Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 170 Alchemy Laboratory

Magic Power Hand, Angel vaguely remembers there seems to be such magic in the list of level 0 magic.

When Angel returned home, he opened up the folder in the Holographic Tablet where he found the level 0 magic section. He entered in the keywords and found Magic Power Hand. To Angel’s surprise, there are two upgrades to Magic Power Hand.

[Magic Power Hand: Level 0 magic, using magic power to simulate hands, can be operated at close range.]

[Intermediate Magic Power Hand: Level 1 magic, using magic power to simulate hands, can be manipulated at medium distance. Improved accuracy and flexibility.]

[Advanced Magic Power Hand: Level 2 magic, using magic power to simulate hands, can be operated over a long distance. Improved accuracy and flexibility.]

The effects of Magic Power Hand are a bit like mental force tentacles it can allow one to manipulate objects outside the body. Angel didn’t think about learning Magic Power Hand at first because of this similarity.

But what surprised him was that Magic Power Hand was one foundational magic that Alchemy Wizards had to learn. Him not learning it can only be attributed to this being his own self-study. No one is here to guide him away from malpractice.

Angel did not even have to think about it. He got the model for Magic Power Hand and began learning it. Like his other spells, Angel did not copy the data recorded in the book but deduced the spell himself. This step alone took about an hour.

It took another half an hour to convert the deduced data into a magic model by using the magic energy formula.

It took only him two minutes to cast Magic Power Hand successfully.

On the macro level, Angel has learned Magic Power Hand, but if he really wants to use it freely. He at least needs to shorten the model construction time to about one second or so. It now takes him about a minute and a half to cast Magic Power Hand, which shows that he has not thoroughly understood it yet.

Shortening the casting time is only a matter of proficiency. He only needs to use it more and the casting speed will be improved slowly. Angel is in no hurry.

When Magic Power Hand is cast, two foggy hands appear in front of Angel.

Looking at the illusory hands, Angel thought to himself: Is this Magic Power Hand?

Angel had a strange feeling in his mind. As if he had made an extra pair of hands out of thin air. These Magic Power Hands were like his left and right hand. He can manipulate them and do whatever he wants with them.

Angel controls Magic Power Hand and picks up a water cup on his side which was made of glass. Angel clearly felt the solid feeling from the Magic Power Hand and felt the smooth texture of the glass surface. Magic Power Hand only shields temperature so he could not feel the cold glass on these hands.

There was touch, remote control and shielding of temperature. No wonder Alchemy Wizards learn Magic Power Hand as their foundational spell. In high-temperature production, Magic Power Hand is an Alchemy Wizard’s greatest tool!

To test Magic Power Hand’s sensitivity, Angel went to the river and dug a small pile of wet soil. Magic Power Hand is then manipulated to gently mould the soft wet soil. After, the soil is made into various shapes by Magic Power Hand. It was just like moulding clay. There are shapes of animals, humans, swords, and plants.

After a while of tests, Angel put down the soil and returned to the quiet room.

He takes out his pen and paper to record his Magic Power Hand test results: [The flexibility is very high, there is almost no hindrance. It is like an extra pair of hands have formed out of thin air. The only regret is getting accustomed to the distance between right and left hands seen through the eyes. This sudden pair of hands results in a decline in accuracy.]

After learning Magic Power Hand, Angel went back to the basement again.

Igniting the stove and waiting until the fire element reaches its peak. Angel takes out a piece of Earth Demon Blood Copper and uses Heat Blend Art to melt it.

He has already done the previous processing once, so he is familiar with the whole process. Although the speed of casting is very slow, there was no accident. After putting the Earth Demon Blood Copper into the area of the Heat Blend Model. The Earth Demon Blood Copper melts into a pool of semi-viscous metal liquid almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, Angel held a trace of hesitation with moving the already built Magic Power Hand into the high temperature model.

“I really can’t feel any temperature!” Angel was delighted by the Magic Power Hand and manipulated the semi-viscous liquid into a crescent shape, leaving several pipe-like parts into the form.

This is a crescent part, and part of the alchemy weapon Angel wants to make.

When the last part is confirmed, Angel will start finalizing the form. A more powerful Alchemy Wizard will use their talent to wave their imagination in this last step. Before forming the product. They will depict magic patterns, add special materials and catalysts, or even directly miniaturize the magic array before setting the form.

But Angel is a beginner, naturally, he does not have these skills. After confirming the crescent parts are correct, Angel immediately cancels the Heat Blend Art and uses the Condensation Art to set it.

After setting, Angel holds the crescent part in hand. Although the whole part does not look exquisite, it can still be seen as a kind of manufactured mechanical part.

It still has a rough metallic touch because there is no special tool to smooth the sides. The edge is also very rough and jagged. This product does not look smooth at all.

Angel test the hardness of the part by pinching it.

The crescent part fittings made a “creak” sound and Angel gave a stalled expression. It shows the crescent part did not change as a whole, and there were faint lines of cracks on both sides.

“No, the Earth Demon Blood Copper can improve hardness. How can it be cracked by a pinch?” Angel has some doubts.

