Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 185

Chapter 185: The power of the new and improved Inspection

[Ester surprised me when she eagerly accepted, and now she is the winner. The silly wolf girl is now brooding and pouting as always when she losses.]

[Ester is changing, and it looks like a good thing. A harmonious harem is essential, yup.]

Vincent raised a warm smile and said, “Ester, Lupa, and Kazumi. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Regardless of who the winner is, all my girls have the softest lap pillows in the world. Your soft laps woke me up.”

[Ohh, is it so? Did it perhaps also wake up your...]

“Ahem! Shall we go back slowly while taking some breaks?” Vincent interrupted Kazumi and then asked to leave.

Lupa quickly went behind the rock Vincent previously sat on and brought what she foraged while he was unconscious.

“Look at these, my mate! I found all of these, hehe. ” She said proudly, expecting a reward.


With the slight thought of using Inspection, multiple information windows appeared. Not only could numerous windows appear, but his eyes now didn’t shine as noticeable as before. Furthermore, more information appeared.


[Name] Red Numb Mushroom

[Condition] Fresh

[Description] A mushroom with numbing properties colored red after the spore met with a red-colored flower. The more spots on the mushroom, the more potent it is.


*Minor Numbness


[Third Eye activate.]

[Minor Numbness condition description.]

[Minor Numbness causes those afflicted to suffer from less feeling to the affected regions.]

[If the condition starts because the numb affliction is consumed, it will affect the whole body. However, it will only affect specific areas with a stronger concentration if refined and applied to the wounds.]

[Low dosage numbs limbs, while high dosage numbs the sense of limbs.]

[High dosage or overdose can upgrade the condition to Moderate and High condition.]


[Name] Fay Grass

[Condition] Fresh

[Description] A grass that likes to grow in warm sunny areas where the pollen of other flowers drift. The more pollen Fay Grass absorbs to grow, the more potent its relaxation properties become.


*Minor Sleep


[Third Eye activate.]

[Minor Sleep condition description.]

[Minor Sleep makes those afflicted gradually feel tired and feel as if their strength is waning. As the body gradually feels tired, the heaviness of tiredness makes those afflicted act and move slower.]

[Low dosage relaxes the nerves, and a high dosage promotes rest no matter the condition, situation, or location of the afflicted.]

[High dosage or overdose can upgrade the condition to Moderate and High condition.]


[Name] Bloody Tulip

[Condition] Fresh

[Description] A tulip red as blood. The flower grows near abundant grass and insects. Its pollen stimulates nearby insects to protect and care for the Bloody Tulip.


*Minor Heart Rate Rise


[Third Eye activate.]

[Minor Heart Rate Rise condition description.]

[Upon ingestion, the afflicted will have their heart rate increased. It promotes the increase of blood cells and higher blood pressure as an additional side effect.]

[Low dosage makes the heart slightly beat faster, while the higher the dosage, the quicker the heart rate and blood flow becomes.]

[High dosage or overdose can upgrade the condition to Moderate and High condition.]


[Name] Toxic Jelly Grass

[Condition] Fresh

[Description] A dangerous mutated translucent grass that grew afflicted by multiple harmful pollens or contaminated soil. The Toxic Jelly Grass is soft and elastic as the contamination remains inside. The contamination is secreted after twenty-four hours not connected to its root.


*Minor Heart Rate Rise

*Minor Numbness

*Minor Sleep

*Minor Poison

*Minor Enhanced Condition


[Third Eye activate.]

[Minor Enhanced Condition description.]

The afflicted will suffer more severely from any harmful condition the afflicted are suffering from.

[Low dosage makes the conditions slightly severe, while the higher the dosage, the severity and duration significantly increases.]

[High dosage or overdose can upgrade the condition to Moderate and High condition.]


[Name] Thyme Flower

[Condition] Decaying

[Description] A herb that sprouts its leaves similar to pedals and absorbs mana from the air and the soil. A flower that only grows in fertile soil with traces of mana. Thyme Flower starts decaying when its roots are not absorbing nutrients.


*Minor Mana Regeneration

*Mana Increase +0 to +1


[Third Eye activate.]

[Minor Mana Regeneration condition description.]

[Allows the afflicted to absorb mana at a quicker rate as this condition will protect the afflicted from Mana Overdose condition.]

[Low dosage increases mana regen, while high dosage further increases mana regen.]

[The Higher the regen speed gained with this condition, the more chances the afflicted can suffer from permanent mana regen blockage after use.]

[High dosage or overdose can upgrade the condition to Moderate and High condition.]


[Third Eye activate.]

[Mana Increase condition description.]

