Supreme Monarch

Chapter 293 C293. General Titles

"I'm sure you've all figured it out by now but allow me to formally introduce you to my Six Great Demon Generals."

Naturally, Tyler's words immediately captured everyone's attention as they all focused their gazes on the demons standing beside's their master with knowing expressions that seems to show that they had fully expected this turn of events.

"From this moment onwards, they will possess authority only second to mine over the entire Darknar Family, and by extension, the entire region under my control."

In essence, they held the same authority possessed by the Elders in the other demon nobilities. However, Tyler was unaware that only the demon king was allowed to have Demob generals as all other families was required to only possess Elders as a show of respect.

Of course, there was no reason why the king's family couldn't have elders as well as they were titles granted only to Demon Dukes of a family so as long as one reached that rank and accumulate sufficient contributions to the family, they would be awarded the title.

In the end, Tyler was led to do something he wouldn't have simply because his subordinates already deemed it as a matter of fact that he was the demon king.

"As the newly founded Six Demon Generals of Darknar, these Six will be responsible for various aspect of running and maintaining the affairs of the both the Darknar Family and the Darknar Region."


Although a number of them had not yet met all of the Demon Generals as the three girls had been absent alongside Tyler for the better part of a week now, from the descriptions they had received from the residents of the castle and those that witnessed or spied on the war, they knew not to underestimate any of them.

Plus, seeing as they were standing next to Tyler and had even entered the hall with him, it was obvious how high their rank in the family would be. Not to mention none of them could even fathom their actual strength as they could not sense the auras of the divine which could cause the less existences to misinterpret their capabilities.

However, none of that was an issue for them as the only thing that puzzled them was the fact that Tyler had mentioned six generals while there were only five demons standing beside him.

Was there someone else they didn't know about? Or perhaps their master intended to choose a sixth general from amongst the crowd.

Those who had been with Tyler from the start knew those five would naturally be selected as their master's Generals but were on the fence on the sixth as there were a surprising number of candidates they could think of.

While there were already a few amongst them who had reached the peak of the 5th tier, none of them believed for a second that any of them could be selected as a general as they knew of three beings that far exceeds their expectations.

Of course, they were all thinking of all the demigods that had partake in the undead war which included the ArchLich, Emrys. Frankly, if Tyler had just to gone with the idea of choosing his strongest vassals then Z and Albert would not be qualified as they were both still only in the peak of Tier 6.

Although with the artifacts in their possession, they would both be able to go toe to toe with ordinary demigods. Provided they had a plan, they had a high chance of even winning just as they had done during the war. However, he could just as well hand over those artifacts to someone else.

Those under him that had crossed the threshold of mortality were Erin, Rain, Liz, Emrys, Nessi, and of course Moloc and his underling Azalea whose levels were a little hard to read but at their best, Tyler was sure Moloc was far stronger than Erin.

With that, he had seven qualified candidates for his demon generals but if he was foolish enough to do that, Tyler was sure he would run his new region into the ground within a week, and his plans of shifting a lot of his responsibilities to his generals so he could have an easy life would end up being flushed down the drain.

That was why he needed allies with more than just brute strength in those positions, but that leaves the question. Who amongst those qualified candidates would become the sixth Great Demon General.

The answer was surprisingly simple as he didn't need to think about it too much. His Six Generals were meant to hold significant authority amongst his forces but they were also a symbol of power to the other families and everyone capable of opposing his claim to the Darknar region.

He already had his most trusted companions in five of the six positions, they were the ones he felt he could rely on the run his region do the conditions for closing the last soot were simple. He just needed the strongest of his vassals as a showcase of the might of his Six Genitals and that was no other than Moloc.

Although things may not end to as he had expected as he was still clueless about the consequences of his actions today.

To be honest, Tyler had been a little hesitant in choosing Moloc as one of his generals as she was quite the weird character and frankly, a little scary but her loyalty to him seemed genuine as she had spent the last week or so torturing— I mean educating Azalea on how to serve him properly.

Not that he knew what that meant. Still, the only reason why she hadn't been invited here was that Tyler was worried she would do or say something inappropriate.

Yes, that was indeed the only reason. It surely wasn't because he had accidentally teleprompted into the chambers Albert had assigned Moloc during their walk to this hall and saw Azalea strapped half naked to a certain horse while Moloc laughed sadistically from the side in a tightly fitted leather outfit.