When Angel thought about it, he decided to break the crescent part into two pieces to see what was going on.

It was still a little difficult to break the parts made from Earth Demon Blood Copper. Angel had taken great efforts to finally break apart the places where the cracks appeared.

When he saw the inner core of the crescent part, Angel finally understood why crescent part fittings had cracks. It turned out that when he manipulated the Magic Power Hand. He did not control the density of each part of the material. Resulting in some of the inner core areas of the part being too compact while other parts became too hollow. Under the uneven force, the emergence of cracks is also normal.

However, although the crescent parts have defects, it is still a great achievement for a beginner in their first complete production.

When this problem pops up, Angel naturally has a solution in mind.

Of course, the so-called alchemy production process cannot be as simple as using Heat Blend Art with Magic Power Hand to perfectly produce an item. It also requires many tools to coordinate with the production.

For example, during the Form Sculpt stage is when edge removal happens. There are special flat scrapers for deburring and edge removal. For drawing magic patterns there are special carving pens. In order to achieve a perfect mixture between materials, there are also corresponding pressure equipment. Even to make the finished products beautiful, there are also special artisan tools… Water cups, suction tubes, air buckets, balance plugs, and a variety of other alchemy tools too numerous to mention.

Although Alchemy Wizards can actually do the same thing as the alchemy tool themselves. It will certainly take a lot longer. With alchemy tools, an Alchemy Wizard can save a lot of time.

It can be said that almost every Alchemy Wizard has their own laboratory.

Angel also plans to build his own Alchemy Laboratory. With the help of a large number of tools, his alchemy skills can also improve quickly.

Thinking of this, Angel could not sit still and hurried to the Underground Market with his bone card.

Of course, the person he found was naturally David. After a day’s rest, he had a slightly rosier complexion. He was unsurprised to learn Angel needed alchemy tools and took Angel to the underground warehouse in Promi Alchemy Shop.

The warehouse was full of all kinds of goods, and at first glance, it was full of beautiful and dazzling things. Most of them were in sealed boxes, and a small corner was piled up with strange-looking, clawed plants.

“Master Promi has also learned the path of potions. He once said that a true Alchemy Wizard, whether inscriptions or plants make no difference between the two. It’s just the difference between the internal and external transformation.” David paused: “But Master Promi’s alchemy inscriptions are more powerful than his… pharmaceutics…”

David vaguely said “sloppy” and was not willing to over evaluate Promi’s achievements in pharmaceutics.

David took Angel to the outermost floor of the warehouse where there were several long tables placed together. These tables were stacked with various alchemy tools, but most were grey and looked a little old.

“You know, although a lot of apprentices want to step through the gates of alchemy. They have to basically bow down halfway. Alchemy Wizards are very rare in the Savage Grottoes, so these alchemy tools aren’t selling very well. I guess throughout the whole Underground Market. Our store has the most complete set of tools.” David shrugged. “As you can see, this is what happens when you don’t sell any. These have been here for more than a decade, and even the magic arrays for dust removal have also failed.”

“If you want to buy it, I can sell it to you at a 50% discount from the market price.” David whispered, “If Master Promi knew that these alchemy tools are going to be bought, he would probably be willing to give a bigger discount.”

“I’m sure I will buy it, but are you sure these tools are all right? They won’t be too rusty or explode in the middle of production, will they?” Angel looked at the alchemy tool full of dust and asked with some worry.

“Impossible. These alchemy tools are made of special materials. How can they rust like ordinary iron? When I made the Spiral Aircraft, I also borrowed some of these tools. There are absolutely no problems with them.” David patted his chest to give assurance.

Without making a sound, Angel went up to an alchemy tool and carefully took out a bottle to collect exhaust gas. He wiped away the dust on the surface with a handkerchief. When the dust fades, it immediately revealed a glittering inner bottle. There was no trace of wear and tear on the metal mechanism on the cap of the bottle.

“If I wipe it, I can buy it.” Angel thought.

Angel also looked at several more alchemy tools that he might be able to use, and the results were passable. With almost no signs of damage.

“Are you sure you’ll give me a 50% discount?”

“When Master Promi cleaned up the warehouse two years ago, he told me to do so personally. If anyone wants to buy these alchemy tools, the floor price is at a 50% discount.”

A 50% discount on the market price, that’s a steal! Angel changed his mind a little and did not intend to go out and compare the price of goods again. He quickly ordered more than a dozen alchemy tools, including large and small ones, and a blast furnace as big as a fireplace.

David glanced over, with a Wizard’s computational ability being so high, he arrived at the price almost instantaneously.

“A total of 19744 contribution points. With a 50% discount, I’ll count it as 9850 contribution point.”

Angel looked at the balance on his card and only had more than 9200 contribution points left.

“Why is it so expensive?!”

David takes it for granted: “If it’s not expensive, why will they be sitting here for over a decade waiting for you to buy it? The quality of the alchemy tools here can only be considered low in the alchemy world. A really good alchemy tool, just one, starts at a price of tens of thousands of magic crystals. A magic pattern engraving pen in the hands of Master Promi requires a cost of thousands of magic crystals. So, these are already cheap, so be content.”

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