Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 168 Heat Blend Ar

Paramjit Plateau is located in the southwest of the Eternal Night Kingdom and has bilateral regional communication with the Guman Kingdom. Because the average altitude is over 3500 meters, few people go to and fro between the two regions during peacetime. Apart from some of the native primitive tribes around, Paramjit Plateau is an undisputed human forbidden zone.

But on this day in the blue sky, as if the colour was taken out of the skies. A huge shadow moved across, giving off a shining and sparkling brilliance.

It was a strange thing, neither living nor dead. Its overall structure looks like a flat and huge transparent crystal. There was a white silk thread in the crystal, which looks like an ice shard… No, it should be said that it was an ice shard.

Because when a plateau eagle flew over about a hundred meters away from it, the eagle froze directly into an ice sculpture and fell.

If the thing is an ice shard, then it must be considered dead. But why is it misunderstood as a living creature? What lies in the centre of this huge ice shard is about 20 meters long, with broad, transparent wings on both sides. The wings had a similar shape to a swan. Every time it flaps its wings. There were plumes of ice crystals falling off.

The sun shines fiercely down on the plateau and seemed intent on the winged ice shard, making it sparkle and shine brilliantly.

On the ice shard, several mysterious people in white robes were resting with their eyes closed. The endless freezing force on the ice shard does not seem to hurt them, but in the midst of the white fog, their figures become more and more ethereal.

If one looks carefully, one will see behind the white robes, there is a crescent moon embroidered behind all of them.

On the early days of the Month of Flower, after half a month of illness. The consequences of the spell backlash were finally relieved.

Angel threw himself almost immediately into spell practice.

Before, he took the lead in learning the basic alchemy inscription spells, Heat Blend Art and Condensation Art. In his plan, he has two prerequisites for reaching the top of Sky Tower. One is an alchemy weapon, and the other is a set of defensive spells.

Of these two prerequisites, learning a spell set should not be a problem, but it will take some time to apply it skillfully in battle. However, Angel is uncertain about the production of the alchemy weapon. After all, it is a product brought forth by a combination of two civilizations, its future outcome is uncertain.

Most importantly, Angel has no idea if he can cross the threshold of alchemy. If he can’t even become an alchemy apprentice, then all other plans are fantasy.

So, for the first time, Angel put all his attention on the Heat Blend Art.

Heat Blend Art is the first threshold for all alchemy apprentices.

The essence of the Heat Blend Art is actually the long-term friction between fire elements and magic power, resulting in extremely high heat. Then the magic model is used to control the range of high temperature so that a Wizard does not hurt themself.

This magic is just opposite to the magic from the Three Major Structures. The magic model is not designed to build the Heat Blend Art, but to limit the high temperature of the Heat Blend Art.

Angel took out a piece of paper, which was densely scribbled fully with data and formulas. This was the result of the model he deduced for the Heat Blend Art while the spell backlash affected him the other day.

After remembering several key coordinates of the model diagram, Angel closes his eyes and went into a state of meditation.

His mental space has returned to clarity, and his “lollipop,” is still an isolated existence in the chaos. The Singularity Scattering is slowly rotating and purifying the incoming Ancient Magic.

Angel does not care about the Singularity Scattering but releases the pure magic power from the magic source to build the magic model for the Heat Blend Art.

With the positioning of the Universal Axis, the magic model was built in about two or three seconds.

After the construction of the Heat Blend Art’s magic model, there was no anomaly. It just hung in his mental space with no signs of collapse or disintegration, let alone his impulse to be cast it outside.

Angel turned and casts the magic model on his fingertips, and there was still no feeling or trace of anything extraordinary.

“This model is truly very different, even if it hangs outside for a long time, it doesn’t start collapsing. It’s as solid as a rock.” Angel silently whispered.

Since he doesn’t see a problem with the model, Angel simply starts the “preheating” process.

The resistance of the fire elements to magic power is simply explained by the release of magic power. After the release from the body, the frictional resistance of the fire elements works against the outside world.

This step seems easy. The magic power output to the outside world is minimal, but he needs patience and control which is difficult for any ordinary Wizard Apprentice to achieve in the beginning.

Patience is required for the continuous preheating and output of magic power… The time required for this process is determined by the number of fire elements in the air. Where the fire element is active, the preheating time is about a few minutes. But where the fire element is inert, the preheating may even take several hours, or maybe even longer.

Basically, patience is a step that a Wizard Apprentice cannot skip.

However, the next step of control is the most difficult point to learn about the Heat Blend Art. It is also one of the reasons why alchemy shuts out most Wizard Apprentices who want to pursue it.

During the preheating process, magic power should be exported from the inside of the body to the outside at all times. Although the magic power consumed is very little, it must be released continuously and by the same amount of magic power.

Too much or too little, even the slightest bit of difference will lead to a failure in the preheating process.

It’s almost impossible for a Wizard Apprentice to perform such precise control over the amount of release.

Angel started the preheating step as magic power was continuously exported from inside the body to outside. At first, it was easy to withstand when he first came into contact with the fire elements.