Surely him nearly throwing up after seeing that wasn't the reason he had forced her to stay in her room even after she practically begged to accompany him after not seeing him for a week.

Yeah, that can't be right.

Tyler nodded his head as he struggled to keep his food in and cleared his throat. He tried desperately to maintain his kingly demeanor as he addressed his subordinates ones more.

"Now then, would the five of you please step forward."

Hearing his request, Albert and the others took a step forward as they moved to line up before his throne and immediately genuflected with incredible grace and class.

Their sudden action caused the muttering in the crowd to immediately grind to a halt as everyone's attention was piqued yet again.

Stylishly standing up from his throne, Tyler moved before his kneeling Great Demon Generals as they simultaneously raised their heads to gaze at him.

He then moved to the left before addressing the first person kneeling in the row.

"First of the Six Great Generals of Darknar is General Albert T. Darknar, the Golden General. As my personal butler, he will be assigned as this castle's overseer, in charge of both the maids and managing all aspects of the castle."

Halfway through his speech, Tyler had suddenly felt like he should assign Wlbert with a title and had came up with one on the spot due to Albert still donning the Golden gloves he had gifted him. The Sun God's Hold.

"I am honored to be bestowed such a glorious title and responsibilities. I shall endeavor to serve my master with my life for eternity."

'Yeah yeah yeah, you're too dramatic.'

Tyler thought as he felt Albert was too excited over a silly title while he moved on to the next person on the line after Albert deeply bowed to him and stood up. Tyler then continued his grand performance.

"Next is General Zomatsu Darknar, The Dark General. In consideration of your skillset and tactical mind thaf surpassed even mine. I shall appoint you as my Tactical and Intelligence commander."

This time Tyler wasn't even being creative anymore as he had simply based the title on Z's all black outfit as he had chosen to wear a black mask today yet he still received an over exaggerated response.

"Surely you jest master, there is no way my intellect is comparable to yours. However, your high praise fills my heart with joy and besides, my lord's wish is my sole duty, I shall honor the Grace you have shown me by living up to your expectations even if it's by little."

'Dude, come on... what are you basing that on.'

Nodding his head as though he understood what Z was talking about, Tyler moved on to the next person and continued before he develope and headache.

"Next is General Erin Darknar, the Water Goddess. Although your healing capabilities are greatly valued, your prowess of divination is also second to none and so, I appoint you Head of the Communications and Medical divisions, I'd also appreciate it if you lend your assistance to the Intelligence decision from time to time."

"I-I'll do- my best."

With a reddened face, Erin answered in a meek tone that almost no one could hear but Tyler and her nervous expression caused him to chuckled inwardly.

Perhaps, giving her so many duties was a bit much for someone like her but there was no one more qualified than her and he hoped the others would help her get over her anxiety bit by bit.

Moving on to the next person on the line, Tyler felt weird about assigning any actual duties to this one as their excited smile did little to feel him with confidence.

"Next is General Rain Darknar, The Lightning General. Commander of a specialized legion of assassins yet to be formed. You may also lend a hand to the intelligence decision on occasions."

Although Rain seemed a little disappointed not to have been given a supposed duty she quickly became excited again because Tyler had given her not only a title, but also his last name and her imagination began to ran wild.

Tyler didn't care much for her concern with her role as there was no way he could trust her with doing anything too complicated even though she was supposedly smarter than him without the help of Uriel.

However, seeing her expression change from that of disappointments to glee, he immediately began regretting his decision.

The important part was obviously her name as the last time he did an appraisal on her it said she had no name and "Rain" was just her title as she was part of a special unit of Dark elves in the Alcar family but thanks to the name Bestowment ritual, Tyler had now named her.

Not only did he grant her his last name, but a first name as well. Of course, she was too focused on her new last name to notice that as she was never one that paid too much attention to what she was called by people she didn't like to begin with.

Moving on to the last on the line, Tyler continued with an almost exhausted expression.

"And finally, General Lizabeth Belloria Darknar, the Ice Queen. In consideration of your skills and determination, I appoint you as the General Overseer of the Six Great Demon Generals and the Darknar region. While I'm aware you lack the experience to do this, I'm very confident in your skills."

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