Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 148

Chapter 148: Possibility for a cure

“Uhmm... ok. ” Tula responded with a puzzled expression.

“Doctor, how long do you estimate Tula’s recovery to be?” Ben asked the army doctor. The army doctor had checked Tula’s condition and deemed her to be unable to continue serving the kingdom as a soldier.

“Conditions classified as High are almost impossible to be treated with a lesser curing spell, unlike moderate rank conditions. As the rumors go, the Royal Doctor Hibiscus has reached up to Moderate Heal and Cleanse. If the RUMORS are true, even she can’t heal the patient Tula.”

“The other viable option is to use high level healing scrolls, but they are so scarce and valuable that only a king would be able to afford.” The doctor spoke his mind while mentioning that the best healer in the Lusterfall Kingdom could not help.

The doctor emphasized on the rumor part since these words are considered a state secret. He was walking a fine thread but watching the young adult Tula in her current state pinched his heart.

“Don’t worry, Tula. We will find a way to cure you.” Ben tried to reassure Tula, but she didn’t mind her current condition other than her adult body.

“I’m fine. Don’t be sad, uncle Ben. Big brother Vincent said my body and memories would return one day. I heard he doesn’t lie.” Tula was the one trying to reassure Ben now.


The doctor suddenly saw his daughter in Tula and decided to say, “Go to the kingdom in the desert. I heard a Goddess serves the King of the free trade city. The Mirage Kingdom.”

“What are you saying, DOCTOR! Leave us and don’t speak of betrayal. This is my first and final warning!” The vice captain urgently shouted.

This was because of how free trade worked in the Mirage Kingdom. It was so free that slave exchanges are common, and becoming a slave for a favor wasn’t unheard of.

It would be a problem if a high ranked veteran vice captain like Ben became a slave and revealed the Lusterfall Kingdom secrets. In a way, the doctor’s words could be seen as inciting treason.

Fortunately, the minute keeper was sensible enough not to include this emotionally driven discussion. She also felt a little bad for Tula and added a few pity notes with the hopes of increasing Tula’s annual retiree wage.

In a way, all the soldiers in the room respected Tula’s service and wanted to help from their authority’s confinements.

The doctor said a few words that could imprison him.

The messager helped the cleaner soldier provide tea and biscuits.

The minute keeper wrote Tula as a pitiable soldier to gain the pity of the higher ups.

Lastly, the vice captain was reasonable and didn’t use his authority in the interrogation. He mostly let the doctor lead after hearing Tula’s side of the story.

‘So Tula will stay like this possibly forever... ‘ Kazumi felt a pang in her soul.

Kazumi then decided to return, but the next sight surprised her. Vincent was lifting an unbandaged hand, and the female soldiers were afraid while looking away.

[Vincent. Everyone is doing good with their interrogation, but what are you doing?]

-Ohh. You’re back. I simply want to show them how badly I suffered and try to get better treatment. I’m not too fond of the caution warning the Bloodstone showed.-


-That silence... we suffered enough, didn’t we? All I need is to wait for days, weeks, or years until I hord enough Soul Power to heal myself.-

[I understand.]

Kazumi didn’t need to say anything more. To become an adventurer or find a place to settle in Lusterfall City. Vincent had already prepared two paths to take.

Kazumi knew the urge to find Kevin’s child whereabout would one day return, but twenty-four years passed. Many things could have happened.

Finding Kevin’s child would be similar to finding a needle in a haystack. It is why Vincent doesn’t seem to be in a hurry anymore and decides to focus on those around him first.

“Ok, I understand. Now, please cover your hand. I don’t want to let the women in the room take a medical break from insomnia.” Plavin worryingly said while looking at the three frightened women.

Female soldiers that worked as cleaners, city messengers, and secretaries didn’t get involved with injured people that much. Injuries such as Vincent’s burn scars would need some time to get used to.

Vincent showed a dissatisfied look and said while covering his hand, “Then there’s no need to remove my clothes and bandages. I hope you can understand how horrible my life is going to be. What danger can a person like me do in this state?”

Kazumi entered back into Vincent’s body and said.

[I know we are using your condition as an excuse, but his words make me feel ticked. It’s like he is mocking you or saying you are disgusting. As if no one will want you.]

-Thank you, but... that’s how I also feel. The happy life I dreamed to live when we reach the city is long gone. Ester and Lupa won’t like me like that anymore.-

[Ohh, stop moping like a little child. I didn’t see an ounce of disgust in their eyes while treating you. ]


“Ahem... Forgive my previous statement as I have said insensitive things.” Plavin stood up and bowed while saying this apology.

