Stranger Danger

Chapter 306: Mara Buddha

Chapter 306: Mara Buddha

“So? What did you find?” Ye Qing beckoned Faceless to his side after returning to the Inspection Bureau.

Faceless answered, “Wang Luori returned to Sunset Hill about a day ago, young master.”

“I thought that might be the case!” Ye Qing sighed. Why couldn’t the bastard do the world a favor and just die?

Earlier, he had ordered Faceless to head out and gather information on Wang Luori. Although Faceless’ cultivation level was less than satisfactory right now, he still possessed an unrivaled advantage in terms of information gathering thanks to his ability to assume any form he wanted to, making him a good fit in the support role.

As expected, Faceless didn’t disappoint. He was able to find out what he wanted very quickly.

“It’s okay though. I can just kill him again,” Ye Qing sneered.

Later, Ye Qing called Kung Fu Frog and Wawa over and gave all three Strangers three bottles of Water of Life. The Water of Life was just as precious to Strangers as it was to humans, so the trio could definitely use it.

Faceless’ cultivation level was too low right now, so low that he could no longer provide him any aid in combat. In fact, his usefulness as a support was starting to fall off as well. He could only perform some simple tasks that, assuming that Ye Qing had the time, could do way better than him.

As for Kung Fu Frog and Wawa, they were family. Kung Fu Frog had stayed with him through thick and thin since August Hill Village, and Wawa since Anyang. Naturally, he wanted them to become as strong as possible. At the very least, they must be strong enough that they wouldn’t have to worry about being kidnapped on the streets anymore. No one wanted a repeat of the Gold Toad incident, and the Water of Life was the perfect remedy to that conundrum.

After he was done basking in Faceless’ infinite gratitude, Kung Fu Frog’s tsun tsun, and Wawa’s girlish laughter, Ye Qing went back to his room.

“How are you going to tackle Wang Luori, boy?”

The Fog Demon flew out of the Boundless Mara Buddha and asked excitedly, “How about you command Xue Beikun to flatten Sunset Hill with ten thousand Black Feather Guards?”

“You just want to see the world burn.” Ye Qing saw through the Fog Demon’s scheme immediately. “It’s just Wang Luori. There’s hardly any need to go to such lengths.”

“Timid and boring!” The Fog Demon complained, “Like seriously, you’re technically a war lord with a small army under your command now. Can you at least act like one? It’s shameful to employ petty schemes for someone of your stature!”

“Timid and boring? No, this is called keeping a low profile. Sticking out like a sore thumb is a surefire way to get yourself killed,” Ye Qing scoffed. “Plus, why would I go through all that effort when I could achieve the same result with far less?”

“Well, you’re just a Nine Nethers Demon. I won’t shame you for your ignorance.”

The Fog Demon: “...”

“So!” The Fog Demon pretended that it hadn’t heard the insult and said, “Your plan is to bait out Wang Luori with Xue Beikun and play the fisherman. When will you take action?”

Ye Qing replied, “There’s no need for us to make a move. Wang Luori would visit us himself.”

“What do you mean?” The Fog Demon asked.

“Wang Luori had never been friendly with the Pacification Bureau, but now we have concrete proof that he was plotting against a member of the Pacification Bureau, namely me. Old Gu is currently busy dealing with matters regarding the Demon’s Tomb, but as soon as he is freed from his duties, Wang Luori and Sunset Hill would be eradicated. His only chance to survive this is to join Xue Beikun, which is why he would be seeking out the Black Feather Guard Commander as soon as possible.”

Ye Qing declared confidently, “That is why we simply need to wait for him to visit Xue Beikun. It would be less likely to draw suspicion as well.”

“Lastly, what can be more despairing than your savior pushing you into the depths of hell? The guy deserves it after everything he’s put me through.”

“Your heart is as black as coal, boy!” The Fog Demon sighed.

“Still not as black as yours, Fog Demon!” Ye Qing smirked.


It was a quiet, starless, and moonless night.

At the Star Reacher Pavilion of the Star Reacher Restaurant, Wang Luori was toying with his wine glass and tilting his head slightly. It was an evil and unsettling look.


It was at this moment the door opened, and Xue Beikun stepped into the room.

“Commander Xue!” Wang Luori rose to his feet when he saw Xue Beikun. “Please, take a seat.”

After Xue Beikun sat opposite Wang Luori, he asked, “Why did you invite me to a meeting at this time, Hill Lord Wang?”

Wang Luori leisurely poured Xue Beikun a glass of wine and said with a smile, “There’s no rush. This is the Star Reacher Restaurant’s specialty, a century-old Star Moon Brew. It has a rich and sweet taste. Why don’t you give it a try?”

“Did you invite me over for a drink only?” Xue Beikun raised the glass and gave it a sniff. “If that’s true, then I shall be taking my leave. One, I only like strong wine, and this one smells weak and probably tastes weak as well. I might as well drink water in that case.”

The commander then poured the wine on the floor and said coldly, “Also, I hate it when someone speaks to me in a pretentious, roundabout way.”

Wang Luori merely smiled. “You’re a direct man, Commander. I respect that.”


“The fuck? Wang Luori has become a Spirit Master?”

At the building next to Star Reacher Restaurant, Ye Qing rubbed his nose with an odd expression. “And why do I feel like he’s acting kinda odd today?”

Because Xue Beikun was possessed by a fragment of the Fog Demon’s soul, and he could mentally communicate with the Stranger, he was able to eavesdrop on the duo’s conversation like he was right there with them.

