Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 188

Chapter 188: Flirting for survival

“Urgh. I don’t feel like walking anymore. Go straight and knock on the entrance door. Tell them about the item, and the guard inside will take you to our lord. Now scram.” The guard said with an intimidating gesture and left to his guard position.

[No wonder the Second Hero Dominic Smith would want to kill people. I have that feeling right now.]

-We have too much to lose, don’t we.-

Vincent tried to keep calm. He turned his gaze, and the relaxing sight of the garden calmed down his nerves.

“So all I need to do is to walk this long entrance surrounded by nice flowers, heh...” Vincent sighed and started walking forward.

The quicker he leaves with the money, the quicker his anger should subside. Being treated like this made him recall the first time he met the noble that turned Ester into a slave.

As Vincent approached the entrance door, he looked to his left and then to his right. Not a second later, he saw an overweight woman sitting on a stone bench. She looked in her early twenties or younger.


[She doesn’t look like a worker here. Should we go and introduce ourselves? Maybe she’s the daughter of the owner of the mansion. She is wearing a pair of glasses, and her nice-looking clothes make her look like a pampered princess. Her skin also looks nice.]

‘Should I... well, a change of pace would be nice. I want to forget about those guards.’ Vincent thought of what to do next. He turned and approached the overweight woman.

“Good day, my lady. ” Vincent greeted with a slight bow.

The overweight woman looked at Vincent, startled by his presence. She appeared to be frightened. “Who are you?” She asked as she clutched her dress tightly.

“I’m sorry for surprising you, my lady. I’m Vincent, and I’m an adventurer. I found a plant today, and Viscount Demel Blackheart needs one. As I was about to knock on the door, I saw you and came to greet you. I’m a gentleman, after all. I can’t let a young maiden alone without a greeting.” Vincent tried to be as friendly as possible. Getting accused of intimidating a noblewoman would be his undoing.

“You... you are different.” The overweight woman said after raising her face and taking a good look at Vincent.

“Yep, I’m one of a kind, hahaha.” Vincent joked. He became nervous after the noblewoman didn’t seem to like his presence.

“Why are you laughing? Are you laughing at me?” The overweight woman suddenly said, breaking Vincent from mid-laugh. The mood turned for the worse with two simple questions.

“Oh! No, no, no! I laughed at my joke.” Vincent started to sweat, and his heart race from the possibility of danger.

‘I shouldn’t have tried to greet her and should have just gone straight to do business and left!’ Vincent reflected.

[One moment... I know! Complement her. Everyone likes a good complement. Your new look should greatly help in resolving this misunderstanding.]

As the overweight woman started to frown, Vincent’s brain started working to the limit. Vincent raised a warm smile and flirted with all the best catch lines his brain could come up with in this very moment.

“My lady, my delicate young maiden. Your golden-colored hair is like a gold coin everyone desires in their possession. Your beautiful blue eyes are like sapphire, a gem worn to impress. Lastly, my lady, your weight is one not many have, yet the difference in softness is unrivaled. No one wants to rest on a stick, as a woman’s soft embrace is like a treasure you never knew you needed in your life.”

Vincent lowered on his knee and continued, “I hope you young maiden can forgive my transgression. I never intended to ridicule you. You are beautiful in your own way.”

[Dear God... our lord and savior Casanova has descended in this world to flirt with the women and steal their hearts. This will be a memory worth rewatching for years to come.]

The overweight woman covered her mouth, and tears started to welling, about to drop at any moment. She was about to cry for some reason.

“Oh shi...” Vincent blurted after he felt a pang in his heart.

Vincent thought he did something wrong, yet he didn’t know what it is. Suddenly, Inspection activated after he lost focus and accidentally stimulated the ability to trigger.


[Name] Lilith Lionheart

[Race] Human

[Age] 28

[Condition] Healthy, Tired, High Life Bane, Minor Insomnia, Minor Malnutrition

[Traits] None

[Stats] Strength 5 || Agility 4 || Perception 8 || Mana 7


[Third Eye activate.]

[High Life Bane condition description.]

[The afflicted will suffer from hormonal imbalances. Symptoms include depression, increased weight gain, skin remaining young, a weaker immune system, and cause any afflicted gender to become barren.]