[The user will receive a boost in their soul mana capacity. Every one hundred mana will increase the mana regen of the user by one percent each.]



Vincent almost became blind by the wall of text and description windows assaulting his eyes.

After Inspection upgraded, the ability to multi-task became available. A new hurdle to master the upgraded version of the ability presented itself before his almost blinded eyes.

“Argh...” Vincent fell on his bottom after he tripped from the surprise and the unexpected blinding sight.

“Vincent, are you hurt? Does Lupa have a poisonous plant in her hands?” Ester extended her hands to help him.

“Did I pick a bad thing? Why did you fall, my mate?” Lupa frowned. She thought she might not receive a head pat as a reward now.

[Don’t worry, Vincent. I have memorized all the information. You can store them now before they fall from her hands.]

[Hovever, I suggest we keep them instead of giving Fay Grass, Bloody Tulip, and Thyme Flower to the Adventurers Guild. We know how good it is to be prepared with debuffs on our hands.]

Vincent understood what Kazumi was trying to say. Toxic Jelly Grass could become a powerful trump card, while Thyme Flower could greatly help with a mana regen boost and with the probability of randomly getting a one mana increase.

“Don’t worry, girls. I upgraded my Inspection, and now I can inspect many things at once. The surprise made my weak legs step on each other and tripped me.” Vincent tried to act cool and not give Ester and Lupa more things to worry about.

‘I would have upgraded my ability on my bed if I knew how taxing it was going to be.’ Vincent thought as he slowly got up with Ester’s help. Then he decided to store all the flowers, mushrooms, grass, and herbs on Lupa’s hands.


[2x Red Numb Mushroom (Uncommon Quality) gained.]

[11x Fay Grass (Uncommon Quality) gained.]

[3x Bloody Tulip (Rare Quality) gained.]

[16x Toxic Jelly Grass (Uncommon Quality) gained.]

[4x Thyme Flower (Exotic Quality) gained.]



[The user has used Inspection (Addons) with the addon Third Eye for the first time. The user can now decide to use this feature by thought. If the Inspection System notices a similar object that was stored once inside Soul Dimensional Storage, this feature becomes available.]


Vincent kept staring at Lupa’s hands with a surprised face. A second later, it hit him. There was no notification window appearing when he summoned and stored a piece of cooked Mud Crab Meat. The system was already undergoing a change similar to what the notice window displayed.

“We should go back. I’m starting to worry about you.” Ester clasped both her hands together as her worries became hard to bear. ‘I don’t want to see Vincent faint again.’ She thought with a frown.

“Yeah, let’s go, but first.” Vincent raised his hand and gave Lupa a head pat. “They were mostly poisonous, but since I can know everything about them, what you found can help us in sticky situations. Just remember not to taste anything without my consent. Nothing is what it seems.”

“Yeah!” A wide happy grin was on Lupa’s delighted face. She peeked at Ester and winked when their eyes met.

“If you’re that happy, then let’s help Vincent walk.” Ester proposed.

[Vincent, quickly raise your arms!]

“Huh?” Vincent raised his arms because of the sudden warning. However, it was all a trick. Ester and Lupa went under his arms and lent him their shoulders.

-Yo... you sly tricky wisp!-

[Hahaha. I’m only helping.]

*South Gate*

After hours of walking and taking short breaks, they reached the South Gate. A soldier noticed them and approached to know their identities and what happened.

The soldier asked a few questions, and when Vincent revealed his guild card with the Rising Star beside his name, the soldier stopped asking for their identities and changed subjects.

“No need to worry, my good friend. I tripped after it’s been so long since we went outside. Can you log us so we can rest?” Vincent was getting used to coming up with an excuse without help from Kazumi.

“Sure, sure.” The soldier agreed after he noticed no apparent injuries other than the need to receive help to walk.

*Tula’s Family House*

The door knocked a few times, and Renn opened the door. Promptly, a sight of envy soon assaulted his eyes. With a forced smile, he welcomed, “You look tired... teacher.”

Vincent nodded with a slightly shy smile as the looks of many people in the city made him feel embarrassed with two beautiful women helping him walk. Many thought he was a drunken man while others glared, filled with jealousy.

Vincent removed his arms from Ester’s and Lupa’s shoulders and said, “Lupa hunted an animal, and so, I have a job for you and your brother. Let’s go to the yard.”

Vincent then asked for Lenn, Renn, Tula, and Yula to following him to the yard. As he stepped into the yard, he summoned the wild boar. Green particles of mana started to form a four-legged animal on the ground.

A second later, their faces raised a smile, and their bellies were about to grumble from joy. Meat became costly after not much meat was imported during the emergency lockdown.

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