Suddenly, I Became a Slime

Chapter 55: A New Routine

Chapter 55: A New Routine


Han Seori, who was looking at the screen with a serious face, unconsciously twisted the corners of her mouth upward.

“How cute…”

She felt her tired face relax and focused on the screen.

The screen showed a blob of jelly wriggling on the belly of what seemed to be a sleeping slime girl.

Tentacles made of jelly stretched out from the jelly blob and began poking the slime girl’s body here and there.

It was almost like… it was massaging the slime girl who had returned after a long job.

An impure person like Kim Cheonsu might call it a bizarre sight.

But to Han Seori, it looked infinitely heartwarming.

She watched it with a delighted face as it continued for a while, then fast-forwarded through the time.

It was a recorded video, so it wasn’t difficult. As she manipulated something, time began to pass quickly.

The slime girl was nearly motionless. As if she wasn’t just asleep but unconscious.

Nevertheless, the jelly blob sitting on top of the slime girl kept poking the slime girl’s body as if it wanted something.

…But it seemed to give up after quite some time, as it retracted its tentacles and drooped down.

Han Seori, who had been feeling the accumulated stress disappear, sighed.

‘While I was busy and couldn’t check.’

It seems like something happened.

But nothing particularly special was happening on the screen.

‘Should I fast-forward a little more?’

Just as she thought that, Han Seori’s eyes caught the slime girl starting to wriggle her body.


Han Seori paused the screen, rewound to the point where the slime girl’s wriggling began, and replayed the screen.

Eventually, the slime girl, who seemed to be sleeping like the dead,


Kicked off the blanket covering her with her foot.

The jelly blob that had given up poking the slime girl and was wriggling on top of her was swept away and flew off the screen.


Han Seori burst into laughter at the cute sight she hadn’t seen before but didn’t take her eyes off the screen. Her intuition from years of observing anomalies was telling her,

Soon… she would be able to find out what had transformed that small jelly blob.

Meanwhile, the slime girl on the screen was doing something that looked like she was wildly kicking something, flailing her arms and legs. When she zoomed in on the screen… it also looked like she was laughing.

‘Is she sleep talking?’

It seemed highly likely since she hadn’t moved until now.

…She’s having a dream.

Well, even beasts dream, so there’s no reason an anomaly like the slime girl can’t.

Soon, the jelly blob that had flown off-screen came closer to the slime girl, wriggling its tentacles haphazardly. This time, it seemed menacing, like an angry person.

As Han Seori felt a strange feeling, the jelly blob used its tentacles to jump high,


And struck the slime girl’s belly.

…It didn’t seem to have any particular meaning.

The slime girl’s belly, which had been momentarily indented in the shape of the jelly blob, immediately popped back out.

But… the strange thing happened after that.

As soon as the small jelly blob landed on the slime girl’s belly, the slime girl’s body suddenly began to bubble. The startled jelly blob tried to escape, but its body was stuck to the slime girl and wouldn’t move.


From something estimated to be the slime girl’s core, an extremely faint something transferred to the jelly blob.

The jelly blob, which had accepted it at its core, its body bubbled even more violently than the slime girl.

The jelly blob that was bubbling like boiling water in a pot on an induction stove then began to change into a familiar form.

The small… slime girl form that Han Seori had just seen with her eyes a moment ago.

The small slime girl that had transformed from the jelly blob sprawled absent-mindedly on top of the large slime girl’s belly.

…As if everything in the world had become bothersome, it sprawled on top of the slime girl,

And didn’t move as if asleep.

By then, the slime girl had also stopped moving, so it looked like a small slime girl was sleeping on top of a large slime girl. The doll lying limply next to them was a bonus.

Not long after, the slime girl woke up from sleep and also seemed to feel bewildered as she picked up the small slime girl and observed it.

‘It wasn’t intentional…’


Han Seori, who had confirmed the video repeatedly after that, sank into her chair.

This time, it seemed like something had changed in an existing individual. She did not make a new one. Because even though faint, something could be seen moving from the slime girl’s core to the small slime girl.

In any case, the slime girl, jelly blob, and small slime girl seemed to be closely connected.


If the slime girl is destroyed, will the small ones be eliminated together?

What about the opposite?

Han Seori, who had been having the same ominous thoughts, shook her head.

‘What am I thinking right now.’

