciple safe.

That was why his first priority was to find the exit and secure his safety. He had already earned fortunes that would garner the envy of countless people anyway. Therefore, there was no need to linger here any longer.

About two hours of trekking later, Ye Qing suddenly heard the sounds of fighting from nearby. When he went over to check it out, he was surprised to see some familiar faces.

“That’s... Xue Beikun and Xue Shiwu?”

Five men were currently attacking the Xue father and son. Ye Qing didn’t know who the five men were, but their auras were strong, and they were clearly warriors with a lot of blood on their hands. They were all Half-Step Spirit Masters, and their teamwork was pretty impressive.

Although Xue Beikun was a Spirit Master, he was seriously injured by Uncle Feng when he was outside the Demon’s Tomb. His Yin God was damaged, his left arm was broken, and not nearly enough time had passed for him to recover from his injuries. Add to the fact that Xue Shiwu was nothing but a burden under these circumstances, and he was just barely hanging on right now.

A spear wielder successfully landed a stab on Xue Beikun’s shoulder. As the Black Feather Guard Commander staggered away, the spear wielder laughed, “Have you ever thought that your sins might catch up to you when you slaughtered four hundred and seventy five villagers and claimed that we were bandits, Xue Beikun?”

“Ah. You’re the remnants of the Blackwind Bandits. You and your band of criminals deserve everything they got!” Xue Beikun sneered while driving them back with a powerful spear sweep.

“Even now, you remain an unrepentant bastard!” Another man uttered, “We Blackwind Bandits may call ourselves bandits, but we have never attacked our neighbors, and we mostly killed Strangers for a living. But you, not only did you falsely accuse us as Grave Raiders, you even slaughtered all four hundred and seventy five people in our village including the old, women and children for your own profit. Are you even human, you bastard?”

“I’m an officer, and you are bandits. Since when is it a crime for an officer to eradicate some bandits?” Xue Beikun scoffed.

“It’s not a crime, he says!” A man laughed madly while his face was contorted by anger and hatred. “No wonder they say officials have two mouths! You distort the truth and invert right and wrong with nary an effort!”

“But karma exists in this world. Just because your retribution hasn’t arrived yet doesn’t mean that it will never come.”

“Today is the day you pay for your sins. The five of us will kill you and take revenge for the four hundred and seventy five innocent souls who had died that day! You will pay the price of blood, Xue Beikun!”

“The price of blood!”

“The price of blood!”

1. This isn’t an easy word to explain or understand by any means, but for the purpose of this novel, just read it as the Sixth Heaven of the Six Heavens of Desires, or ‘One Who Enjoys The Pleasure Provided By Others’. ?

2. Referring to the Desire Realm, the Form Realm and the Formless Realm. ?

3. I know this contradicts what is mentioned earlier, but trust me, the explanation is further down. ?

4. A human soul is supposedly made up of both. ?

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