Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 131 Crypt Field

“It’s really him! The rumoured Wizard… ‘Phantom Master’ Sanders!”

For a moment, the people in the whole Resource Allocation Hall were in an uproar. Some of them looked at Angel with a trace of awe and even unconsciously took a step back.

Hookedick watched the scene happening today, trembled all over, and raised a bad feeling in his heart.

The rest of the talents had a blank face before someone whispered to Aubrey, “Who is Sanders?”

Aubrey was still shocked. She turned her head mechanically around to look at the person who was questioning her and then said dully. “Phantom Master Sanders, Second Level Wizard, is an unparalleled existence in the Southern Region. He has even been recorded winning against an undefeated Third Level Wizard. In the whole Savage Grottoes, his combat power is absolutely in the top three among Wizards, and it is even possible that… he could be at the very top of the three.”

When Aubrey said the above, she did so numbly. Everyone looked at Angel with a strong look of envy in their eyes. With the guidance of such a powerful Wizard, is the possibility of a successful promotion to official Wizard, not a certainty?

The talents responded to the whispers by the Wizard Apprentices. No wonder… no wonder the receptionist named Melanie in the Tree Spirit Hall, who had been entangled with Forsa, after seeing the Talent test. Turned her back against him and clung to Angel. It must have been because of Sanders. She must have seen Angel’s mentor on his bone card which caused her to make such a move.

There are other Wizard Apprentices around to supplement “Sanders” brilliant record. Each additional account caused Hookedick’s face to become a little paler.

“Previously he was so arrogant and said he wanted to kill that little brother. As a result, he got beaten in the face… hehe. Although it’s a bit unkind for me to say, I have to say that Lord Nisi will never win against Lord Sanders.” A woman wrapped in a black robe, who never appeared before, mocked Hookedick.

“You—” Hookedick suddenly turned his head and glared at the woman in black.

The black-robed woman slowly took off her hood and revealed her true face. It was a very beautiful face with charming purple eyes, short dark hair, deep crimson lips, with an exotic flavour. Her eyes are like a cat’s eyes, and her pupils were vertical when her eyes slightly narrowed, giving off a chilling and solemn feeling.

“It’s Nanaki!” A Wizard Apprentice called out, naming the person who had just arrived.

“Who is Nanaki?”

“When Nanaki first entered the Savage Grottoes, she was accepted as an apprentice by Lord Wallace, and was the only Golden Flier Invitation Card owner in that period! It took her only a very short period to reach the pinnacle of Senior Apprentice!”

“Nowadays, being under the age of 30, her promotion to official Wizard is just around the corner!” The spectator exclaimed her identity.

When Hookedick heard this, the words he wanted to curse out stopped abruptly. This woman, who is also an owner of a Golden Flier Invitation Card. She has practised for a longer time than him and can kill him a thousand times with one finger. He does not dare to offend such a strong person because of his broken mouth.

Nanaki completely ignored Hookedick’s meaning. Walked willfully up to Angel, circled around him twice, and looked at him with cat-like eyes.

Angel did not know what to do and looked at her with doubt in his eyes.

After a long time, Nanaki whispered, “I envy you. I should have been accepted by Lord Sanders as his apprentice. If I could… alas.” Nanaki shook her head and turned to walk out of the crowd. “I hope you don’t ruin Lord Sanders reputation, or I’ll kill you.”

Nanaki came here for no reason and left behind an unprovoked remark. Angel doesn’t understand what this woman means. Listening to the vagueness in her words, is there anything else she can say about his mentor’s or his magic system?

Angel said a few words in his heart and returned to his seat.

After Nanaki left, the noise slowly subsided, but whether it was the talents or Wizard Apprentices. The expressions while looking at Angel changed to jealous, envious, resentful, hatred or cold. But no matter how hostile they were, they dared not really show it in front of Angel.

How did Sanders become famous? His fame was built on a sea of blood and killing a mountain of corpses. The video message just now shows how much importance Sanders has attached to this new apprentice. Whoever dared to stroke the tiger’s beard at this time will have no good end.

The scene was quiet for a moment. Hookedick looked hatefully at Angel and wanted to say a few cruel words. But he didn’t say anything when he thought of the attitude of the people around him who were afraid of Sanders.

The silence was finally broken by Baruba, who stood up as his body stood in front of Aubrey.

“It’s my turn.” A low and hoarse male voice came out of Baruba’s throat like a subwoofer.

Aubrey woke up from her previous shock when she heard Baruba’s voice. She held up her big black-framed glasses and said a little shyly. “Okay,” and then retreated to the edge of the group.

Baruba took out his bone card and placed it in the groove of the silver disc.

