Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 187 - Raise Your Head and Behold Your Karma

Chapter 187 Raise Your Head and Behold Your Karma

With his Sharp Nose, Luke soon found the young man who had just snuck in.

The young man was looking down through the skylight of a building.

So, Luke looked through another skylight from the other side of the roof.

“You idiots, I gave you twenty kilograms at ten in the morning, and you told me that the drugs were gone an hour later. Now, you’re telling me that you didn’t catch anyone when twelve of you were sent out. Are you pigs?” mocked a balding white man from where he was sitting.

A man said embarrassedly, “Boss, that guy’s too slippery. He’s like soap!”

His lackeys all nodded their heads in agreement.

Their bald boss waved his hand impatiently. “The twenty kilograms of drugs are worth a million euros. What soap is worth a million euros? Now, how are you going to pay me back?”

The brawny man and his lackeys looked at each other in bewilderment.

They didn’t have a million euros at all. Actually, they could barely gather 100,000 euros.

The bald boss said, “Tell me, who’s going to bring back the million euros? You, you, or


With awkward smiles on their faces, the brawny man and his lackeys quickly shook their heads.

The bald boss groped in a drawer for a moment and took out a P226.


He shot the leftmost lackey in the leg.

After a brief pause, he moved his gun and shot a second lackey in the leg as well.

He then moved his gun again and aimed at the brawny man.

“Me!” Motivated by the desire to live, the brawny man bellowed, “I can get it back for


The bald boss chuckled. “Everyone truly needs a little motivation, don’t they? Tell me, how are you going to get the money back?” He finally put his gun down.

The brawny man said in a hurry, “Reto! It was Reto who stole our drugs! We grabbed his sister.”

The bald boss said, “That b*stard’s poor! How is his sister going to help?” He looked like he was going to raise his gun again.

The brawny man cried out, “She will! Reto just got himself an expensive car.”

The bald boss waved his gun impatiently. “Bullsh*t! An expensive car? It’s only worth half the original price in an illegal sale.”

The brawny man said, “I heard that there are special goods in the car.”

The gun in the bald boss’s hand paused. “What special goods?”.

The brawny man replied, “I don’t know. Wait, they’re valuable. The goods are very valuable!”

Seeing that his boss was aiming at him again, the man added with a yell, “So, Reto can give us the goods in exchange for his sister.”

The bald boss frowned for a moment before he nodded. “Very well. A little pressure does help you think! Send Reto a message about his sister.”

Hugely relieved, the brawny man left in a hurry.

The bald boss was angry. “Take those people away, and clean up the mess.”

The brawny man gestured at his lackeys and slipped away.

The lackeys who had been fortunate enough to survive the fiasco were sweating as they wiped up the blood on the floor with the clothes of their fellows who were less lucky, before they quickly left the room.

“Idiots!” The bald boss was still pissed. “He’s just a minor gangster! After I catch him, I’ll make him lick...”


Luke scratched his head. Bro, are you kidding me? You’re already taking action?

The young man had broken the skylight and landed on the bald boss.

They fought for a bit, but the bald boss had much less vigor than the young man, and was soon pressed to the table with a knife to his neck.

The young man said, “Taha, you didn’t see it coming, did you? I’m right here. What do you want me to lick?”

The two of them traded barbs for a moment. The young man threatened the bald boss into letting his sister go.

The young man was none other than the guy who had been swinging between buildings in the afternoon. His name was Reto.

The bald boss named Taha could only yield. Very soon, the brawny man was told to return, and he brought a little girl with him.

Luke was greatly amused, because he recognized the girl too.

Reto’s sister was that very girl whom the brawny man had kidnapped from the supermarket.

The people in the room faced off against one another, but the siblings held Taha at gunpoint with his own weapon and left this office/home.

In the end, Luke saw the brother and sister bundle Taha into a car and drive away.

Luke shook his head and smiled. He jumped into the room through the skylight that Reto had broken.

All the members in the street fortress were distracted after their boss Taha was kidnapped. Nobody came into the room.

Luke casually surveyed the place.

The detector function on his fake phone had been on the whole time. He was certain that there weren’t any surveillance cameras here.

That made sense. No gang boss would install a surveillance camera in their office – that would practically be offering up evidence to the police.

Luke strolled around the room as if it were a garden. He then opened a safe and took the cash that was in it.

The cash was in euros, dollars and pounds. All up, it was about 500,000 dollars.

Oddly enough, Luke didn’t find any illegal drugs, except for the pile of white crystals on Taha’s table.

Sitting on the couch, Luke thought for a moment. He recalled the conversation between Taha and the brawny man, when the latter mentioned that Reto had stolen and destroyed twenty kilograms of their drugs.

Luke could only shake his head regretfully. He couldn’t earn experience and credit from eliminating the drugs anymore.

He also found a surveillance monitor with scenes of other locations in the building.

Taha certainly didn’t trust his subordinates. He had installed plenty of surveillance cameras.

Luke grinned after watching for a while.

The few surveillance cameras which were installed on the second, third and fourth floors were focused on the access points.

Taha stayed on the fifth floor, which only had one surveillance camera; it was trained on the elevator so that he could decide whether someone was allowed to come in.

However, there were ten surveillance cameras on the first floor, which was a workshop where ten people were still hard at work even though Taha had just been kidnapped.

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