[Low dosage makes the afflicted increase their weight, while the higher the dosage, the worse the body becomes with the hormonal imbalances and the side effects the condition afflicts.]

[High dosage or overdose can upgrade the condition to Moderate and High condition.]


Vincent could do nothing but stare at the conditions the overweight Lilith is suffering from. On the other hand, Kazumi didn’t know how to advise on what to do next. The revelation was like thunder strike on a sunny day.

“Hey! What did you do to my lady! No guard is supposed to talk or go near my lady! Leave now!” A maid with pointy ears urgently rushed to shoo Vincent away from Lilith.


[6x Fay Grass (Uncommon Quality) summoned. x5 remaining.]


Vincent summoned a fistful of Fay Grass and placed it on the tearing Lilith’s lap. “This will help you sleep, Lilith. I wonder who did this to you. I hope karma strikes, and they live a horrible life.” Vincent’s tone changed, yet he couldn’t become angry as he didn’t know the whole story.

Ester once told him how any condition with high status is hard to cure. Furthermore, the price would be unimaginable since a rare high-level healer would be employed with a prominent noble family. Such simple service would suddenly become a premium service that might even cost favors.

“Hey, maid. Use the Fay Grass to help your lady sleep. Your lady is suffering from insomnia. Also, give your lady something to eat. She is already suffering from malnutrition.” Vincent waved and left the furious and worrying maid next to the crying Lilith.

“Shh, it’s fine. That man left.” The maid comforted.

*Knock, knock*

Vincent quickly knocked on the main entrance door. He wanted to hurry up and leave. Making a noble cry might bring a storm of trouble in his way.

“Huh? Who let you in? Oh, you must be that guy.” A guard with a bruise on his face greeted him.

Vincent swiftly showed his guild card and the quest note. The guard nodded after his eye read all the note’s content and asked for Vincent to follow him.

“You should prepare yourself, adventurer. We already know what you did to our lord’s wife, and he knows as well. ” The guard informed. Then he swayed his head and cracked his neck while continuing, “I hope you won’t trouble my lord. I don’t want to carry your body in a bag. Just my luck, I had a wonderful time last night, and now my neck hurts.”

“Haha...” Vincent sarcastically laughed while his fears rose. Kazumi kept her mouth shut not to make Vincent feel worse.

The guard seemed to be the talkative type. He rambled while leading Vincent to meet the Viscount.

The guard smiled as if he never mentioned killing Vincent and asked, “So adventurer. What do you like about a woman? I already know you don’t like pigs from what I saw.”

[Wait... is this guard seriously mocking his employer’s wife? Is this a trick question, perhaps?]

Vincent had a feeling the guard must have done something wrong for the fresh bruise on his face. Kazumi made Vincent think it might be a trick question, and he started to believe it is so.

“I don’t care how they look as long I can trust them. ” Vincent answered.

“Ah, my friend. Were you also betrayed? Mine almost killed me, but don’t worry, a slave will never betray you. Work hard and buy one. You won’t regret getting one. Especially if she is an elf, hehehe.” The guard revealed a wide lecherous grin. So lustful that Vincent and Kazumi felt uncomfortable looking at him.

Vincent tried his best to keep a poker face and ended every question with a quick answer. Vincent wanted the lustful guard to shut up.

After going up to the third level, Vincent noticed an armed guard in front of a door. The lustful guard waved at him and said, “I brought this guy, and hey bro, he’s like us. Maybe he will like an elf too one of these days, hehehe.”

The door guard examined Vincent’s body, and after finding no hidden weapon, he opened the door.

Vincent entered the room. A grand sight of richness assaulted his eyes. A well-dressed man with an elbow resting on the desk and his chin on his fist looking like a king soon entered his sight.

On the side was even a painting of himself in a gold-plated frame. The furniture in the room seemed custom-made by artisans and a large chandelier with crystals hanging from it.

‘Is this rich man flexing all his wealth in one room?’ Passed through Vincent’s and Kazumi’s minds.

“Please sit there, adventurer. I heard you have an item I need.” Viscount Demel Blackheart politely greeted. He seemed to have received the news before Vincent arrived.

Vincent didn’t think the man was going to be this welcoming. He accepted his offer and sat on a chair in front of Viscount Demel Blackheart.

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