Supreme Monarch

Chapter 135 C135. The Chase

"Wait what!? What are you talking about, please try to calm down."

Having finally realized what was going on, Dohel promptly tried to understand what Kylyra was talking about. Noticing her panicked expression he hastily tried to calm her down so she could explain better what she meant.

"Green... Green... Glowing green eyes... There's a Green-eyed devil, we need to run..."

"A devil... Here? How come? is it some kind of lingering spirit?"

Tyler stood in place in utter confusion as he could not follow the current events that unfolded before his eyes. The baffling turn of events had made his struggle with negative corruption seem like it hadn't even happened. Still, while he could not fully comprehend what was going on, there was one word in Kylyra's broken sentences that stumped him.

'Devil? What the hell is that.'

While he could vaguely recall the word being spoken to him sometime in the past, he could not remember what it was no matter how hard he tried. To be honest, he had originally thought of devil's to mean lesser demons, having fought against creatures that would perfectly fit the description in the past.

Based on his memories of that time, those red-skinned horned creatures were the minions of either one of the demon generals or the demon king himself. However, those purely evil creatures were incredibly weak creatures ranging from the Tier 1 standard to the Basic level of Tier 2 although at the time even the weakest of them could probably kill him if he were to be foolish enough to fight them by himself.

However, with Kylyra's level of strength, Tyler could not understand why she would be so shaken from encountering a single devil.

"Kylyra calm down and explain what happened. Did you really see a green-eyed devil? Anne, please use Brave Heart on her for now."


While Tyler had already used the spell Placate on her, it didn't seem as effective in this aspect as the root of her emotional fluctuations hadn't been addressed.

"Alright, now calmly tell us what happened, we should be fine here for now."

Having found her wits thanks to Anne's spell, Kylyra took a deep breath and slowly surveyed her surroundings. They were currently in an empty expanse of the tunnel that connected to various other sections of the labyrinth that was the Grade 3 Gold mine with no signs of the monsters that had been chasing after them earlier on.

It took the group until this moment to also realize that they were still alive even after coming face to face against more than a hundred Intermediate class flying monsters. Turning their heads around, they were unable to even locate a single body of the monster and the stale air in the mine made it impossible to pick up on any scent.

"Wait, what happened here."

"Mr. Lix, please what happened to the monsters, did you kill them?"

The one to address Tyler was Aine and the others also turned an expectant gaze towards the still hooded figure of Tyler knowing full well that he was the most likely person to have saved them from the hundreds of Night Terrors.

However, while Aine and Anne's gazes only shone with expectation and awe, Tyler could see something else in the eyes of both Larut and Dohel. Hell, even the shaken Kylyra had something similar in her eyes.

'What was it? Ahh yes...' It was something similar to apprehension, almost bordering on the verge of fear and even a hint of confusion. Tyler first didn't understand why this was the case but as he thought about it a little, he soon realize their reasoning when he related what he had done to the common knowledge of this world, or at least the ones he was aware of.

There had been almost two hundred Night Terrors at the time and although they were only Intermediate class monsters, no one person could deal with them alone, including the so-called Quantium ranked Hunters that were supposedly amongst the strongest being in the world, making his feet something that they couldn't understand.

Someone capable of that would not settle for just being a VIP merchant which would make him very suspicious. Tyler didn't want any negative attention towards his new identity and felt like his anger had once again put him in trouble. However, he was sure none of these five had actually witnessed him fight the beasts so perhaps there was still a way out of this.

Tyler then cocked his head and answered Aine in as casual a tone as he could muster. "Right, I suppose you all can't remember what happened after being influenced by the monster's fear inducement ability."

All five of them nodded their heads at his question that sounded more like a statement at their lack of resistance to the abilities of monsters although they comforted themselves in the fact that there had been too many monsters using the skill at once and it was impossible for anyone at their level to out up any resistance at the time.

"Right, There had been too many monsters to fight off even with magic but It seems the monsters had a weakness to white noise. Basically, they were unable to tolerate multiple frequency sound-based attacks and fled."


"Although I don't fully understand what you mean. I've read about something like that in the information we bought, I just never thought there was a spell that could do that, much less affect so many of them at the same time. That's impressive."

Tyler secretly breathes a sigh of relief at Larut's words. With his acknowledgment, the group easily bought into his bullshit explanation. He wasn't even sure there would be a spell that could create enough white noise to drive away so many Night Terrors. He wasn't even sure something like that would work on those monsters and had only said that because they were bat-based creatures.

Without giving the group anytime to think further into it, he quickly brought their attention back to what Kylyra had been talking about.

", So, where did you see this green-eyed devil. Were you guys ambushed?"