A day ago, after coming up with the plan to kill Wang Luori, Ye Qing practiced the “Paranirmitava?avartin Heavenly Demon Sutra” in his room while waiting for Xue Beikun to bring him the good news.

As expected, Xue Beikun soon messaged him stating that Wang Luori had requested a meeting at Star Reacher Restaurant tomorrow night.

The next day, Ye Qing hid himself in the building next to Star Reacher Restaurant at least several hours ahead of the meeting time. As for why he didn't just hide in the Star Reacher Restaurant, it was to avoid catching Wang Luori’s attention and drawing his suspicion, of course.

Originally, he was going to have Wang Luori killed immediately after he showed himself. Xue Beikun was now a late-stage Spirit Master, and he should have zero problems ambushing and killing a mere Half-Step Spirit Master.

That was until he discovered that Wang Luori had entered the Spirit Master Realm. Not so sure about his chances anymore, Ye Qing decided to tweak his plan slightly and have Xue Beikun engage Wang Luori in a conversation for now. When the old man dropped his guard or grew careless, Xue Beikun would take him out in a flash.

Something seemed strange, however. For some reason, he felt like Wang Luori wasn’t acting like himself today. The way he spoke, the way he acted, and even the way he carried himself were unlike what he knew of the man. It was almost as if he was a different man altogether.

The Fog Demon echoed in agreement, “It is odd. I don’t know why, but Wang Luori feels... familiar for some reason.”

Ye Qing was surprised to hear this. “Elaborate.”

The Fog Demon said, “I can’t. I myself don’t know why he feels familiar. He just feels... familiar.”

Ye Qing frowned. “Never mind. Let’s observe the situation a little longer.”


Back in the room, Xue Beikun grunted impatiently, “What the hell is wrong with you today? Just spill it already. One more word that’s unrelated to business, and I’m out of this room.”

“Hahaha! In that case, I shall speak frankly,” Wang Luori complied. “I would like us to become partners, Commander Xue.”

Partners?” Xue Beikun scoffed as if he had heard a funny joke. “You are a jianghu thug, and I’m an imperial officer and the commander of the Black Feather Guards. What makes you think you deserve to be my partner?”

Wang Luori didn’t get angry, however. He continued to smile as he said, “You will understand once I tell you everything, Commander Xue.”

“Is that so? Tell me then,” Xue Beikun urged.

Wang Luori drank his wine before saying, “You’re a strong and capable man, Commander Xue, and I know that you’ve been searching for a way out of the Pacification Bureau and the administrative division’s control for the longest time. I know you wish to become the crownless king of Luo Shui, and I can help you to fulfill your wish.”

“And how are you going to help me do that, exactly?” Xue Beikun squinted as if he couldn’t believe his ears. “Your plot against Ye Qing has been exposed, and it’s only a matter of time before Fang Xiaoman and Gu Suitang come after you. You can’t even protect yourself and the power you’ve built, and you’re saying that you can help me become the ‘crownless king of Luo Shui’?”

“I can’t, no. But my master can,” Wang Luo replied unexpectedly.

“Did I hear you right? Your master? I never knew that you were someone else’s dog,” Xue Beikun narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Still, Wang Luori didn’t get angry. Contrary to his usual self, Wang Luori was as steady as a turtle. “I’m not a dog. I’m just a faithful believer. Namo Maratabha.”

“Faithful... believer? And who do you believe in?” Xue Beikun asked.

“My master, the Mara Buddha.”

Xue Beikun frowned. “Mara who? I’ve never heard of him.”


Xue Beikun had never heard of the Mara Buddha, but a certain young man in the next building certainly had. He was so startled he nearly jumped when he heard this.

If Wang Luori hadn’t brought it up, he would’ve forgotten that there was another powerhouse hiding somewhere in Luo Shui. In fact, he had stolen the guy’s Strange Artifact!

The Fog Demon asked, “Boy, is this Mara Buddha the original owner of the Boundless Mara Buddha?”

“Yeah.” Ye Qing nodded affirmatively.

“No wonder I thought that Wang Luori’s presence felt a little familiar. It’s because I’m sensing my own presence! Pah!” The Fog Demon spat. “Who is this Mara Buddha, boy? Is he strong?”

Ye Qing shook his head. “I don’t know. I don’t even know if they’re a dude or a gal because I haven’t met them before. What I can tell you is that they are one of, if not the most black-hearted motherfucker I’ve known to date.”

Anyone who could sacrifice thousands and thousands of people and build that living hell just to create a Strange Artifact could only be black-hearted.

He had no doubt that the Mara Buddha was strong. They might not be a Grandmaster, but they must be pretty close.

The worst part was that the Mara Buddha had hidden himself so well that Ye Qing knew nothing about them except their name. He knew nothing about their current whereabouts, their appearance, their gender, their age, nothing.

An enemy you knew nothing about was the worst enemy you could go up against.

What was scarier was the fact that Wang Luori had been converted into their worshiper. He had briefly interacted with Wang Luori prior to entering the Demon’s Tomb, and at the time the Hill Lord was still in control of himself. It had only been three or four days, and Wang Luori had somehow been converted into the Mara Buddha’s worshiper. This was proof that the Mara Buddha was incredibly powerful.

If the Mara Buddha could convert Wang Luori into their worshiper without anyone knowing, they could certainly do the same to everyone else—anyone who was below Wang Luori’s level, at least. Even he wouldn’t have suspected anything if Wang Luori hadn’t revealed the truth himself?

With that in mind, how many worshipers did Mara Buddha have in Luo Shui? How much power had they gathered right under Luo Shui’s nose?

It was terrifying to even think about.

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