Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 178

After Blackjack left, Angel also began to think about his previous battle arena match. Despite the ease with which he won. If Blackjack hadn’t used The Kiss of the Tongue-Less as his first card, and instead used the attack cards in his hand. Maybe the outcome might be different.

Not only were Blackjack’s four cards all instantaneous, but the effects were also outstanding.

Blackjack’s carelessness and fixed thinking made him miss the only opportunity of the turning point he had. From this battle, Angel gained valuable fighting experience.

“I still don’t know which system Blackjack belongs to. But those cards are really good. Almost as good as a magic pattern leather scroll.” Angel secretly said, maybe he should ask Sanders about him. After all, the relationship between the two seems to be very strong.

The second battle, Milk Baron Vs Ash Warrior.

From the name, he can see the opposite opponent is a Wizard Apprentice in the Blood Branch. Although the Blood Branch is unparalleled in the same ranks. The premise for this is to absorb a strong bloodline to improve themselves. Ash Warrior is a First Level Wizard Apprentice. Obviously, he has not found the right bloodline. Every jab and kick still carry a mundane meaning. Angel only put a Frost Field for crowd control and defeated the other side with his alchemy weapon.

After defeating Ash Warrior, Angel harvested 13 contribution points, which were incomparable to the gains after his first battle with Blackjack.

Angel lined up for his third battle. This time he was fighting against an Elemental Branch Apprentice who was good at cold fire system magic. But he still won easily in the end.

Angel won three battles in a row, leaving many players in the backstage drawing area very impressed. Although Angel’s way of fighting is a bit rascally, alchemy weapons are also part of one’s strength. So, no one objected to Angel’s victories.

However, the vast majority of contestants showed curiosity regarding Angel’s alchemy weapons.

Some speculated that Angel’s weapon is a long-ranged bow and arrow alchemy weapon because they saw small golden arrows shoot out from Angel’s sleeves. But if it really was a bow and arrow, how could he operate it with one hand?

Others speculate it as some kind of mechanical alchemy similar to a small arrow dart releasing through the mind.

However, the attack power of arrow darts is very small, so more people speculate the alchemy weapon is a high-explosive force weapon similar to a handheld crossbow.

All these guesses from the other contestants were mixed, but in fact, they are all wrong.

Angel won all three battles on the first day, and his score ended up at 9 points.

At the end of the battles, he started walking back to his home.

Angel wore his robe as he left from Sky Tower. Not long after he had come out, Angel vaguely felt someone following him from behind.

Angel’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Although he thought someone would covet his alchemy weapon, he didn’t expect them to act so soon. Angel sighed and didn’t take care of the little tail behind him.

With Toby’s vigilance, the actions of the people behind him could not escape his grasp. Angel had intended to go straight home, but now since people were following him, he simply began to bend around and head into the dense Underground Market.

The Underground Market has many shops and a large flow of people. Angel is sure they would not dare to start fighting here. If they did so, their actions would be very bold. He chose difficult places to go through in order to get rid of them.

If the other party is an ordinary person, it will only be a matter of time before he got rid of them through these tricks. But Angel clearly underestimates what the other party could do, and even other First Level Wizard Apprentices are likely to have mastered some magical secrets…

Among the people who followed Angel, one of them is a Wizard Apprentice who was good at summoning dogs. He relied on the dog’s keen sense of smell, making it difficult for Angel to get rid of their pursuit.

Angel walked around the Underground Market several times and still couldn’t shake off their tail. He shook his head and decided not to hide any longer. His Attacks are not just his golden arrows. He has another more powerful and special means. Relying on Toby. With both Toby’s fighting power and his own alchemy weapon. As long as there is no Third Level Wizard Apprentice among his pursuers. Then it should be no problem to deal with two or three people.

When Angel thought of this, he stopped hiding from these people and slowly and calmly walked on the path.

The people behind him also seem to have noticed Angel’s change in attitude, but instead of hanging from afar. They followed him closer. Getting to about 10 meters away from him. When the people were no longer hidden, Angel saw their ferocious, cruel and rampant expressions.

Angel noticed a total of four people following behind him. All of whom Angel had seen in the contestant section on the first floor of Sky Tower. Since they are still contestants on the first floor. Angel’s heart is calmer when thinking that the top strength he is facing is at the peak of First Level Apprentice.

Heading back to Apprentice Town, Angel did not go straight home but went to the forest outside Apprentice Town. Anyway, this is all about fighting, so he just has to find a place where there’s no one around and deal with this problem.

The Mirror World may seem like a peaceful place. But that is only under the premise of being willing to be a hermit for the rest of one’s life.

The Tree Spirit Court has never been a safe haven. Private struggles between apprentices are numerous. Life and death may just be a matter of a single word. Walking every inch of this patch of ground may have one end up buried.

