Stranger Danger

Chapter 309: Counter Conspiracy

Chapter 309: Counter Conspiracy

“What do you mean? The Mara Buddha is the one behind everything?” Gu Suitang hurriedly asked, “Explain!”

Ye Qing glanced outside, and the Pacification Sentinels guarding outside the room wisely took their leave. When they were alone, Ye Qing finally began, “Last night, I...”

Ye Qing told them everything about the meeting between Wang Luori and Xue Beikun last night and how it connected to the attack on Chief Fang and the others.

“That is why I came to the conclusion that the Mara Buddha is the one behind everything. The Buddha statues the villagers worshiped at Rice Fragrance Village and the other villages are something the Mara Buddha set up for an unknown purpose, and the ambush on Chief Fang is a ploy to take complete control of the Pacification Bureau.

“Can you swear that everything you told us is the truth, Joyless?”

Everyone was shocked and livid when they listened to Ye Qing’s explanation until the end.

“I solemnly swear.” Ye Qing nodded with gravity.

“I have a question. How did you find out about Wang Luori and Xue Beikun’s conspiracy?” Gu Suitang shot him a suspicious look. “Did you eavesdrop on them, or...?”

“Xue Beikun’s the one who told me himself,” Ye Qing replied smilingly.

“What? How is that possible? Weren’t the two of you enemies?” Gu Suitang grew even more confused.

Ye Qing had prepared for this exact scenario a while ago. He lied, “Back at the Demon’s Tomb, Xue Beikun and I accidentally stumbled upon a dangerous zone and were forced to fight side by side with each other. I even saved his life later on. As you know, sometimes it’s easier to reconcile than it is to maintain a grudge, and we became friends after the experience.”

“The reason we were enemies in the first place is purely because of Xue Shiwu. We wouldn’t know each other if it wasn’t for him. Since Xue Shiwu had perished in the Demon’s Tomb, there isn’t really a good reason for us to continue our feud.”

“In fact, Xue Beikun told me about the conspiracy to repay me for saving his life back then.”

He wasn’t going to reveal the fact that he was controlling Xue Beikun using the Fog Demon, of course. Some truths were better left hidden in the shadows. No one knew what really happened in the Demon’s Tomb anyway, so he could control the narrative however he liked.

“Really?” Gu Suitang was still suspicious, however. “Xue Beikun is an ambitious man who’s tried to escape the Pacification Bureau’s control for as long as I've known him. I can’t imagine that he would relinquish such a golden opportunity. Are you sure he’s not trying to trick you?”

“Of course not! If he wanted to trick me, he wouldn’t tell me about it in the first place!” Ye Qing argued, “Anyway, let’s focus on the more important and immediate task at hand. What should we do in light of this new information?”

“What else? We’re going to kill that piece of dog shit who calls himself Mara Buddha!” Wei Yueshan was furious. “The bastard’s plotting to take over the Pacification Bureau! How dare they!”

“Master, I'll round up the men and kill the Mara Buddha and Wang Luori this instant!”

Lin Yuhuai hurriedly stopped him, “We will kill him, but we can’t act recklessly. We need to come up with a proper plan first.”

“What do you mean?” Wei Yueshan shot him a sullen look.

Lin Yuhuai explained, “Do you know who the Mara Buddha is? Do you know where he’s hiding? What if he’s not on Sunset Hill? If you act recklessly, the Mara Buddha will only learn of our intentions ahead of time and escape. It would be so much harder to capture them then.”

“That... makes sense.” Wei Yueshan admitted and scratched his head.

“Yuhuai is right. This Mara Buddha is extremely cunning and well hidden. We must end their life in one strike, or they would most likely rebound stronger than ever before,” Gu Suitang declared in a heavy tone.

Chu Nianjiu took a sip of wine and added, “It’s not just the Mara Buddha. It’s highly unlikely that Wang Luori is the only person they’ve converted into their worshiper. We must be ready to contend against not a handful of people, but a small army.”

“Agreed.” Gu Suitang nodded and looked at Ye Qing. “Do you know who the Mara Buddha is, Joyless?”

