Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 63 - Mage's Embryo (2)

So this lousy, sloven person was actually the one-and-only monster among the already extolled Knight Order?

Well, that sure gave him some brownie points. Hmm, maybe he could actually teach me? However, the awkwardness in the air was gradually kind of making it hard to turn him down.

The dilemma that I was caught in between was whether I should force my escape or stay and see how it went. Just as I was wrestling with my ideas, Dante-san added.

“Nothing beats first-hand experience, no? Besides, I bet you can't imagine why Dew-san is hailed as the one and only talent in scouting magic.”

Dew-san, with his arms crossed, sighed upon hearing that and said,

“Haa. Hey, brat. I'm going to show you the basics of scouting magic. However, you don't need to pander to it if you find it uninteresting. Squash whatever Justin said just now from your mind. You should have things you want to do, right? A whimsical guy like you is best left alone to your own devices, that is the best teaching method for you. I’ll do something about the decree from my end.”

His words put me into self-reflection. I didn't expect this person to be this serious about my future. Godorfun had shown the same thing as well. I really should stop projecting the image of my boss from my previous life onto everyone.

In response, I deeply bowed my head.

“Thank you very much for your consideration. I’ll surely let you know.”.


“Why haven't you tried your hand at scouting magic all this while? It's really bizarre that you haven't, given your talent…”

“I couldn't find any interest in it whatsoever that could give a push. Yeah, no particular reason.”

I mean, I couldn't just say ‘I’m looking for something cooler’ right in front of the person said to be a master of scouting magic, right?

However, Dew-san, who seemingly reading my mind, said,

“It is how it is. We all had a longing for magic that goes boom or bam in our childhood. Well, it was a pipe dream I discarded when I enrolled in the Academy though.”

As he spoke, he dispelled the lethargic expression from his eyes, widening them, and naturally unfolded his previously crossed arms.

He didn't show it, but the air around him conveyed he was focusing right now.

“... I’m currently enhancing my sense of hearing. There's no better alternative than this to grasp the situation from a distance. Accumulate mana into your ear, project your mana to the outside, and imagine spreading it like a thin sheet while connecting it with your eardrums… The two guards have just come back from patrolling. It seems like Parch wants to have some words with you, it's going to be a pain in the ass.”

Dante-san chimed in from the sidelines.

“Sounds easie-peasie, right? But I assure you it's not— not when this courtyard is surrounded by buildings with reconnaissance prevention tools in them. Much less to hear what's happening outside. It's quite a subtle procedure to circumvent the obstacles from the top of the buildings while maintaining a connection with your mana.”

Hmm~, that was quite an impressive feat… But it looked so down to earth that I couldn't get interested in it. Maybe a deeper understanding of it would motivate me. I asked some questions in an attempt to increase my interest in scouting magic.

“Did you use the same technique to find out about the stone I had grabbed from your blind angle?”

“Hmm? Ah, yes. I heard the sound of stone scraping when you picked it up. However, it was not my hearing but another sense that let me know. More specifically, you actively circulate your mana in the surroundings and perceive it with your eyes. This will let you know other people's movements and shapes. It's something like looking at the reflection of light with your own eyes. Well, it's impossible to grasp the color and I couldn't actively spread out my mana for long."

I see. Using terms from my previous life, ears were like passive sonar while eyes were active sonar. Just as Dew-san was speaking, Justin-san, standing behind Dante-san, suddenly swung down his wooden sword stealthily.

Dew-san easily parried that swing with his wooden sword while chaining in a back kick at the same time that sent Justin-san flying.

"Well, I normally keep my hearing slightly enhanced and then increase the detection range and accuracy when an idiot like him tries to pull funny moves. It doesn't consume that much mana as well."

Narrowly avoiding getting all floored, Justin-san stood up while rubbing his kicked stomach and said,

"It hurts. Seriously, the more I see it, the more unbelievable it looks. Also, Allen-kun, only a pervert enhances their eyesight just to peep. Normally, it works like night vision of sorts. Of course, replicating that feat isn't possible for everyone either."

"Who’re you calling a pervert!"

Now that was some insight. I was honestly unaware it was also something reserved for chosen ones. Behold my mind's eyes, that which could grasp what your eyes couldn’t— sounds like stuff out of a shounen manga. Hmm, can't say it didn't tickle my delusions. It sounded interesting at least.

"That's impressive! Is there something else you can do with the mana operation?"

"Huh, what got you out of your salted fish mood? There's one more thing but it's ineffective against human opponents—"

Dew-san’s words trailed off as he slammed me with a lump of mana instilled with his bloodlust like a gust of wind. The intensity and might of his mana were enough to send my mantle fluttering.

"Well, like this, it can be used against wild animals or monsters to intimidate them. It comes in handy when driving prey into a corner."

I got on my knees in that instant. I was taking the pose only the criminals take in this world supposedly— Dogeza (orz posture), and with a loud and clear voice, appealed to Dew-san.

"I had eyes but I failed to see the venerable! Please, accept me as your disciple!"


A tremor shook my whole body to its core when I faced Dew-san's intimidation wave. It had been a while since I came to know about magic, and there had always been a nagging feeling tugging on my heart. Now that I thought about it, everything was clear. Oddly, this world didn't have the 'wind' attribute.

The missing 'wind' attribute, which was usually one of the major elements in light novels, was actually a no-attribute external magic in this world? Like, holy cow, what kind of plot convenience was this?

However, it was a fact that the mana's movement possessed physical property. My fluttering mantle earlier was proof of it. But if it was possible to cause wind by outer mana circulation, which had no relation to attribute conversion, that meant even I should be able to do this— absolutely so.

The answer was right in front of my eyes all along, but I failed to notice it. But, it was also due to the doubt I had. Why did no one in this world use it?

Just as my mind was dominated by a maelstrom of thoughts while I was kneeling, two knights entered the courtyard.

"Ah, shoot! I guess I missed the interesting part. Why is he taking that pose?"

A tall and lanky knight said— I remember him. He was that kind-faced, popular examiner during the practical exam.

"Nah, you just came at the right time, Parch-san. Still, what brought this burst of energy, eh? From your couch potato mode." Justin-san said, grinning.

I ceased my thoughts for the moment. For now, all that mattered was that I had come to know mana could cause wind. I couldn't wait to start my investigation over it.

I slowly got up from the ground, took a look around, and declared in a loud voice.

"I, under the tutelage of Master Dew, shall master the art of mana operation, and become a mage that vanquishes all foes — and obstacles — to oblivion with wind magic! That which embodies the essence of wind, and be someone in tune with it— I aspire to be the Great Sorcerer of the Wind!”

T/N - Damn, truly a lightning fast change in attitude huh. It reminds me ‘Junior had eyes but he couldn’t see Mt. Tai’ from Chinese novels, If you have read them.

E/N - I can’t believe that the ‘wind’ attribute hasn’t been discovered yet. I mean, it’s all around us after all. You’d think that would be one of the 1st things mages of old would try to manipulate. Well, whatever. 🤷‍♂️ (I guess they're hung up on attribute conversion talent, and wind magic doesn't seem powerful according to what Dew did---for now)

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