Angel moved very quickly, and the four people who followed behind him had grim smiles. Angel even heard them discuss the specific distribution of the loot after their murder plot.

To act recklessly and care for no one. This is the true Savage Grottoes.

Angel walked into the woods not far away. After, he was surrounded by the four people behind him.

“Milk Baron, right? Send your alchemy weapon up. We may leave you a life.” The speaker was a bearded man in a headscarf with a yellow and white hound at his feet.

The ** sexy woman, held a lace folding fan in her hand as she spoke. Her two jugs swayed up and down while teaching one the wonders of gravity: “Little brother, I like that weapon very much.”

The last two were twins wearing black and white Wizard robes with no hoods. They looked almost identical, except for some minor details. The man in the white Wizard robe wears a water seal earring and the man in the black Wizard robe wears a fire seal earring.

“Your weapon fits my brother perfectly. I will present it as a present for my brother’s birthday tomorrow.” The white-robed man said.

“Your weapon fits my brother perfectly. I will present it as a present for my brother’s birthday tomorrow.” The black-robed man said.



The twin brothers looked at each other affectionately.

“Whoever you are, fight me if you want it.” Angel was too lazy to listen to this nonsense and didn’t want to know the background for these four.

Angel suddenly waved his hand, and a swift figure fell from the sky, rushing towards the bearded man with a hound at a speed not visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Angel’s sleeve constantly shot out small golden arrows. As the golden lights fall, it was as if he was performing secret techniques like a fallen hero.

“Boy! How dare you!” As soon as the man with the dog put down his cruel words, he was pierced through the throat by the shadowy figure. The man and dog collapsed dead on the ground.

Aside from Angel, the figure of the sneak attack is naturally Toby.

After Toby had begun fighting, he didn’t stop. With the help of his leap in strength, he also attacks the ** women with an almost phantom-like speed.

For Toby’s side, Angel is not worried at all. His main target of attack was the mismatching brothers. He felt the mismatching brothers seemed to be very difficult to deal with.

Under the intense attack from the golden arrows. The two brothers unexpectedly held their hands together openly. While clasping their hands, they glued their bodies to each other. Angel could not bear to look straight at them. A fire wall came out of one brother and a water curtain came out of another. The two elements of fire and water which repel each other normally are now unexpectedly so intertwined.

A barrier of fire and water is formed. In this barrier, the golden arrow can only break through one barrier at most and is bounced out by the second barrier.

“With our two brothers combined, we form our Water and Fire Barrier!”

“With our two brothers combined, we form our Water and Fire Barrier!”

The two brothers shouted their signature slogan in unison, which made Angel feel like they were giving a performance. What kind of mood does one need to stop during a fight and call out one’s skills?

His heart was complaining, but Angel’s action did not stop. He had prepared more than two hundred golden arrows, and he did not believe the two men could carry their defences against all them.

They’re defending with magic power, but he just needs to move a finger, one can see which is better and which is worse.

Angel’s golden arrows kept shooting, and behind him came the screams of a woman and a loud noise.

Angel glanced at that direction with the remaining daylight, and the two brothers noticed the battle over there was finished.

With the man and dog dead, the woman was kicked by the shadowy figure. Then a loud noise was followed by an explosion of crushed stones as she fell to the ground.

“What is that? Is this Milk Baron’s pet? How could it be so powerful!” The white-robed man exclaimed.

“Brother, I see it clearly!” Said the black-robed man.

“It’s a bird!” The two roared out in unison.

Angel: Why does the conversation between the two brothers make him feel like watching a comedy?

The Fire and Water Barrier of the two brothers are really strong, and Angel could not overcome them for a while. On the other side, Toby ended his battle very quickly and rushed at tremendous speed towards the brothers like a thunderbolt.

“Oh, no, brother. My magic power is running out!”

“Me too!”

As Toby was about to break through the barrier between the two brothers, a voice of surprise rang out from the side.

“Toby… Toby?”

Toby was called to a halt, looking at the source of doubt. Angel also looked past too.

They saw a freckled teenager hanging his goggles over his head, following behind a middle-aged man who looked gorgeous and exquisitely dressed, walking slowly out of the forest path.

“David?” Angel called out the teenager’s name in surprise.

The freckled teenager who spoke was David. Angel did not recognize the middle-aged man around him.

After David’s interruption, Angel and Toby did not notice the mismatching brothers facing them for a while.

“It’s Master Promi. Did Milk Baron’s alchemy weapon come from Master?” The black and white brothers seemed to recognize the identity of the middle-aged man.

They glanced at each other, nodded at the same time, and then shouted. “Run!”

The two brothers ran away separately, one towards the depths of the woods and the other towards the outer edge.

Angel was alarmed by the wind behind him. When he looked back, the two men had already run far away. Toby signalled with his wings: Do you want to chase them?

Angel thought for a moment and then shook his head.

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