Ye Qing shook his head. “Unfortunately, Wang Luori didn’t reveal anything.”

Gu Suitang frowned. “That’s a problem.”

“Not as much as you think, chief.” Ye Qing grinned. “I have a plan that will allow us to catch the Mara Buddha and his hidden cohort all in one go.”

“Tell us.”

“Alright, huddle up, people. We’re going to do this... and then, we’re gonna...”


The third day of May was a bright, cloudy day. It was a good day for a wedding, and a bad day for nasty people.

Every year at this time, Sunset Hill would be covered in festive lights and crowds, and the place would be bustling with activity. It was almost as if they were celebrating New Year’s Eve or New Year.

It was because the third day of May was Wang Luori’s birthday.

Wang Luori was a narcissist. Every year, he would hold a grand feast and invite everyone and their mothers to attend it. Famous or unknown, rich or poor, powerful or weak, anyone who visited Sunset Hill and offered compliments such as, “Hill Lord Wang is as blessed as the sun suspended in the Nine Heavens” or “Hill Lord Wang will live as long as the eternal sun” would be able to enjoy a sumptuous meal, mellow wine, and a number of wonderful songs and dances.

It was why the third day of May was the most energetic time for Sunset Hill. The melody of instruments sounded like it would never end, and the scent of wine could be smelled from fifty kilometers away.

This year, however, Sunset Hill was quieter than usual. There were fewer lights and colors than usual, and even the traffic was a lot smaller compared to the previous years. The contrast was such that it painted a forlorn and desolate picture.

It was almost as if Sunset Hill was welcoming a true sunset.

That said, the quality of its guests had skyrocketed. There were people who attended the birthday feast only once in a blue moon.

For starters, the patriarch of the Bai Clan, Bai Xinran and his advisor, Bai Xinhu were present. There was also the Deputy Head of Blood Shadow Palace Jiang Huanjian; the “One-Armed Sabersman” Du Yuanwu, a famous warrior of the jianghu of Tian Yong, “Lord of Three Rivers” Lu Fanjiang, the head of the Twelve Land and Water Routes of Jiang Huai[1]; the commander of the Black Feather Guards Xue Beikun, and the chief and deputy chief of the Pacification Bureau, Fang Xiaoman and Gu Suitang.

It was a strange mix of guests. Some of these people were allies of Sunset Hill such as Bai Xinran and Jianghuan Jian, some didn’t seem to share any connection with it such as Du Yuanwu and Lu Fanjiang, and some were even enemies of Sunset Hill, namely the Pacification Bureau.

This was a group of people who should never appear at the same place and time unless the heavens themselves arranged a mighty coincidence, but it was a fact that they were all gathered in the Sunset Hall. The atmosphere was awkward to say the least.

At the main seat, Wang Luori raised his glass and declared joyfully, “Haha... I am most honored to welcome such prestigious guests to my birthday today, so allow me to make the first toast. Cheers, everyone!”

“Cheers, Hill Lord Wang!”

Everyone except Fang Xiaoman, Gu Suitang and Ye Qing raised their glass and drained their wine to the last drop.

“Chief Fang, Deputy Chief Gu, why aren’t you drinking your wine? Is it not to your taste?”

After Wang Luori had drained his wine, he looked down on Fang Xiaoman and Gu Suitang and asked with a smile that didn’t reach the eye.

“The wine is great, but the people in this hall are disgusting. It’s like trying to enjoy a meal in the sewers. It’s just impossible.”

Gu Suitang rapped his knuckles against the table and glanced at the other guests in the hall with ridicule. “You were acquaintances with Warrior Du and Head Lu, Red Bush? I had no idea that you knew this many people.”

“There are many things that you aren’t aware of, Chief Gu, just like you have no idea that all of us would soon become one big family,” Wang Luori replied with an enigmatic smirk on his face.

“One big family? I don’t remember sowing a son like you?” Gu Suitang cackled incredulously. “Why don’t you kowtow three times and call me daddy? Perhaps it will jog my memory.”

