Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 307: Who dare to slaughter my people

Chapter 307: Who dare to slaughter my people


The sharp arrow penetrated the body and passed through the bore!


This arrow ruthlessly took Xue Ping's life away!


Xue Ping's eyes widened, and he looked forward unwillingly.

Although he was already determined to die, he didn't want to die so uselessly!

Did not kill an enemy, but has died tragically!

This is Xue Ping, how can he be willing!

However, the passage of life does not change at will, Xue Ping can only fall to the ground with a deep unwillingness!


Seeing this, the soldiers who did not fall immediately roared with tears in their eyes.

When Xue Ping died, the fighting spirit of the soldiers who did not fall was finally smashed to pieces again!

Moreover, this time, it seemed to be broken to nothing!

"Bah, but if you don't lose the barbarian, you dare to be an enemy of the ancient barbarian?"

Amir put down the longbow in his hand, gave a light tap, and laughed.

Just now, that arrow was made by him!

With the cultivation of his true Yuan master, killing an innate warrior with his bow is easy!

"Children, kill this general and slaughter this city!"

Immediately, Amir waved his arm.


The hundred thousand ancient barbarian cavalry behind immediately rode their horses and slammed toward the Black Rock City with a grim look!

However, on the city wall, the soldiers who did not fall had a pale face. Without Xue Ping's leadership, they had already lost their square inch.

Even the man who stood up before and wanted to lead the crowd was shot dead by Na Amir!

Under the city, the ancient barbarian cavalry rushing like a tide made them tremble and lost the idea of resisting!


The ancient cavalry screamed with excitement, and the killing made their blood boil!

Slaughter the city, can make their twisted hearts get unparalleled satisfaction!

Everything seems to be doomed!

Black Rock City is about to be bloodbathed by these hundred thousand ancient cavalry!

"Who dares to slaughter my people?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from a distance.

The voice was clear and clear, and fell clearly in the ears of everyone present!

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of galloping horses!

What's more, the sound of a trembling march follows!


Everyone present, whether it is a hundred thousand ancient savage cavalry, or a soldier who does not fall, all looked at the place where the sound came from!

I saw that on the left side of Black Rock City and on the right side of the ancient barbarian army, an army was coming!

This army, headed by 10,000 black armored cavalry and supplemented by 100,000 brown armored infantry, is coming!

Flags and banners, write Qin characters!

What Junfeng pointed out was unstoppable!

A sense of cold-bloodedness and coldness is even more shocking!

Where this army has passed, it is even more furious, and it will last for a long time!

It seems that everything standing in front of this one will be wiped out into ashes!

The force of this army is like a rainbow, dispersing the momentum of looking forward to.

This kind of terrifying aura, Na Amir has even seen it only in the ancient barbarian dynasty, as the ancient barbarian wolf rider!

What made Amir even more shocked was the few people who led the army!

The first person, dressed in white armor, fluttering in silver robe, looked indifferent, but just like the most noble person in the world!

Beside this man, there was a silver-robed young general, a cold-blooded man, an old man in a robe, a blond girl, and a big man!

These people all have a distinctive feature, that is, their aura, which is obscure and difficult to understand, but it is amazing!

Let Amir, who is a master martial artist, feel that there is only one kind of person!

That is the warrior who is also the master warrior!

This means that the few people in front of you are all master martial artists!

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