“Minute keeper, write something good for the information Vincent gave us. The anti acid water info and the Acid Ants explosion range should reward him with a less probation time.” Plavin continued with a friendlier tone. But it was mostly regret for saying such words to someone that suffered so much.

[I know pity is a weapon, but don’t use it too much. I don’t want to see you pity yourself like how you hated yourself on Earth. I’m here for you twenty-four-seven.]

-Thank you.-

Around half an hour passed. It was filled with unimportant questions and idle chat, such as how they wanted to spend their time in Lusterfall City.

Vincent responded, “Becoming an adventurer with my girls.” While Ester and Lupa responded, “With Vincent.”

Plavin didn’t know what expression to display when Vincent said this. The other vice captains simply nodded at Ester’s and Lupa’s answer.

A knock sounded on the door at the thirty-minute mark. The escort soldier nodded at Plavin and left to knock on the other doors.

“Thank you for your cooperation, Vincent. You may leave but remember that you are on probation. Disciple of a prestigious cultivator sect or not, a single report could land you in jail.” Plavin warned before getting up, opening the door, and standing at the edge of the open door.

[Finally, we can leave.]

Kazumi expressed relief. They could go to Tula’s house at last, leaving the forest and interrogation stuff behind. ‘Free at last.’ she thought.

Vincent got up and asked Plavin before leaving, “The half red sun insignia on your armor. Is it the noble sponsor system I heard of?”

“Yes, I’m sponsored and representing the Sunrise family. ” Plavin replied. He displayed a proud expression on his face as he mentioned the Sunrise family. It seemed he considered them in high regard.

Vincent nodded and left the room. It seemed getting sponsored could be another way to earn money if all failed, Vincent considered.

Vincent, Ester, Lupa, Tula, and Ben exited at almost the same time from the interrogation rooms. There was no hit of uneasiness or frustration on their faces. Only Ester seemed to have her cheeks with a hint of red.

It seemed the interrogation was done with consideration. Not having their bodies checked and having the Hero or Retainer mark discovered was the best possible outcome to occur.

“Vincent!” Lupa went beside Vincent and wrapped her arms around his right arm. Then with a sly grin, she said, “The man in shiny armor wanted to know what I will do in this city. So I told him to mate with my mate, hehe.”

“Ahem...” Ester hurried and pulled the flirty wolf girl’s ear. “Looks like I need to teach you some modesty again.”

“Ouch. Okey. I understand.” Lupa begged for the punishment to end.

“Haha. No wonder you looked sad being away from the others.” Ben teased Tula as he could tell how differently she acted when Ester and Lupa were in the other rooms.

“I like big sisters a lot, hehe.” Tula giggled.

The escort soldier led them to the long corridor and arrived at a wide door. As he opened the door, the dimness of the evening welcomed them.

“So what do you think, Plavin?” One of the vice captains who interrogated the others asked while watching Vincent, Ester, Lupa, Tula, and Ben leave.

“Task Master Koss taught him well. He seems to have already tempered his body, and it feels stronger than usual. His growth potential is also unknown.” Plavin responded.

“Will you report to your sponsor? Unlike us, we don’t have one yet.” Another vice captain asked.

“I will. The Sunrise family is a kindhearted one. They involve themselves in the development business, and someone with an unknown growth potential would be an asset for everyone, however...” Plavin shook his head while adding, “It’s regretful that his injuries are so bad that his body can’t keep up with his potential. The damage he received is too severe. I wonder who would invest so much healing resources for an unknown variable.”

“He’s that injured? Well, he is a disciple of a cultivation sect. He might not stay here for long.” Another vice captain added.

Plavin nodded and became happy that his working colleagues bought the lie. He could feel Vincent didn’t have problems become stronger.

Plavin made sure the cleaner and messenger soldiers lie about the interrogation if they are forced to speak. He also made sure the minute keeper working under him writes how the black-capped vice captain went easy on Vincent as he is a severely crippled person.

In a way, this was the power of sponsoring a soldier. They would try to help the noble family that gave them enough support to their best to represent the noble family. In this case, the Sunrise family would have a head start in building relations with Vincent if the moment arises.

Fortunately, this also worked in Vincent’s favor since he wanted to keep a low profile as long as possible. Being painted as a lucky and weak person made his threat level decrease as well.

A while later, an old man fishing in his human-made pond was disturbed yet again by another blue messenger bird. The old man took the message and frowned at the two reports.

One showed how the disciple of the Heavenly God Mantis sect was so injured that he could be considered a disabled person. The other report mentioned how the black-caped vice captain fought with all his might and experience, but he still couldn’t land a blow at the strange bandaged man.

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