Wang Luori narrowed his eyes a little. “Gu Suitang... I’m giving you face here. Don’t abuse my good will.”

“Face? Hahaha! Who the fuck do you think you are do give me face?” Gu Suitang let out an arrogant laugh. “Anyway, we’re not here to listen to your nonsense. Wang Luori, you have schemed against the Pacification Bureau and thrown Luo Shui into havoc as a result. Such is your crime that it is unpardonable even if I feel like pardoning you, which I absolutely do not. So, how are you going to make up to the Pacification Bureau and Joyless?”

Wang Luori slowly shifted his gaze from Gu Suitang to Fang Xiaoman, then from Fang Xiaoman to Ye Qing. Then, his lips slowly curled into an evil, spine-chilling smile.

In response, Ye Qing looked up and responded with a calm, unperturbed smile.

Despite his transformation, Wang Luori couldn’t help but feel a surge of anger when he saw Ye Qing’s smile. It added a tinge of cruelty to his own smile.

“Hehe, that is exactly why I invited you two to my birthday feast, chiefs. I will give you and everyone a proper answer.”

“I look forward to it.” Gu Suitang leaned against his backrest and crossed his legs with an insufferable expression.

Wang Luori declared arrogantly and condescendingly, “I will give you one chance to worship my master.”

“Excuse me?” Gu Suitang looked like he wasn’t expecting where this was going at all. “You want us to worship what?”

“Control your mouth, Gu Suitang! You will not address my master as a what!” Wang Luori exploded in anger. “My master is the Mara who rules all the Buddhas, and the Buddha who enlightens all the demons. If you worship my master, you will possess the body of the Buddha and the heart of a demon. You would transcend all pain and suffering like the Buddha Himself, but also gain the freedom to soar the Nine Heavens like the Mara.”

“Worship my master, and you shall gain eternal bliss.”

Wang Luori’s expression slowly turned pious and fervent. “Gu Suitang, Fang Xiaoman, my master is offering you the honor of a lifetime. Don’t throw it away.”

“The Mara of Buddhas? The Buddha of demons? The fuck are you talking about?” Gu Suitang scoffed. “Wang Luori, you’re a piece of trash, but you used to be your own piece of trash. Why did you lower yourself to the level of a dog?”

“Gu Suitang, I’m presenting you with the obvious good choice here. Don’t be a daft fool and make the wrong choice!” Wang Luori harrumphed. “Also, stop blaspheming my master!”

“Cough... we care nothing for your faith. We don’t care if you want to be a human or a dog either.”

It was at this moment Fang Xiaoman interjected himself in the conversation. He let out a weak cough before continuing, “All we want to hear is your answer. If the answer you give us is satisfactory, then all is well. If not, then you won’t like what happens next.”

“But I already gave you my answer. I want you to worship my master. Is that not the best answer you could possibly receive?” Wang Luori tilted his head as if confused.

“Are you toying with us, Wang Luori?!” Gu Suitang exploded and smashed the table next to him.

“Of course not! As I said, worshiping my master is your honor and opportunity,” Wang Luori persuaded the duo with the patience of a preacher. “My master possesses limitless power. If you worship him, I promise him that you’ll be able to fulfill any wish and dream!”

“Haha! If your master is really powerful, why don’t you introduce him to us? A picture is worth a thousand words, isn’t it?” Gu Suitang scoffed.

“Of course! After you finish your wine, that is. It’s really rude to ignore a toast, you know?” Wang Luori smiled.

“I knew it. You were just making things up.” Gu Suitang sneered. “Listen here, Red Bush. We don’t fancy the idea of crashing someone’s birthday feast either, but if you don’t tell us what we want to hear, then we don’t mind making your birthday your death anniversary!”

“Looks like you’re opting for the suboptimal choice after all. Very well! If that is your wish!” Wang Luori let out a devilish chuckle, and the exit of Sunset Hall abruptly slammed shut on its own.

1. Jiang Huai is probably a territory like Tian Yong. Also his full title is INSANELY long even in Chinese like look at this: 江淮十二水陆总瓢把子镇三江陆翻江 ?

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