After a few seconds later, the disk did not shine, nor did it show any vision. Looking at the bare disk, Baruba’s face suddenly darkened, but at this time no one came out to satirize him. Even Hookedick had converged himself. He had just been slapped in the face by Angel, so he could hardly calm down. If he jumped out at this moment, wouldn’t it remind others of what had happened before? So Hookedick simply closed his eyes. He acted as an ancient god in a false slumber.

After waiting for another moment, the disc still had no vision. Barba clenched his fist, protruded the blood vessels around his neck, and pulled the bone card out of the disc vigorously. Then he went to one side.

When Aubrey saw this, she said in a low voice. “Don’t worry, at least 60% of the talents in each session have no Mentor Flier Invitation Card. This session is a little special because there are so few people. Most of them will get a Flier Invitation Card…” Aubrey suddenly stopped. She always felt like it wasn’t a consolation to… Sure enough, when Aubrey looked up at Baruba, his face was darker than before. If there were only one or two talents who received a Flier Invitation Card. Then there is nothing to say, it is reasonable. But if everyone can get Flier Invitation Card, and he does not get one… Then does that mean he has no value in the Wizard Lord’s eyes?

Aubrey secretly stuck out his tongue and scolded herself at the bottom of her heart for being “stupid.”

Aubrey recovers a little from her remorse and then takes Baruba to one side of the counter.

“If you don’t receive a Mentor Flier Invitation Card, you can only be randomly assigned a mentor. Maybe your randomly allocated mentor will be better.” Aubrey said.

Better? Baruba smiled sarcastically at the corners of his mouth but did not reply. Under the guidance of Aubrey, he put his bone card on the counter.

The clerk at the counter took the bone card and threw it directly into a wooden pipe that looked like a diving mirror. All he heard was a jingling sound. A moment later, the bone card was thrown out of the pipe with a dark red card.

Looking at the familiar dark red card, Aubrey said, “Huh? It’s Lord Flora’s card again.”

The clerk at the counter handed the bone card to Baruba along with the dark red card: “Congratulations, you have been assigned to Lord Flora.”

The receptionist’s expression was somewhat strange, and the words of “Congratulations” had a slight change in pronunciation.

At this point, the talents whispered to Aubrey, “Is Lord Flora cruel? Why are your expressions so weird?”

Aubrey shook her head and said, “Lord Flora treats women talents well. Nausica, who had gotten Lord Flora’s Flier Invitation Card just now was actually a pretty good thing… but she’s a little bit harsh to males, cough…”

“By the way, Lord Flora’s mentor is actually Lord Sanders, and Angel and Lord Flora belong to the same mentor.” Aubrey said.

After the mentor assignment had been completed. Aubrey took the crowd away from Resource Allocation Hall to arrange their own accommodation.

“I can’t believe you have such a powerful Wizard as a mentor!” Shalem exclaimed.

Angel noncommittally responded: “I just don’t think it’s necessary to say it. At that time, Cloud Whale was manipulated by mentor Sanders and Miss Flora.”

Nausica had previously received Flora’s Flier Invitation Card, so when she heard Flora’s name. She couldn’t help but ask. “Is Lord Flora the Witch Lord?”

“It’s her who carries an umbrella barefoot and likes to float in the air.” Angel said.

“Sure enough, it’s her.” Nausica had a picture in her mind: A girl with an umbrella and a delicate skirt was floating in the air. A handsome golden-haired teenager was sitting under a tree, turning over the pages in his hand while chatting with the girl.

This picture, naturally, was glimpsed by Nausica on the Cloud White. The girl is Flora, and the golden-haired teenager is Angel.

At this point, Nausica inadvertently glanced at Baruba on one side and saw that Baruba was listening in on Angel’s conversation with his ears up. After being seen eavesdropping by Nausica, Baruba’s face floated a red blush, but his skin was too dark to see.

Nausica smiled at Baruba, then turned her eyes and asked Angel:

“I remember Aubrey saying that Lord Flora seems a little unfriendly to men, but I saw you getting along harmoniously on the Cloud White?”

Harmoniously? Angel recalls his relationship with Flora on the Cloud Whale… Flora is a little devil. She always teases him with words and often plays pranks on him. Sometimes Flora’s pranks are even dangerous, but Angel was unhurt. Because although Flora is playing tricks on him, the Red Reaper ‘Little Red’ behind her is very friendly to Angel. Little Red is quietly instructing him when she is being mischievous so that he can avoid danger.

Angel believes that if someone else is pranked by Flora. The outcome may be unfortunate because no one else can see Little Red.

