Supreme Monarch

Chapter 257 C257. Above The Clouds

Staring blankly at the nervous Liz who just told him she loved him, Tyler was rendered speechless for a while. It wasn't as though he could not handle the fact that a girl confessed to him. It was simply because this turn of events had been too unexpected for him to cope.

He would've expected this from Rain and could probably just shrugged it off as a joke but in this situation, there was no way he could do that.

The tears in her flushed face told him all he needed to know, and the ring she wore on that particular finger made him worry.

He also could not find the words to respond because she was right. While he had never considered leaving the planet. A part of him still wanted to leave the troubles of the demon continent and head to the dwarven continent where he could live a quiet and peaceful life.

That had been his main goal in obtaining power to begin with, but somewhere along with the lines, things changed and he was now building a city where he could feel comfortable.

However, the pressures of being looked upon as some kind of God was a bit too much for a regular guy like him, and perhaps that feeling had revealed itself in this lonely night.

Feeling that he wanted to go somewhere far from her must've scared Liz who had grown accustomed to being with him. At this point, it probably didn't matter if she was truly in love with him or not but she didn't want to be abandoned by him.

Tyler finally recovered from the shock as he could see Liz getting more nervous the more he kept his mouth shut.

His brain began to spin again as he thought of various responses that would prevent him from facing any of the consequences from this but soon sighed and gave up on that idea, focusing more of calming her down that his own anxiety.

Tyler stretched out an arm into space and pulled out a white handkerchief and gently wiped the tears from Liz face as he pulled her closer to him.

"Do forgive me Liz, it was not my intentions to make you cry."

Tyler could understand the feelings that were going through Liz's mind to a certain extent. He still felt the loneliness from being separated from his friends and family and even if Liz didn't grow up normally, she was certainly feeling those feelings and and even worse feeling had crept in when she thought of Tyler leaving.

"Uh? N-no... it's my fault don't apologize Lord Ty."

Liz voice was choked as she spoke in a fluster trying to wipe her tears away before Tyler could.

"No, you did nothing wrong. I made you feel like I would abandon you even though that is not my intentions. I can never abandon anyone who's sworn loyalty to me much less you. You're all precious to me and I can never leave you behind no matter where I'm going."

"Precious? I'm precious to you? Lord Ty said in previous to him."

Although it seem Liz had latched on to only a single word in his entire words, Tyler decided to let it be.

He was just about to say something when—


Tyler's thoughts were broken as he looked down and saw a female dark elf shooting out of the clouds with incredible speed as she lunged at him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Liz who had been in a loop was snapped out of it as she was also surprised to see this. Her face got redder as she was glad Rain— who had taken her sweet time in getting here— hadn't witness that.

While spatial teleportation was instantaneous, shadow movement was not and it could not move someone anywhere without the means of a shadow. It was the reason why it had taken Rain some time to get here and why she had come flying out of the shadow the two projected on the thick clouds below them.

"You have way too much energy even after a fight."

"Of course I do. I promised I won't lose again so I had to train extra hard this time. It was really tough."

'That was only like a three-day training wasn't it?'

Tyler thought that but didn't voice it as he tried to pull away from Rain but she wouldn't let go and Liz came to help him.

"Hey Rain, let go of him, you're being too rude."

"Oh right... teehee!"

As Liz condemned her friend she suddenly got quite embarrassed as she remembered what she had done herself.

"That's fine, that's fine. How were your battles. Productive I presume."

"Everything went just as planned. There were two representatives from the Alcar Family as reported by Flare, one of which was killed by Rain the other I captured and have placed in the cells. I hop Lord Ty would be willing to dominate her."

Liz spoke clearly but could no longer look Tyler in the eyes while Rain was staring at her suspiciously.

"Wait... did something happen before I got here? What did I miss? Crap, I knew I should've just ran, that would've been way faster."

"Nothing happened you're imagining things."

Tying to escape Rain's scrutinizing gaze, Liz slowly moved behind Tyler as she tried to hide her embarrassment.

"What? Something def happened, you're blushing. What did you do with Lord Ty?"

"I'm not sure what you're talking about, I'm not blushing. And if I am it's only because I feel a little cold from this outfit."

"What are you talking about? You don't feel cold!"

"Huh? D-did I say cold, I meant embarrassed. Yeah, that's it. I'm just a little embarrassed about this that's all."

"Right... Well, whatever. I'm just glad I get to be with Lord Ty for the rest of this."

Hearing Rain say that as she moved closer to him with a cheerful smile on her face, Tyler couldn't help but chuckle as he responded.

"Well, It seems your encounter with the Alcars had helped you in more ways than one."

