Sword Devil Also Dual Cultivates?

Chapter 198: Cursed Fate Of The Village And A Child

Chapter 198: Cursed Fate Of The Village And A Child

Two Years Ago,

"God, why? Why are you punishing us?"

Under the dark clouds raining lightning bolts, a young child nearly the age of thirteen shouted while tears burst down his eyes. Around the bolts of lightning were destroying everything as they fell down. It was a small village and every house and every person was caught in this explosion.

In the middle of the village, there was a tree glowing with yellow light. The lightning bolts were constantly falling over it but the yellow light around it was reflecting the lightning bolts and those were striking the people around them.

The entire village was in a mess. The children were crying, the adults were running, the old people were praying to the gods. At this moment, the entire village was caught up by the lightning bolts, and many people were already dead.

"Hooo! It seems I am quite late." A voice suddenly rang on the boy's ear who was crying at the outskirt of the village. This voice was a little matured but still sounded like a teenager. A palm patted his head as the person behind him spoke.

"Don't worry, I got this."

When he heard those words, the boy turned back but the person behind him had already disappeared. That young man appeared next to the tree and clenched his fist.

"Bastard! If you want to defy heaven, go somewhere else."


His fist smashed the stem of the tree and it trembled alongside the ground. The leaves of that tree fell down as the yellow light slowly diminishes. The young man standing next to the tree was nearly six feet tall with a slender body and pale complexion.

His eyes were red like blood and his hair was silver. He wore a pair of blue jeans and a yellow t-shirt.

"You bastard! How dare you interfere?"


A hoarse voice rang out of the tree and one of its branches moved. It extended and struck the young man with immense force. But, the young man puts both of his hands in front of him and blocked the branch with his forearm.

Although his body got dragged a few steps backward, it only put a smile on his face. He moved his hand and caught the branch. He pulled a branch with his intense force and dashed towards the tree. A spear appeared in his hand.

"Howling Tiger Spear Art- Tiger Breaking the Cage"


The purple qi burst out of his body and condensed into a purple tiger phantom emerging out of his spear. The spear was nearly two meters long, painted in red and gold. The phantom of the purple tiger stretched its paw and sharp nails shone under the blue lightning.


Its claw tore apart the outer layer of the stem and the extended branch. The yellow light around the tree starts fading away.

"Bastard! Die"

The tree screamed as it reached hundreds of leaves from its body towards the young man.

A strong light gleamed on his eyes. He took a step back and the spear disappeared from his hand. He clenched his fist and the purple qi flowed from his dantian to his fist. The purple qi slowly transformed into the purple lightning as it flowed through his body.

When the purple lightning gathered at his fist, the young man thrusts his right arm with immense force and the purple lightning transformed into a fist.

"Tyrant King of Lightning- Brute Lightning Punch"



The fist of lightning traveled with an immense power that swept everything on its path and destroyed those leaves. It struck the tree with immense force and shook the entire tree. Slowly, the lightning entered the tree and started breaking it from the inside.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At the same time, three powerful bolts of lightning smacked the tree, bursting it into pieces. As soon as it bursts open, a yellow light became stronger and a yellow ball of spirit floated out of the tree.


"Gotcha!" The young man held dashed towards the tree and caught the yellow ball in his hand with a satisfied expression. He looked at the sky and saw the clouds of lightning were still rumbling with intense ferocity.

"This isn't good. These bolts of lightning will erase this village. I need to do something." He murmured as he puts the yellow ball inside his pocket. He closes his eyes and the strange energy burst out of him.

"Destiny Star Spirit Physique!"

As soon as he activated this physique, he stared at the sky and shouted "GO AWAY"

His words were like thunderstorms, echoing throughout the village. But, a few seconds later, the clouds scattered and the bright ray of sun fell on his eyes. He puts a smile on his face but when he puts his head down, he sees the condition of the village that makes him worse.

There were fire and destruction everywhere. Only a few people were able to move as well. Most of them were heavily injured. Seeing this, he sighed and walked near them, and started helping them. It took him two hours to cure them with a healing pill.

Unfortunately, half of the villagers were already dead because of the lightning bolts. After all, those lightning bolts were truly terrifying. After helping them, the young man sat on the edge of the small slope.

"Big Brother, thank you very much!" Suddenly, a small boy walked near him and kneeled to the ground, thanking him.

The young man turned around and smiled.

"I just did what I think was right. And, you have already thanked me before."

The small boy shook his head as he sat on his knees and innocently spoke "When God was punishing us, you were the one who helped us. For us, you are even greater than God. My father said we can never be too thankful to someone who helps the people he doesn't even know."

"Your dad was a kind man. He sacrificed himself for you, so never give your life easily. You need to get stronger if you want to make that sacrifice worth." The young man smile but there was a hidden bitterness in his eyes. Because even though he saved the boy, his dad was already dead.

"I will get stronger. I will get so strong that even God won't be able to punish me. I will be just like you. But.. I don't know how to get stronger."

Saying so, he kneeled to the ground once again and kowtow his head to the ground.

"Please teach me! I WANT TO GET STRONGER."

Hearing his request, the young man was slightly shocked. He shook his head and spoke "I know this is hard for you but I can't teach you anything. I promised someone. But, don't worry, you will definitely find someone, a person who is willing to teach you."

"After all, good people are always rewarded. Just don't lose your path! Anyway, I think I should leave now. I have the world to travel."

Saying so, the young man stood up as he stretched his arm. The small boy gritted his teeth with unwillingness but he quickly calmed himself. He raised his head and stared at the young man asking.

"Big Brother, I don't know when I will get this chance. But, if I ever get such a chance, I want to travel the world with you. Please tell me your name!"

The young man turned his head at the small boy with a strange expression. Then, he bursts into laughter and walked near the boy. He crouched down and patted his shoulder.

"My name is Charles Tyson. If you ever set foot on the journey of the cultivation, you can always find me."

Five Years Later,

"Hicc! Hicc! Hicc!"

"Why? Why does this keep happening? Why? Wasn't it enough? Wasn't the life of hundreds of people enough?"


A young boy stands in front of the village where lightning bolts were constantly falling. There was no end to it. And, in the middle of the lightning bolts, there was a middle-aged man covered with red qi. He raised his head and muttered.

"It seems I chose the wrong village. I should've chosen a village with thousands of people. Now, I don't even have people who can bear the lightning bolts. Who can I transfer the lightning bolts to?"

"Hmmm.. A boy. It seems he is the only one remaining. I hope he won't go down by a single lightning bolt."

At the same time, a bolt of lightning fell on him but the red qi around him moved and covered the bolt of lightning at an insane speed. Red qi spread to the young boy and the lightning bolt followed its path as if the red qi was a conductor for it.

'Is this the end? Big Brother Charles.... It seems I can't travel the world with you.' The young boy slowly closed his eyes as the bolt of lightning reached in front of him. But, suddenly a roar shook the ground as the giant fist of the dragon fell from the sky.

"Holy Dragon Fist!"

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