Suddenly, I Became a Slime

Chapter 45: Is there really no hope of escaping from the cave?

Chapter 45: Is there really no hope of escaping from the cave?

I am pleased to present this bonus chapter, which has been made possible thanks to the wonderful review written by ChosenChildOfCreation.

Please enjoy this bonus chapter as a small token of my appreciation for ChosenChildOfCreation’s contribution to my translation work.



Along with Han Seori’s nasal sound, the thin and long snack held in her mouth crumbled and entered her mouth.

She blankly chews the snack while staring at the monitor.

Her eyes, looking at the monitor, were filled with intrigue.



Han Seori rummaged through the remaining snacks and checked the trajectory that 7496-KR, the slime girl, had passed through.

At a glance, it seemed like she was going around in circles, but looking at the whole… The slime girl was advancing towards the center of the anomaly, no, the ‘labyrinth.’

‘Putting together her movements so far….’

At this rate, will she reach the place presumed to be the center?

Han Seori found it thrilling, but on the other hand… it gave her goosebumps.

‘…To think there’s such a vast space underground.’

If the North Korean army’s underground tunnel from the urban legend and ghost stories really existed, it would be this massive.

…Perhaps this anomaly could be the source of the bizarre rumors her grandfather used to shout about, Han Seori thought as she swallowed a hollow laugh and crunched on the snack.

‘Though, the chances of that are slim.’

But it was just as absurd.

Judging from the fact that it wasn’t properly observed from the outside, there was a high possibility that the labyrinth itself was an anomaly.

That meant there might be something that created the maze at the center where the slime girl was heading.

As Han Seori came up with that possibility, worry for the slime girl began to well up in her heart.

If it were an ordinary maze, there would be a high chance of an exit and treasure… or something similar at the center and end.

But the place the slime girl entered was clearly an anomaly.

The possibility that a monster that hasn’t emerged yet might be waiting at the center… couldn’t be ruled out either.

Perhaps… it’s an anomaly where mythology is mixed in.

Wouldn’t there be a higher chance that what awaits at the center is a new trial rather than a treasure…?

Han Seori, who had been thinking this and that, turned her eyes to the small red dot indicating the slime girl’s location.

It seemed like she would soon reach the place presumed to be the center.

Before long, the devil Han Seori and the angel Han Seori began to fight inside Han Seori’s head.

The devil Han Seori says,

’Isn’t this why we put the device on 7496-KR‘s neck and sent her in to do? It’ll be fine, 7496-KR is smart and has good survival skills.’

The angel Han Seori says,

‘It doesn’t matter if something happens anyway, right? It’s the anomaly. It’s not like a person will die.’

…Huh, are the two fighting?

While Han Seori blinks, feeling the absurdity.

The actively blinking red signal was seen stopped at the place presumed to be the center.

Han Seori, who was looking at the red dot that had precisely stopped at the center, pictured the slime girl’s squishy appearance in her head and operated the device with a sigh.

The fact that she went straight there meant there were no traps on the way, so it seemed better to use human hands from here on out.

Waiting for the slime girl to return like that, Han Seori.

…narrowed her eyes at the red dot moving at a crazy fast speed.

‘Why is she suddenly acting like that?’

Even though the device was activated, the slime girl who had been hesitating at the center suddenly began to move at a fast speed. It was as if a monster had popped out or something.

The fortunate thing was that she seemed to be following the guidance well and was escaping towards the exit.


It seemed like it would take quite some time for her to get out.

In that situation, if she was really being chased…


Thinking that the development she didn’t really want to imagine had occurred, Han Seori pressed her temples as if she had a headache.

But what can she do?

It seemed to have happened the moment she hesitated a bit, so it couldn’t be helped.

Han Seori brushed herself off and stood up, opened the door, and went out.


The sunlight made her eyes sting.

As if scolding herself, Han Seori grumbled her lips and headed to the man managing 922-KR, the Labyrinth of Crete.

No matter what, losing a friendly anomaly would be a painful thing, wouldn’t it.

She had to prepare for the worst.

The arrow turns.

I immediately changed direction to round the corner, and a huge axe swung over my head.

But this time, *fwip!* my knowledge pouch doesn’t get sliced off.

Only the innocent wall of the maze crumbles and spills its guts.



As I dodge the swinging axe once more, the muscle cow chasing me bellows as if frustrated.

It was all thanks to the help I unexpectedly got from Sosik.

Perhaps worried that my knowledge pouch would decrease as it got cut, he stretched out his tentacles and grabbed my aho- no, knowledge pouch.

Thanks to that, I could avoid my knowledge pouch flapping and getting cut even when moving swiftly.