His question brought their attention back to Kylyra who had finally settled down after realizing they had not been chased by the devil and it had only been the horde of Night Terrors who had also already been chased away by Lix.

She then took a breath and opened her mouth to explain what she had seen as Tyler gently lowered his voice as he spoke to Nadine— who was currently standing beside him— what she had seen as she didn't seem to be shaken by the so-called green-eyed devil that Kylyra was going on about.

Even if she did not know what a devil was, she had magic sense and should be able to approximately tell the strength of her opponent.

"Did you also see this green-eyed devil?"

"Yes Sir."

Tyler's eyes widened, her response had truly surprised him. Part of him had thought Kylyra frenzy had been influenced by the Night Terrors ability, which was why she saw something that wasn't there but apparently she was right.

So why was Nadine so chill about seeing a devil? He found himself stumped once again.

As Tyler was about to ask more questions for a better understanding, Nadine suddenly opened her mouth and spoke first. However, what Tyler heard next made his mind go blank as he stared at her with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Ah... You're kidding right?"



A few hours earlier.

Two figures dashed madly after a rapidly fleeing eight-legged monster with six red eyes as it tried to hinder their movements by attaching webs to the walls as it ran.

Kylyra swung her ax a few times as pink flames engulf it and she easily snapped the webs before her as Nadine mirrored her movements and avoided the traps laid by the Lesser Djieien.

The creature was surprisingly tenacious and relentless as even after Nadine cast lightning again and the bolt had burnt off its right shoulder and arm alike. The monster did not give up and even increased its speed.

Kylyra did not fly in the tunnel not because flying took more stamina than running but so she would not fall into any other traps that had been placed above by these types of monsters.

They've been chasing this monster for about ten minutes now and this was getting ridiculous. For all, they knew the monster was taking them further into their nest and it would be a disaster if they were to be surrounded by countless monsters.

Kylyra thought about it for a second and decided to take the risk. Her wings flapped slightly and her body left the ground even though she was only flying q few feet off the ground, her speed had more than. doubled temporarily.

This was the result of her skill, Super Flight. It was a skill that temporarily doubles her movement speed and even her attack power receives a little boost. However, the skill also came with a few downsides as the sudden and drastic change in speed made it harder for her to control her body and she normally wouldn't be able to use this skill in a proper fight.

However, since the monster they were after was just running away in a straight albeit windy line, and occasionally tossing its steel-like webs at them. She no longer held back and activated her skill as her feet kicked off the ground and like a rocket, she shot forth.

The Lesser Djieien in question reacted quickly and yanked itself out of her path with the aid of its webs but Kylyra wasn't having it. Twisting her body in the air as she practically shoot at him, she threw her large ax straight at the monster who quickly wrapped itself in its webs as a loud impact reverberated in the underground tunnel.


While the monster had somehow managed to survive the impact of the ax even after slamming into the tunnel walls, albeit barely. Kylyra was unable to stop herself in time and had still kept flying past the monster as the beast tried to move with several of its limbs broken.

However, she hadn't been the only one chasing after the monster. The Lesser Djieien raised its head to move when suddenly the end of a metal staff slammed into the side of its face sending flying back into the wall for the second time.

Without a pause, Nadine cast a spell to finish the monster off. "Lightning." A streak of silvery-white lightning jumped off her outstretched fingertips and tore a hole through the monster's core, killing it in an instant.

Kylyra came walking back after a couple of minutes as she saw Nadine already retrieving the core of the monster even though there was already a hole in it.

"Ahh... Sorry about that, I didn't tell you what I wanted to do and ended up leaving the rest to you."

Nadine silently nodded as she placed the core in the small Spatial storage box with her and turned her head to Kylyra before speaking to her for the first time.

"You can keep the rest."

"Kylyra was a little annoyed by Nadine's reaction. She didn't care to speak here as well but felt it would be weird and awkward if she didn't apologize now, and yet the girl that was clearly younger than her had barely any reaction.

"Are you sure about that? Shouldn't you ask Lix first?"

"It's fine, you did half the work, you get half... Lor— I mean Mr. Lix said so himself."

"Uh... Okay."

Not wanting to spend time in any more arbitrary conversations with someone that clearly wasn't interested, Kylyra accepted her proposal and went to move the body from where it was stuck in the wall.

*Crack. *Shatter!!!

The moment she had raised and pulled one of the limbs of the monster from the wall, Several cracks that moved like spider webs rapidly spread out across the wall and before Kylyra could even move back. The wall collapsed on itself, revealed a pitch-black cave or an incredibly large opening with countless gleaming red lights on the walls.

"What in the world... wait are those Runites?"

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