System: Replicating The Heavens

Chapter 217 Ch 217: Stone Of Tomorrow (1)

"Did you bring the Earth Fire Slate?" Rayan asked when he saw Cedric entering the courtyard.

Cedric nodded in response. Then he asked: "But what do we need that Earth Fire Slate for?"

Rayan smiled and replied: "There is still one year of time left before the Flame Dragon Clan will organize the big competition in which geniuses from Three Cultivation Lands will participate. We need the Earth Fire Slate to extract the Earth Fire Crystal. There is an independent space inside the Earth Fire Slate, and the Earth Fire Crystal could only be found there. We need to extract the Earth Fire Crystal now and use it to refine a Formation Plate for an entire year."

"There is a killing formation called Earth Fire Great Formation in the Forbidden Land, we need that formation plate refined by using the Earth Fire Crystal in order to break that formation. After all, none of us is a Formation Master. This is the right time."

"Now, the question is, who will enter the space inside the Earth Fire Slate?" Rayan asked Shivika and Cedric.

Rayan was very weak compared to Shivika and Cedric, he knew his own limit.

Shivika and Cedric looked at each other for a few minutes, then Shivika nodded her head, and said: "I will!"

Rayan nodded and warned: "But you need to be careful. There is danger inside, if you are not careful, you might even lose your life there!"

Shivika nodded and was ready to take action!


Inside the Maze...

Six days later, Alex was once again standing on top of the pillar. He was surprised to see damage on the surface. He knew it must be caused by the Blue Monarch when he failed to find the Devouring Fire.

How could he not be angry after losing the Devouring Fire that he refined by using half of his soul?

Other than the damaged surface on top of the pillar, there was one huge gate standing tall without any support.

Yes, there was no wall to support the gate, the gate was standing tall alone. Alex could easily take a walk around the gate. But somehow, Alex has a feeling which was telling him that this was the gate he is looking for.

There was a keyhole there which was exactly the size of the key that Alex has gotten his hands on.

Alex took a deep breath and first carefully observed the surroundings. He feared that the Blue Monarch might have left behind some trap here. Maybe, he would not be able to detect the trap, but he believed that his System would definitely be able to detect it.

Blue Monarch was someone who left behind a card for himself even when he was transforming into a stone statue because of the curse, no one could say he did not leave behind another trump card at this place.

As expected, Alex soon discovered something.

[Name: Detection Array.

Grade: Royal Rank.

Details: A person could detect the presence of anyone who stepped on the detection array. There is a small one-way teleportation circle in the array as well, which could instantly teleport and bring the key-holder of the Detection Array to the place this array is laid to.]

Alex took a deep breath when he saw this array. As he had expected, the Blue Monarch had really left behind a trump card. If Alex had not observed the surroundings carefully, he wouldn't have been able to detect this array. And if he had stepped forward even ten steps, he would have stepped in the array and this array would have alerted the Blue Monarch.

At that time, no matter where the Blue Monarch is, he would have been able to instantly come here using the one-way teleportation circle.

Talking about a one-way teleportation circle, it is a type of teleportation formation that could teleport a person to a different place. But he could not return again using that formation.

If Blue Monarch would have come here, Alex is obviously not his match, he would have been killed by Blue Monarch.

[Duplication Successful!]

[Congratulations to the Originator for replicating the Royal Rank Detection Array.]


Alex immediately chose to fuse with the replicated treasure and instantly a surge of information appeared in his mind, giving him knowledge about this detection array.

Using this newly gained knowledge of the Detection Array, Alex easily deactivated the array and then once again looked everywhere, searching for any other trap.

Not detecting another trap, Alex took a deep breath and finally arrived in front of the gate. Then he took out the key and put it in the keyhole before moving the key clockwise, opening the lock instantly.


A creaking sound echoed in the surroundings before the gate slowly opened. When the gate completely opened, Alex was surprised to find that he could not see anything past the gate. All he could see was a white space.

Alex slowly stepped past the gate. The moment he stepped past the gate, he was surprised to discover that his surroundings immediately changed. Now, he was standing on top of a cliff that seemed to have pierced through the thick layers of cloud. He could not see anything down the cliff, but on the cliff, he saw a huge python statue.

"What is going on? Why am I encountering statue after statue?"

Alex sighed and smiled bitterly. Then he looked at the python's statue and its information once again appeared in front of Alex's eyes.

Alex was surprised to see that this python was really a statue, but it was also more than just a statue. Actually, the Stone of Tomorrow was hidden inside this python's stomach.

Alex has the system's assistance that's why he was able to discover the Stone of Tomorrow so easily, otherwise, it would have taken another person who knows how much time to discover this treasure even after arriving at this place.

The statue of the python was huge, but Alex could not destroy it. According to the information that he obtained from the system, Alex has to manually enter the stomach of this python's statue, only then could he see the Stone of Tomorrow.

Now, the question was, how to enter the python's stomach.

Alex could not destroy the python's statue, because if he really did so, the Stone of Tomorrow would revert the time, turning the python's statue back to its original form. No matter how many times he would destroy the python's statue, the end result will be the same.

This python's mouth was also not open so that he could enter the python's stomach from its mouth.

Furthermore, he also didn't obtain any information even from the system on how to enter the stomach of the statue.

Alex took a deep breath and carefully started observing every inch of the huge python, hoping to discover a gap from where he could enter the python's stomach.

After half an hour of constant searching, Alex finally discovered a scale on the python's back was slightly bulging out. This scale was also slightly bigger than other scales on this python's body.

This attracted his attention and Alex tried to move the scale. But even with his full strength, he failed to even budge the scale.


Alex was annoyed and punched it hard in anger. And it was at this time that the entire statue trembled.


Again, with a creaking sound, the scale actually started shrinking and soon shrunk to the size of a nail before disappearing mysteriously. Just this scale alone was big enough to leave behind a gap from where he could easily enter the python's body.

Alex didn't waste his time, he immediately jumped into the gap that appeared after the scale shrunk.

The moment he jumped, the disappeared scale once again appeared, closing the gap completely.



Alex fell to a solid surface, making him suffer some pain. He cursed before standing up. Then he looked at his surroundings.

Surprisingly, the inside of the python was not dark. It was illuminating with silver brilliance. The inside of the python's body was like a bright cave. Alex followed the path in front of him and soon arrived at a place that astonished him once again.

It is because there was a small hut made of dry bamboo. But there were many green bamboos surrounding the hut, seemingly making an invisible barrier, trying to block any outsider from intruding.

Alex noticed this hut and discovered this invisible barrier with the help of the system.

At the same time, because of the information he received from the system, he get to know the weakness of the barrier. Then he started attacking the weakness, shattering the barrier after three minutes of constant attacks.

Finally, the hut was in front of him to enter.

There was no barrier or trap blocking his path now!

Now, between him and the Stone of Tomorrow, only the entrance of this hut was standing.

As long as he enter the hut, he could see the Stone of Tomorrow!

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