You really can do it if you try, can’t you?

He must have really thought it was a crisis because he grabbed a stone rolling nearby with his tentacles and…



He threw it at the monster cow to obstruct it.

Stimulated by that, Daesik also spewed sticky goo on the floor. The sticky goo wasn’t adhesive enough to grab it, but it was enough to hinder it for a moment.

…Of course.


That’s not to say it became safe.

It’s not enough for him to just swing it, so now the bastard is throwing the axe.

To avoid the axe flying as if to fill the passageway, I had no choice but to slow down, so the distance that should have already widened didn’t meaningfully increase.

…I couldn’t even tell how much I had walked, so I felt frustrated not knowing how much was left until the exit.

If I stumble and get crushed by that axe, I might instantly turn into a squashed rice cake.



Meanwhile, Sosik threw a brick and hit the bastard’s head. If that hit a human, they would’ve collapsed, but man… it’s persistent.

Judging from how very tough it is, it’ll definitely taste bad too.

It’ll probably taste like chewing rubber bands.

Well, it’s not like I’ll have a chance to eat it anyway.


I feel like Sosik’s attacks are somehow only fueling that guy’s anger…

It’s… probably just my imagination, right?

Sosik wiggles his jelly as if he has no idea and keeps throwing stones.

It almost looks like he’s relieving stress.

…I wonder what he’s so dissatisfied with to be doing this.

It’s a mystery.

After running like that for who knows how long.

My body was fine since it doesn’t get tired, but this extreme situation of being chased was starting to mentally exhaust me.

My concentration is starting to… wane, should I say.

Like, no matter how easy it looks to sit in a chair and play games all night, your concentration eventually diminishes over time, and you start nodding off, making your character die.

…Although it seems like I’m escaping with room to spare thanks to the two blobs’ help.

It’s like walking a tightrope.


As I was running and jumping over the axe that struck the floor.

Suddenly, I felt a presence from the direction the arrow was pointing.

It was people who were outside when I came down here.


So they came to help!

I knew I could count on them!

As I wiggle my jelly and approach, they make urgent gestures at me.

It seems like… they’re telling me to get down.


When there’s a crazy muscle cow chasing behind me?

…It’s not like they can’t see it.

I don’t know.

A bit mentally exhausted, I quickly lay on the floor with the two blobs, wishing for this situation to end soon.





I hear a sound like a huge straw blowing wind, gunshots, and finally, something like a bomb exploding.

The inside of the maze quickly fills with black smoke, and thinking they’re finished with what they prepared, I hurriedly get up and approach them.

“Phew… This much should have gotten rid of it, right?”

As I get closer, I hear a very ominous voice.

…Saying that makes fate want to prove you wrong.


An axe that flew out of the dark cloud took the life of the one who said that inauspicious line.

“Provide covering fire and retreat!”

In the confusing situation where no one could move, the person presumed to be the leader shouted loudly.

Only then did they come to their senses and move in unison, and someone who spoke said to me.

“…I don’t know if you understand, but you too follow… huh?”

Of course, I was already running away following the arrow, so it was an empty cry.

The owner of the voice, seeing me already fleeing, caught up to me, out of breath, and made a dumbfounded sound.

“I can’t believe you’re already running away. A pretty disloyal anomaly, aren’t you.”

What do you mean, disloyal?

I ran away because you told me to…

I listened really well, you know.

I’d like you to tell me I listened very well.

After running for a while like that, the crazy cow popped out of the thick smoke.

The bastard who survived even that tremendous explosion chased us like a cockroach that insecticide doesn’t work on.

Guns are fired, and bombs fly towards him.

He falters since it must hurt more than bricks.

But seeing him keep approaching even while faltering… gave my jelly goosebumps.

Looking at that and running and running some more.

I saw the stairs I saw when I came down here.

I hurriedly climbed the stairs.

…Of course, with the crazy cow too.

The fortunate thing is, whether he can’t use the axe anymore or he discarded it because it’s a narrow space, the bastard was empty-handed.


His eyes are bloodshot, the bastard frothed at the mouth, and…

Got even faster.

Like a final boss monster making its last struggle.

His rugged, muscular hand grazes my jelly.

I sped up at the sudden approaching threat, but I couldn’t get very fast on the stair-shaped terrain.

The man running with me must have been very tired, too, letting out rough breaths.

Watching the man run without even looking back makes me very envious.

Because if I keep looking at that ferocious appearance, it feels like my mental strength is being shaved away.


Is it okay to drag that thing that doesn’t die even from guns and explosives outside?

…They must have thought it all through to do this, right?

I don’t know.

For now, I have to survive first…


The exit was right ahead now.

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