Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 71 - Reunion (1)

"Man, just thinking about how we're going meet my friend's sister is kind of putting me on edge~"

...Al's optimistic personality was of no use as usual.

There was something strange about the letter today as I opened the seal. Usually, the pages would be densely packed with characters that maybe you might even need a magnifying glass to read, however, today's letter was written in big, bold, and red characters. I feared it was even possible to smell iron from it. And written on it was—

1st Page— I’ll be waiting for you at home, alright?

2nd Page— If you ignore this letter......

3rd page—

There was no 3rd page, except a bright white expansion of a paper. The entire red letter was as good as a blank letter, barring the sticky sensation that a certain liquid starting with 'b' and ending with 'd' gave.

T-This should be the actual call-up notice… Eeek, mommy! I can't!!

I was no longer in the right mind to care about the well-being of my classmates after looking at the letter. If anything, I didn't have the courage in me to meet her face-to-face alone. But my future would be a darker red than this letter if I ignored it.

You know what, maybe these guys might actually serve as good offerings to abate some of the crimson crisis. Honestly, I didn't have any confidence that I could watch tomorrow's sunrise safely. Alright, a few broken friends were better than me resting in the darkness forever. You wanted this, right, guys? You're in!

"Ah-ha-ha, it seems like my e-e-elder sister is free today, a rare occasion! I’m going to visit our viscount estate in the capital today. In fact, I’m leaving now so whoever wants to come just follow me!"

Everyone immediately cast a suspicious expression at me as I announced it with shivering hands, though five of them — Fey, Jeu, Kate, Al, and Leo — decided to come along in the end.

Fey was wearing a high-class frilly beige outfit, seemingly the work of a designer. Meanwhile, Jeu was wearing a chick, navy one-piece dress that exuded craftsmanship, making it clear at a glance that it was no ordinary dress.

It was as if they weren't going to meet my sister but my parents. Ignorance is bliss, huh? They didn't even know the danger that lay ahead...

"You really are as laid-back as ever, huh, Al? By the way, you three. I’m surprised you managed to free up some time for today. Don't nobles like you usually already have a few months long schedule already planned?"

Contrary to the sacrifice that she was going to be, Jeu answered in a bouncy tone.

"Yes, it's not as busy now as it was earlier. Ah, but of course, I would have never missed this important event either way, even if I had a dinner meeting scheduled with His Majesty."

What is this, an excursion trip? The world really looked bright when you hadn't seen its darkness... But it was a relief to see that I wasn’t going to lose my general before the battle for any reason.

Right, I guess I should at least give them a warning to increase their chances of survival at least.

"I'm saying this now, refrain from angering my sister, she is quite scary when she gets angry. The Red Carpet incident is actually a fine example. Honestly, I don't think we can control her once she starts rampaging, even if we all join hands. Just act as usual, and don't suddenly try anything to provoke her, alright?"

When I said that, the idiot Fey chimed in.

"I see. Of course, I have no intention to be rude, but I do wish to have a contest with your sister if we have a chance."

...No good, I don't even know where to start commenting on her foolishness to willingly step into the fire.

'She's a goner,' I shook my head in dismay.

"Can you revive the dead, Jeu?"

"...I have never heard of such magic in the history of the kingdom or anywhere else. I’m sorry, I do know that the first 'Ironclad Rule' of the Emission Magic Research Club is to always seek the impossible— chase after the limitless opportunities, but… I still am not up to the standard of the club."

Hmm, so no resurrection magic, huh? But she really has an ideal outlook for someone fitting for the club. There's no need to pour water on her enthusiasm.

I nodded.

"Well, resurrection magic is the zenith of holy magic after all. It's fine, just make sure to always chase the impossible. Anyway, so this is the case, Leo. Please prepare a written agreement that responsibility will be held by no one no matter what, and also a suicide letter if you want to challenge her. She has no qualms and has never heard of 'pulling one’s punches' so you might be dead even before you know it."

I seriously tried to warn Leo, but he just raised his palm toward me, as if to say 'What a worrywart you are.'

Damn you, don't say I didn't try to warn you! Don't say you didn't hear me, alright?!

"I think I want to go home..."