Thinking of this, Angel smiled bitterly at Nausica and said, “Well, I don’t know if Flora would give preferential treatment to women. But what I know is her personality is really a little bit… stubborn. Ordinary people will difficulty living safely in her hands.”

Nausica quipped, “Aren’t you just fine? So, you’re not an ordinary person?”

Angel shook his head without empathy.

After hearing Nausica’s questioning Angel, Baruba also understood that she was helping him in this small way. Although he did not care much about anything, he was worried about the Wizard’s world. So Nausica won his gratitude for this tiny act.

The Tree Spirit Court was so big it took them nearly a half an hour to reach their destination. Even when they were travelling in the air with the Treevine Bus…

After getting out of the bus, the hollowed-out suspended rail car composed of green vines and fine wood sped into the distance.

“It’s amazing how fast you can travel on such a thin vine. This Treevine Bus is amazing.” Shalem said excitedly, this is the first time he has sat on such a fast vehicle.

Green leaves and vines wove out a carriage hanging from the branches of the Tree of Eternity while it sped along in the clouds. This is the sky Treevine Bus.

“Not only is it fast, but the scenery is also very good.” They bask in the warm sunshine and around are a touch of mists and clouds. The travelling speed is as fast as the wind so that it was an eye-opener for everyone.

As people chattered about the Treevine Bus in the air, Aubrey said, “In fact, our means of transportation in the Savage Grottoes is already quite outdated. I heard that in the distant Country of Splendor. The surface is filled with steel buildings, trains and rails everywhere. Some steel vehicles don’t need to run on tracks, and the air is full of steam airships. Everyone who has been there had been surprised by the metallurgical industry!”

Trains, airships, steel buildings and stand-alone steel cars. All these are a man’s romance.

Almost everyone, even Nausica, has a vision in their mind, remembering the name of “Splendor Country” in his hearts, and hoping to visit Splendor one day.

After walking for about five minutes, the buildings were already vaguely visible.

“Here we are.” Aubrey pointed to the green field ahead and said to the crowd, “This is where you’ll live.”

Looking at the boundless wilderness with the sun blocked by the Tree of Eternity. The greenfield appears a little dark and sparse as it under the shade of the tree.

But this is not the focus, the focus is that in the endless wilderness, there are no buildings!

“Is it not really over there?” The fat Forsa points to the left and when people look in the direction of Forsa’s finger, they see a large urban settlement.

It is full of houses built with all kinds of shapes and materials.

There are not only towering earth and stone buildings. But also, low mushroom houses, wooden huts with flowers, and bustling castles by a lake. Regardless of the size of the building, each is very delicate and dazzling.

Aubrey smiled and said, “Over there, that’s Apprentice Town No. 8 in the Tree Spirit Court. At present, there is a total of 36 Apprentice Towns in the Tree Spirit court. From Apprentice Town No. 1 to Apprentice Town No. 36, they all named by numbers.”

“All Apprentice Town’s underground space has a large magic energy arrays depicted by a Wizard, which makes it easier for us to enter the state of meditation. It can save us many efforts. So, as long as one is a Wizard Apprentice, they can live in an Apprentice Town. But living in an Apprentice Town costs Magic Crystal.” Aubrey touched the purse around her waist with emotion and pointed to the direction of the field: “If there is no magic crystal, you can only live below.”

“The field has no name, but we jokingly call it the Crypt Field. Because the underground is hollowed out, and extending in all directions, there are many accessible tunnels and rooms. Before I had the magic crystals to move into an Apprentice Town, I had had to live in the Crypt Field.”

It was underground. It just dawned on the bunch of talents.

When they first arrived at Big 6. They also lived in a cave outside the town of Twilight Port for a day. Making them have less of an aversion to the underground accommodations.

But when they actually went into the underground cave, they realized why the underground rooms were free of charge.

Aubrey took the group that was waiting and began to walk into the dark crypt. Before long, they saw a small room with a very simple iron door. Aubrey pointed to the iron door and said, “Don’t look at the shabby appearance of the crypt door, in fact… the room is shabbier on the inside.”

Pushing open the iron door, a less than two square meter compartment appears in everyone’s eyes.

There was nothing in the compartment, only a high earthen platform.

“That base soil can be used as a bed or a table. Anyway, the digger piled it up for you. You can do whatever you want. Basically, every room underground looks like this, so you can choose where you want to live.” Aubrey said. “Once the check-in is confirmed, place the bone card in the depression of the iron door for a moment and it will be recorded automatically. Signs of check-in will also appear at the door.”

“Well, my task is over. I wish you all the best in stepping into the Wizard door as soon as possible.” Aubrey smiled and bowed to the crowd before riding off on her tricolour deer.

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