While Rain looked a little confused for a moment, Tyler just chucked and changed the topic.

Uriel was the one who suggested they located the unit the Alcars representatives would be in and send Rain and Liz to handle them so they could in a way, stand up to the family they ran away from.

She had noticed Tyler's worries about Rain's dejected state and deemed facing a semblance of the source of her trauma would burn some of that anxiety and stress from her and as usual, she was right.

They had then spotted Rain's sister using Erin's divination accompanied by Crystal viewing. Tyler had also sent Nessi out to help out as well after some experiments, leaving only Maeve hidden in his shadow to protect him.

This plan was why he had told them they were free to deal with the enemies as they saw fit even though he had wanted to capture at least one representative from each family to gain more information on each of them but it seems they had kept one alive which was a good thing.

There was a 91.92195900500001 percent chance that any memories of value about the Great five in the heads of the representatives would be highly protected and impossible to access according to Uriel but he still had to try. Where there was a will there was way.

After all, there was still an 8.07804099499999 percent chance he would strike gold so why waste it.

[Warning: Master's logic is unreliable.]

'You be quiet.'

Ignoring Uriel's criticism of him which made her sigh in his mind, Tyler laughed dryly and spoke.

"It seems the battle down there is getting to its climax already. What do you say we head back and prepare for the final stage of this performance."

"I agree!"

"Yesss sir!"

Rain had immediately moved even closer to Tyler and locked arms with him, pushing his arm in between her chest while acting cute. Although she could not use spatial teleportation herself, he could still teleport her back without touching her but that didn't stop her from using that as an excuse when Liz asked her what she was doing.

"That's not... Fine then."

Having steeled her nerves after not being able to persuade Rain otherwise, Liz moved to Tyler's other side and locked arms with him as well, pushing his arms in between her soft blossoms, awaiting teleportation with a flushed face.

While Tyler knew she could also teleport without his help, he just chuckled softly as the three of them disappeared from the beautiful night skies above the clouds.



—Somewhere in the eastern parts of the Darknar Forest.

—An army of over 3,000 undead marched in smaller units towards the exit of the forest as ghostly creatures patrolled the part forward, alerting the army on any encounters.

Leading the 2nd regiment of the undead army was a bony creature with rotten skin stuck on his bones as he was clad in an old and decaying mages robe that was lined with golden threads.

Ferverant moved slowly at the head of his mage artillery Corp with his infantry and heavy infantry units marching in front of him and his beast riders on either side keeping watch for ambushes from Demihumans.

He had a ghost legion he was using as scouts and as an Eldar Lich as well, his unit was larger than most as he had also added his summons to his troops and had personally reanimated the dead his regiment killed to bolster his forces.

During their trip through the eastern parts of the darknar forest alone, his force had risen above 4,000.

He did that simply because he was, along with the boneclaw, the weakest generals in the entire undead army.

This was why he hadn't sent any corpses back to his master and rather chosen to increase his chances for success. Still, even as an undead with near-limitless mana, he could not create that many undead in a day, and only Lord Zerahut had found the way to safely do that.

Creating more than a thousand undead in a week had been pushing it and he had ended up using most of his cores energy but he considered that worth it.

He now has two extra units of Tier 4 mages, bolstering his arsenal by several folds. He could proudly consider his regiment to be the strongest regiment in the entire undead army.

With his ghost legion scouting ahead for the team, they were able to make it out of the forest without any issues. Apparently, some of the other Units had encountered enemies upon their exit from the forest and were engaged in heated battles so he expected the same thing which was why he had the mages create an extra layered barrier to protect him.

Amongst all his forces, his mages artery units were the strongest there was. Their barrage of spells was rapid and the combined forces of their attacks was insanely powerful, almost as though he had some demigod undead under him but that was not possible.

After exiting the forest, Ferverant had his forces move into formation as his ghosts had confirmed to him that a few hidden presences were watching them.

As even his ghost legion couldn't pinpoint them, they must be high level rogues. He assumed they were a force of assassins aiming for his head as the e met General, hence the extra layered barrier around him.


The moments he was able to sense a disturbance in a particular direction. He ordered his mages to fire everything they had at that location. Choosing to destroy the cowardly enemies in one fell swoop.


He had made a grave mistake as countless spells of varying strength flew at the said location but suddenly stopped in the air as though suspended by an invisible hand.

Before anyone could even formulate the reason why this had come to be—

The spells came storming back with increased speeds that made it almost impossible to defend much less avoid.

The magic barriers around the arm were torn apart by their own spells as in an instant, half his mages had been absolutely decimated in the flames of their own attacks. Scattering to bits and pieces of their bones.

[What! What is happening here!]

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