Hearing Al's anxious murmuring, I immediately snaked my arm around his shoulder. I definitely needed him and his optimism to be present there. The rest of the bunch were honestly giving me landmine-like vibes.

No matter what, I couldn't let my sole solace run away.

Jeu proposed to arrange for a car, but I declined saying it was just nearby, and started walking toward our viscount estate— though “estate” was hardly an apt word for a single building that's just slightly bigger than a normal residence with a so-so courtyard. It was located in the commoner’s district.

Arriving there, I fearfully pressed on the intercom. I didn't even have to wait when my elder sister jumped out, wearing a refreshing, olive green one-piece dress adorned with small white flowers.

I had just said 'I’m home' with a spasm on my face when she burst into tears, irrespective of public eyes, seemingly stressing herself out too much.


I somehow convinced her to stop crying and suggested we first enter our home.

"— Sniff Ah! I-I didn't think you would suddenly drop by with your friends... Inside is a bit messy, so maybe you can wait for a while outside while I sort things out."

Oh, right. I completely forgot about it, but she has been living alone for the last four months. I bet it would be no better than a dump house.

Then, Fey, for once, sensibly interjected.

"I'm Feyrune Von Dragoon, a student of Royal Academy's Class 1-A and an Artificer aspirant. I had always wanted to meet you at least once after hearing about your exploits back at Aristocratic School. It's usual for an Artificer's place to be cluttered with one thing and another, and there should be things you can't move, right? If you don't mind, how about we have a barbecue in the courtyard? I expected it would be a bit hectic when so many of us are dropping by without any prior information, so I have asked my subordinates to prepare the equipment and materials just in case."

It was surprisingly a normal self-introduction. But then again, she was someone who would be leading the House of Dragoon, an upper-class nobility. She usually acts like she has a few loose screws on her head so I had almost forgotten it. I guess even the craziest of the bunch have some sense when told not to blow their cover.

That said, there was one thing she was wrong about. The inside wasn't untidy with my elder sister's research materials. She was simply a no-good person with an equally no-good lifestyle, so the mess was simply the garbage or other things lying around without a care for the world.

"Oh, that's surely a lifesaver! I'm also sorry, sister. Everyone suddenly clamored that they wanted to meet you, and I also thought it was a fine time to introduce my elder sister whom I am so proud of, so I brought them along! Let's take upon Fey's offer, Sis!"

"Ehh, proud of!? But it's just our first meeting so I’m not sure about that offer… But, the Young Lady of Dragoon, huh?..."

Slightly flustered and hesitant, my elder sister’s gaze alternated between me and Fey.

"Yes, there's no need to mind it. As I said, it's us who are imposing ourselves without informing beforehand. If anything, I really can't bear causing trouble to you."

Following Fey's words, my elder sister let out a second shriek of 'ah!' for today.

"Err… Actually. While we're at it, I also have a request… One of my school friends said she wanted to meet Allen-kun as well. I was going to contact them as soon as he's back… But he never came back to visit all this while, no matter how many letters I sent. So, can I call my friend over here?"

Elder sister requested Fey with damp eyes— an expression that would invoke anyone's desire to instinctively protect her. Fey readily nodded.

"There's no need to mind of course! If anything, you should consider it as my request as well. It’s not every day you get the chance to have a private discussion with the esteemed seniors of the Advanced Magic Tool Research Academy after all! You all are fine with it as well, right?"

Fey turned around to look for the other's opinions and they all nodded.

"Thank you! Then I’ll immediately contact her with a magic bird."

A magic bird was just a different form of pigeon carrier, albeit a monster edition one, which was raised by a specialized organization and lent for situations like this. Even ordinary citizens could use it, but its maintenance cost wasn't something they or anyone with a low income could afford… And we definitely count in this category.

My doubt was resolved by my elder sister, who shyly explained 'It has been lent to me by the school.'"

"Alright, then I’ll arrange for the barbeque."

Fey said and she suddenly clapped her hands while facing the door. What kind of sorcery was she pulling?!

E/N - Elder sister isn’t too scary so far. I’m waiting for when sh*t hits the fan and the blood starts splashing 😂

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