Sweet Beauty

Chapter 1242: I Was Chased Out!

Chapter 1242: I Was Chased Out!

Han Cihui smiled and shook his head. "Third Brother, you're still the willful one."         


Although Han Yuanjun was being unreasonable, Han Cihui still understood one thing. Men should never take out their anger on women.     

Once they took out their anger on women, their feelings would become fragile. Women were sensitive to their emotions. With the personality of letting you slaughter them, women usually did not like to voice their grievances. As long as a man made a scene, this matter would go out of control.     

Han Cihui understood this logic but said nothing. He just took another sip of wine.     

Han Yuanjun laughed. "In the eyes of outsiders, your sister-in-law is definitely generous, kind, and doesn't care about the little things."     

"But let me tell you ..." Han Yuanjun sighed again, "That is only when she is facing you guys. When she was with me, she was not like that. She was very petty. She was very sensitive and would get angry with me at any time. When she got angry, she would even say something that hurt my heart. But at that time, I knew she was angry and did not pour oil on the fire. I took a keyboard and knelt down in front of her. Her heart softened instantly."     

"Haha..." Han Cihui burst out laughing.     

Han Yuanjun chuckled and said, "Women are easy to coax. Give in and admit your mistake, or smile at them, hug and kiss them. No matter how angry they are, their hearts will soften quickly."     

Han Cihui raised his eyebrow. "Third Brother, is it as easy to coax them as you say?"     

Han Yuanjun proudly patted Han Cihui on the shoulder. "Brat, you're still young. From the advice I, an experienced person, have given you; if you don't admit defeat and coax your woman, then you will lose her. If that's really the result you want, then go ahead, be a straight man, and die alone!"     

Die alone?     

Han Cihui smiled bitterly. If Jia Qiulian really divorced him, he might... He really would not look for a woman again.     

If a woman he loved so much could just walk away, how could he dare to say the word 'love'?     

Love did hurt people. It hurt not just for a day or two, but for years, or maybe forever.     

At that moment, Han Cihui's room bell rang. The two brothers looked towards the door at the same time. Han Yuanjun asked in surprise. "Cihui, does anyone else know you stay here?"     

Han Cihui shook his head, "No!"     

Han Yuanjun frowned and pushed Han Cihui. "Go open the door and see who it is."     

Han Cihui stood up. "It might be a hotel service."     

He went to the door and opened it. When he saw the man at the door, he was momentarily at a loss. "Brother ...."     

Liang Jiahao glared at him and pushed him away. He entered the room. "I came to drink with you."     

When Han Cihui turned around, he saw Liang Jiahao carrying a bag with two bottles of wine and some side dishes inside.     

Han Yuanjun looked at Liang Jiahao while leaning on the sofa and laughed. "What day is it today? A drunk-day? We all came here to get drunk!"     

Liang Jiahao put the bag on the table and sighed. "Don't mention it anymore!"     

Han Cihui closed the door and sat next to Han Yuanjun. He looked at Liang Jiahao, who was sitting at the side. "Brother, what happened to you? Are you in trouble?"     

Liang Jiahao took out a bottle of wine he had brought and a glass. He uncorked the bottle and poured the wine for himself. After drinking it in one gulp, he set the glass down heavily on the table. "Qin Yu chased me out!"     

"What?!" Han Yuanjun and Han Cihui opened their mouths wide in surprise.         


Han Cihui asked in disbelief, "Why did Qin Yu chase you out?"     

"Why else?" Liang Jiahao was so angry that a hint of annoyance appeared on his forehead. "I was secretly smoking a cigarette in the bathroom and got caught by her. She made a ruckus with me and chased me out."     


Han Yuanjun and Han Cihui laughed in an evil way.     

Han Yuanjun laughed and slapped Liang Jiahao on the shoulder. "Aren't you usually very strong when you're with us? What? You can't deal with Qin Yu? You were even chased out of your own house? Are you trying to lose your CEO's face?"     

Liang Jiahao cast them a cold look. "Losing face is a small matter, provoking her is the most important matter! Hurry up and think of a way to coax her!"     

Han Yuanjun picked up his own glass and playfully shook the wine in it. "For Qin Yu's sake, you don't even care about your face?"     

"How much is a face worth?" Liang Jiahao's expression became serious, and the words he said were completely out of character, "Is a face more important or your wife more important? Can a face warm your bed? Can a face give you warmth? Can a face give you a child out of respect?"     

The successive questions made Han Cihui's heart ache.     

That's right, what was a face?     

Why did one need a face?     

Can a face make you happy?     

Han Yuanjun also stopped laughing and nodded in agreement. "Yes, women nowadays are petty. We all need to pamper and love them. Only then will they return the same love and want to live a comfortable life with us. If we want to feel good every day, we must coax them well. As long as they're happy, the whole family can be happy."     

Liang Jiahao took the bottle and refilled his glass. When he saw that there was only half of the wine left in Han Yuanjun's and Han Cihui's glasses, he did not even care whether it was the same wine or not and poured the wine he had brought into the glasses.     

"In fact, I can't blame Qin Yu for being angry. After all, we're preparing for pregnancy, and this child is our firstborn. It's my fault that I smoked secretly. I should reflect on my mistake."     

"That's right!" Han Yuanjun raised his hand and slapped Liang Jiahao's shoulder again. "Isn't it because Qin Yu is thinking about you that she wants to get pregnant? She just chased you out of the house, that's already a bargain for you."     

"Let's drink!" Liang Jiahao raised his glass. Han Yuanjun and Han Cihui also raised their glasses.     

"To our miserable lives!"     

The three of them drank the wine together.     

As soon as the alcohol entered his mouth, Han Cihui felt something was wrong. The alcohol seemed stronger than before, and even his head started to feel dizzy.     

"What kind of wine is this? Why does it taste different?"     

Liang Jiahao looked down and said calmly. "It's nothing. I just poured my red wine into your glass...."     

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