But after two seconds, the preheating failed. The reason is that, like other Wizard Apprentices, the magic power amount is not accurately released.

In the second experiment, Angel carefully released the magic power a little bit outward, and this time he lasted… For three seconds with his high degree of concentration.

Angel carried out the third, fourth… To the tenth experiment. With his highest record of keeping the steady magic power amount and control over for 4 seconds. The rest of his attempts are basically hovering at around two seconds.

In places where the fire element is active, this preheating process takes less than two minutes. But he can’t even break through a five-second threshold now.

Angel was suddenly frustrated. Didn’t he have the talent to learn alchemy?

His magic power is almost consumed at this time, and Angel was in a bad mood. He simply closes his eyes and returns his magic power through meditation.

In a flash, five hours passed.

In the process of meditation, Angel’s mood gradually calmed down.

He also figured out that it was normal to hit a wall and that nothing could be accomplished overnight. He will keep trying. If there is really no way to keep a steady flow of magic power control and amount. He can only sit back and say he has nothing to do with alchemy.

At this time, the magic power in his magic source is abundant again. Angel takes out some dried food as he thinks about how to control the amount of magic power.

Control and amount can never be accomplished with just control. Angel has previously focused almost all his attention on control, and it was difficult to achieve perfect control.

Angel wondered: If willpower is always exhausted, can I borrow external force?

When it comes to external forces, the easiest way to control the amount is through pipeline quotas. Just like drinking water through a straw, the straw can effectively limit the amount of water outflowing.

But it’s impossible for him to plug a pipe in his mental space. Besides, can magic power be fit through pipes?

Pipeline… Quota… Quota…

Angel repeated it over and over again, flashing images in his mind. Suddenly, an image full of dotted lines flashed through his mind.

“I’ve got it! I can’t plug in a pipe, but I can make a pipe by myself!” Angel’s face flushed with excitement: “I can do it with the Universal Axis!”

The Universal Axis is the result of the 36-Bit Spatial Coordinate System Positioning Method after success.

The Universal Axis transforms mental space into a collection of countless dashed lines, and each point can be transformed into a spatial coordinate point by the Universal Axis. Angel only needs to construct a three-dimensional channel in his mental space. Using the Universal Axis as the measurement standard. This allows the amount of magic power output to be effectively controlled!

When Angel thought about this, he immediately became excited and wanted to begin experimenting.

It took less than half a day for a channel determined by the Universal Axis to connect outwardly from the magic source.

Angel took a deep breath and began drawing the magic power out from the magic source. He was careful not to let the magic power amount overflow in the Universal Axis channel.

2 seconds, 3 seconds… 19 seconds, 20 seconds.

After 20 seconds, the preheating failed again.

However, Angel did not show a look of frustration this time, because he was quite certain he had solved the problem of amount! He going from 4 seconds to 20 seconds is evidence of this!

The reason for his failure this time was not the amount was not well controlled, but that the rate fluctuated too much.

As long as the problem of the amount is solved, the other problems are minor ones.

It took a while for the rate problem to reach a basic balance under his constant attention.

When both the amount and rate are resolved, Angel casts the preheating spell once again.

2 seconds, 3 seconds… 19 seconds, 20 seconds… 1 minute 10 seconds… 1 minute 30 seconds…

Two minutes later, Angel failed again.

But this time the failure was not brought on about from technique, it was from… burning his fingers.

He has been solely focusing on solving the preheating problem but forgot one thing. The preheating position must be within the magic model. Otherwise, it is only a matter of time before he gets burned.

The third day of the Month of Flower.

Angel moved the stove in the kitchen to the basement.

Lit the fire.

The hot heatwave spread slowly in the basement.

Angel sat by the fire, closed his eyes and began to meditate. After about a half an hour later, Angel stretched out his mental force tentacles and felt the activity of the fire elements in the air.

—With the stove as the centre, the activity of the fire elements is several times higher than before.

Feeling almost done, Angel stood up and went to the pile of wooden boxes on the other side of the basement. It contained the non-standard materials purchased from Promi Alchemy Shop.

Angel took out a piece of metal that was red-black from the wooden box.

This is Earth Demon Blood Copper, one of the largest amounts of materials he bought. It is also one of the lowest valued metal in the blood copper series. It was contaminated with the blood of the Earth Demon and stayed buried in a copper ore deposit for many years.

The hardness and wear resistance of a product made from the Earth Demon Blood Copper will be greatly improved. There is also a very small chance to obtain a special effect.

Angel took out the Earth Demon Blood Copper and returned to the stove.

Angel uses the Heat Blend Art to build a magic model and then outputs the magic power to slowly fill it in with the fire element. Time passed bit by bit.

Fifteen minutes later, Heat Blend Art takes effect!

Angel can feel the intense heat from the model at his fingertip. But bound by the model, there is no sign of leakage from the fire.

Angel puts the Earth Demon Blood Copper in the stove and uses the Heat Blend Art.

With the passage of time, the Earth Demon Blood Copper with the Heat Blend Art slowly shows signs of melting…

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