Han Seori, who drank the water on the desk, recalled what had happened a little while ago.

…The sight that seemed as if the slime girl had a small “child” and the story of Kim Cheonsu, who had a strange dream.

In fact, Han Seori also knew that Kim Cheonsu was falsely accused.

It’s just… At that time, she couldn’t know what had happened, and Kim Cheonsu’s testimony was very… suggestive, so it couldn’t be helped.

…She might have released the stress that had built up on Kim Cheonsu.

In the first place, it’s something that happened in a dream, so how could it affect reality….

‘…It could be possible.’

In the first place, since it was a story entangled with an anomaly… “It can’t be” doesn’t exist.

As Han Seori was ruminating on Kim Cheonsu’s testimony, a document about disposing of all the MREs came into view.

‘This is… a big deal, too.’

The amount already spread across the country must be quite a lot. How can this hardship even be put into words?

But it wasn’t her job, so she quickly erased it from her mind.



If I eat a ton of MREs, too, could I see her in my dreams?

If I save a small portion of the remaining supply…


Han Seori sighed and shook her head.

The current… incident was ultimately the result of badly handling things for ‘a little’ profit, wasn’t it?

…Of course, there was also no way to dispose of those growing lumps of meat, but just the thought of processing and selling it now felt very dangerous in retrospect.

It’s because there were many guys like the “former” head of the facility who was now driven out and missing that it was actually put into practice.

Thinking that way, Han Seori felt a little regret but soon thought there was nothing to regret.

More importantly, the problem was the slime girl, 7496-KR.

‘It seems like… rather than digesting anomalies, she absorbs them?’

But it wasn’t intuitively clear.

What was certain was that there were always some changes after coming into contact with an anomaly.

Antennae sprouted, making a jelly blob, and this time, she transformed the jelly blob into a form similar to herself.

Plus, it was suspicious that the victims saw something similar to the slime girl in their dreams.

In addition, even if you try to erase that memory, the brain might be overloaded, and you could become an idiot.

In fact, if you combine the testimonies that have been heard so far… it seems there wouldn’t be much of a problem even if the memory of the blue “something” isn’t erased. Because the combined stories were closer to sightings of a blue “something” rather than a slime girl.


But for now, she was too busy dealing with the aftermath to take her hands off things related to the slime girl.

Even today, she had gone to bring the missed meal.

‘It’s difficult.’

But… isn’t finding that out her role?

‘For now… after taking care of the situation.’

Even if Han Seori herself didn’t go out, as the highest person in charge of the research center disappeared, the amount of work she had to take care of was like a mountain.

When everything is over… I’ll have to start researching 7496-KR again.

Thinking that, Han Seori looked at the number of documents to be approved, and her face turned black.

In the room that Han Seori left in dismay and Kim Cheonsu left pale,

I silently approached the food that had fallen from the tray and become a mess.

…Actually, appearance or texture didn’t really matter to me, so as long as it tasted good, it was fine no matter what happened to the food.

But perhaps there’s a reason why they say good-looking rice cakes taste good, too, as my appetite wasn’t really stimulated.

I fed the food to Daesik, who was patting my leg.

It wasn’t that I particularly disliked eating things that had fallen on the ground. I just didn’t have an appetite.

…Let’s say it’s because my stomach is full from eating that canned food.

As I was watching Daesik deliciously dissolve the food,

I saw Sosik sprawled on the bed, staring at me blankly.

He’s looking at me with a very hungry face.

An expression that he wants the food to be given to him quickly.

After staring for a while, I threw the food to him, and Sosik, who was wriggling his tentacles, was hit in the face with a splat and swallowed the food.

…Is that really the Sosik I knew?

Seeing him occasionally jerk makes me think it’s Sosik… but he’s become very lazy and lethargic….

It reminds me of the canned food I ate.

What the hell happened while I was sleeping?

Is this also some kind of anomaly thing?

As an ordinary person, I had no way of understanding it, so I gave up.

Like that, it had been several days of just receiving and eating the food that regularly came with the new Sosik and Daesik.

I wanted to ask for the food I really wanted to eat, but the people who came seemed to be very busy and were in a hurry to just put the food down and leave.

Not to mention Kim Cheonsu or Han Seori.

Then, one day,

Han Seori came to the room with a strange object.

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